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 Aug 2017 Nicole Eden
Let me taste the love from your lips until I can't taste the bitterness of mine. Make me feel loved and make me forget all the things I hate about myself.

Whisper your affection towards me until I can't hear the negative thoughts in my head ― just the murmurs of each other's names and the sound of our rapid heartbeats.

Let me feel your love inside me. Be slow and gentle, love. Let us both get lost in pleasure until we tremble and release each other. Then kiss me one more time and tell me how beautiful I look this way ― breathless, crying out your name.

I yearn for your touch; to have every inch of your body pressed against mine to the point I can't think of other things, but only you and the sensation you give me with every touch.

Darling, kiss away my sadness and save me from this madness.
 Aug 2017 Nicole Eden
would you?
 Aug 2017 Nicole Eden
would you believe me
if i told you
that you are the universe
in which i live in,
the air in which i breathe,
the land on which i walk?

would you shake your head
in disagreement
if i mentioned how
your smile acts as my sun,
your voice a melody
that lingers in my favourite songs,
your eyes as lambent
as the beautiful
night moon?

would you think of me
in the far future
on quiet evenings by the windowsill
as you reminisce the times
we spent together,
the memories i replay constantly
in my mind,
of days i wish will never die?

would you?

i hope you do.
i hope you do.
words at most
are sign posts
never touching
what's real
minds watching
yearning to feel
and at least
the beasts
of burden
I'm sorry
i beg your pardon
i didn't mean those words
that cut to the bone
the words said in anguish
the words that you moan
love has its own language
that communicates by touch
you speak to me
you tell me so much
the words I weave
are a cry for help
please don't leave
this is what I felt
fault lines through and through
cracks in my sentences
words no longer the glue
the endless relentlessness
of thoughts
circling like sharks
they haunt
my deepest parts
the weakest heart
pumping out words
of dread
this is what I said
you said
the words that line our bed
sleeping on novels
we are apostles
of language
tell me how you manage
all your words
how do you discard them
with such ease
no gratitude
no need
your smile
sells more
empty words
than I could ever write
I'm never right
how could I be
when words are all I see
so please
use your lips
to silence my sentences
wrap your tongue
around my words
i promise you some
you've never heard.
words words words
what are they for
I don't want words
I want something more
 Aug 2017 Nicole Eden
jay cleeve
I stare all day at a picture of you broken by me
In more ways than one it claims to be
She looks beautiful and happy now with Sc filter flowers in her hair
But here comes her quick repair
A trip to Thorpe park will heal her heart
While mine lays torn apart  
A ride so exciting she forgot she was ever sat beside him
Strange boys of dull drugged description
Will fill her life's future  ambition
These times help me write but don't right my ruin
Only create a broken heart from what she is doing
It doenst matter she took me for a fool I claim no innocence at all
Just wish I'd had one last chance to show her a future in preview past tence in advance
Before she threw away it all and wrote the unwritten rule that true love doenst say
You are not in my day or night
your no longer my shining light
I never want you to hold me tight
id rather a life without the plight
Your not even worth half a fight
I'll never forget her gorgeous ways and how she brightened and made my days
I'm sorry beautiful princess forever true
I'm sorry I couldn't be the one for you for loving you is all I do
 Aug 2017 Nicole Eden
Jasmin A
You're a bouqet of wildflowers
I'm an average red rose
We're an odd set of valentine gifts

You're a sky dive over California
I'm a picnic in the park
We're a weird combination on a date

You're a sunset on the Bahamas
I'm a hot day in Arizona
We're so far apart

You're everything I want to be and have
I'm nothing you even think about
We're something that just can't be done
You can write better, I wrote this.... see what I mean?
 Aug 2017 Nicole Eden
You can be around a person forever,
and still, you'll never know
their true character.
Seen this countless times.
 Aug 2017 Nicole Eden
Kim Lang
When is it the right time
To open the closet door
To look in on a journey paused
To risk the truth and find
Boxes taped up with angry haste
Adventures stifled within four walls

When is the right time
To sit with the papers, the moments, the times
To make the decisions
To be brave in the face of pain and find
Cherished moments stuffed haphazardly away
Flashes of beauty smothered by a storm

When is the right time
To laugh, to cry, to hate, to mourn
To acknowledge the truth
To risk the unpredictable path that leads to
A heart ready, open for healing
And a closet - with room for someone else
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