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 May 2017 Perri
What is the sky
but a canvas for clouds?
What is a city
but a canvas for crowds?
What is the meadow
so verdant and green
but a canvas for sheep
a pastoral scene?
What is the ocean
with reflections so blue,
than a canvas for sails
as they drift into view?
I think I shall paint...
 May 2017 Perri
heart beat
 May 2017 Perri
i watched as she took my pulse
and wondered who was there to take hers?
 May 2017 Perri
the rose.
 May 2017 Perri
i was a rose
with delicate crimson petals,
and pin sharp thorns
radiating extreme passion
and deeply rooted pain
to those who stumbled upon my presence
i was a rose
a physical representation
beauty, promise, lastings
despair, torment, endings
but i still yearned for love
to be watered, allowing growth
but i was drenched with tears full of angst and fragments
of those who have hurt you before
i was a rose
you didn't have much of a green thumb
and that was okay
 May 2017 Perri
Nida Mahmoed
I am sewing a dress
with the thread of strength,
And knots of ambitions,
And when it’s ready,
Then will iron it
with the remission,
I am sewing my broken soul!

By: Nida Mahmoed.
 Apr 2016 Perri
Little Bear
I had to write it
right then
nothing would stop the flow
out of my mouth
whirlpools of imagination
my vision drenched with words
running over and over the brim
it was pouring out
spilling onto the floor
puddles at my feet
find me a pen
I need a pen
write it write it out
on the back of napkins
scraps of paper
write it while the river flows
while the deluge pours
while the words still make scense
find me a pen
I need to write
I will never remember it the same way
the same way it saturates my clothes
my skin
panic and euphoria
fear and excitement
write it out
write it out
find me a pen
before it's too late
before it's gone
Despite having more reading books in my bag
than any person in their right mind should,
I have learned never to be without
a note book and a pen.
 Apr 2016 Perri
Julia Mae
 Apr 2016 Perri
Julia Mae
i turned off my phone
with no intention
of ever turning it back on
i laid in my bed, wrapped cold alone
pretended that i was dead
maybe i can trick my head
into believing this fantasy
and come sun up, sun down, my eyes closed still
into the next day and the next
night after night
how long will it take
for someone to realize
i've been dead inside of my coffin
for days and days?
 Sep 2015 Perri
Monica Lara
I remember after the first time you kissed me you said that you had been wanting to do that for a while.

I wonder if you thought the same thing when you left me.
 Sep 2015 Perri
Nathan Pival
Come Woman
If you'll let me
I'll show you the world
What it means to be happy
The things dreams are made of
Turning fantasy into reality
Fighting demons together
Burying the past
Creating something
Built to last
Setting the bar higher
And changing the standard
For others to emulate
Showing you what it means to be pampered
Come Woman
If you'll let me
I'll show you the world
What it means to be happy
Staying young forever
Something that cannot die
Your quench I quest to satisfy
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