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 Oct 2020 noelle
I used to wish I had a reason to feel so sad.
Maybe a death in the family or a traumatic injury, morbid as it sounds.
A reason to feel scared, and lost, and all at once a child begging for someone else to takeover for a while.
Crying in the bath is such a cliche but when you're underwater no one can ask what's wrong and be disappointed by the answer.
I don’t have a good enough reason to be sad, I’m only 23 and have an entire life to live but I feel like this is gonna be it, and every week is another long week and every day drags like it will never end.
I feel like I should talk to someone but I’m not sad enough, or I’m not rich enough, or I’m not desperate enough.
People say life finds a way and that it will all sort itself out, but right now in this bath it’s just me and my fears so life can wait a while.
 Oct 2020 noelle
come back
 Oct 2020 noelle
come back,
that's all i request

why'd you
have to go

i hate being in love
with someone i
can't have
 Oct 2020 noelle
 Oct 2020 noelle
Perfection is a characteristic
That is force fed to us
A characteristic we must
Die trying to achieve
But why?

No human before me
Has been perfect
Why do they expect
It to start from me?
 Sep 2020 noelle
 Sep 2020 noelle
maybe it's just
the morning air
that makes your eyes look that blue
or maybe it's just the fact
that im still
in love with you
 Sep 2020 noelle
I looked up at the ceiling
and imagined the stars

as if I was lying on the ground
with the universe around me

As if the wounds
and words
never existed at all
 Sep 2020 noelle
 Sep 2020 noelle
if i shiver
it's not from the brisk wind
if i twitch
its not from withdrawals
if i flinch
it's not from an abusive step parent
if i stutter
it's not from gynophobia
if i blush
it's not cause i was standing in the sun
 Sep 2020 noelle
 Sep 2020 noelle
so what if I'm a little tired
so what if I'm a little stressed
every day I keep on pushing through
or at least I try my best

okay maybe I don't eat enough
and it's kinda bad for my health
but technically
that doesn't mean
that I need professional help

because I'm ok
it may not seem like it
but I'm ok
I'm not a little kid

I don't need you to kiss my hurt
& try to make it go away
everyone knows that doesn't work
at least… not for me anyway...
anyone else ever feel like this? Comment if you do!!!!
 Sep 2020 noelle
 Sep 2020 noelle
You always told me to hold on tight
Almost like you knew
What I would have to go through
Without you
 Sep 2020 noelle
 Sep 2020 noelle
Crack your rib cage open,
Peel back the bones.
Release the creature
Inside your chest,
Let it out to roam.

Let it create the chaos
That's hiding under your skin,
Simmering in your blood,
Filling up your lungs,
Drowning you from within.
 Sep 2020 noelle
She sat alone.
Alone and at home.
Where her screams were silent,
But her mind was violent.
Her insecurities hid deep inside.
And they indeed, ate her alive.
A tear rolled down her face
As her heart began to race.
She took her blade and tore her skin,
Where her depression lied deep within.
This went on for days,
And until she cried her very last tears.
She decided she had enough,
The world around her was much too tough.
She took a gun to her head.
Congratulations society,
She is dead.
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