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nina Jun 2022
& the beautiful boys
Love the beautiful girls with
Fragile hearts
& delicate bodys
Who dont seem to notice they're lovely
& that's why they dont love me
I'm not that kind of beautiful
My heart is as strong as wood
But wood can still break
I'm a single tree in a field of flowers
Watching all the beautiful boys
Pluck them all one by one
& dont you know that
Picking flowers makes them wither away?
What a tragedy
It seems that the only kind that visit me
Are the kind that want to rip the leaves
To leave me naked & weak
I wait for a storm to come along
& take me down
If a tree falls all alone
Does it still make a sound?
nina Apr 2020
maybe if i told myself "i am beautiful" enough,
one day, i might believe it
nina Sep 2019
i always get the same gift,
just wrapped in different paper.

i pause, i listen,
respond, honestly.
i pause, reach out,
remember, i love you.
i pause, awake early,
you rise, feast on my labor.
i pause, i pay,
open wallet, for our memories.
i pause, remember you,
a simple gift, out of love.
i pause, i pause, i pause.
i pause to give,
give all of what i have,
to love you, care for you,
to bring a smile to your face.

my pauses become longer,
my body becomes weaker,
my heart becomes depleted,
my mind becomes scattered,
& im exhausted.
so tired that my eyebags have eyebags,
my tears like a dried up lake,
my heart shriveled & empty.
i gave all of me, all i had.
every pause belonged to you.
but none belonged to me.

you look confused,
upset, hurt.
you scoff, angry,
that i have become empty.
you think i am neglecting you,
i try to pause for me.
you accuse me of selfishness,
accuse me of manipulation.
you say my pauses were calculations,
that i am only there when i need something.
but i never needed anything,
just for you to...

the gift i get, is all the same
just wrapped in different papers.
leeches, vampires, vacuums,
anything to **** my heart dry.
yet told that i should be grateful,
for receiving a gift at all.
but all my pauses are gifts,
gifts of all i have to offer.
to give a smile,
is sometimes all i have in me.
but i will give it freely anyway.
but no one pauses for me,
they just keep on walking.
taking with them,
fragments of me.
nina Aug 2019
depression doesn't hurt me,
the way you think it would.
it kisses me gently like a lover,
& holds me close, protectively.
depression doesn't hurt me,
the way you expect it to.
because it ceases to feel like pain.
it just suddenly feels like home.
nina Aug 2019
your body interests me,
but your mind excites me.
every time we speak it's as if...
i've known you for years...
& then you disappear.
& i wonder if it's all in my head,
maybe you are my lucid dream.
nina Jul 2018
the depth of my soul can only be expressed
           among the midst of burning
                                      hearts &
the maze of my thoughts can only be
         through              br  o  k e n,
                                              -d-i-p-p-e-d   hearts.
only when my mind is
                                                 bent &
                                          curled &
                                   swirled &
                                         l o s t
can my words begin to mean something.

only when my head is                  light &             hazy

& my perception compares to that of some
can my words be

but i am happy,
                                 for the most part.

& so my words fall
                                                                                      the                    pag-


& they mean nothing.
just some

of a newly
nina Jun 2018
It's my own fault
For allowing myself to feel
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