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 Apr 2014 mars
Ryder Rose
 Apr 2014 mars
Ryder Rose
I linger past my family, only glancing at me,
It’s one  thing to  look, And  another
to see, With tear  stained eyes,
Sunk in  cheeks, I float to
my  bedroom,  Too
b r o k e n to

I lock my door, Close my shades, Dark and masked
I want it all to fade, Something I’ve learned is
monsters  don’t  sleep under  your
bed, For all of the demons,
Hide  in  your

Eyes of ebony, Heart and gold, Honey dripped
smiles, All  past  and  old,  Sweet  crimson
blood used to  fill  my  veins,  crystal
clear    *****,   Now   flows    to
lessen   the   pain.   My   lips
a   pale   blue,  My   eyes
dark and stern, “Just
one more  drink,”
“Baby  let  it

They all call me  perfect, Inside  and out, The  problem with
perfect, Is that I go without, It started at pound one,
And  led  to two, Now  boney and  frail,  I still
feel  size twenty-two, Tattered gray
bow,  Tied  tightly  around  my
wrist, Hugging the wound,
From blade it has

“Drink just one more liter, Graze one more spot,”
“Lose one  more  pound,  You’re too close  to
stop,” These pills so vibrant, They begin to
taunt  me,  I  hear  more whispers, “Take
them,   there’s   only   twenty    three,”
Growing  the  courage,  I  take them
with the  last of  my  drink,   Pull
out    some   paper,   write  a
final note  in  ink. You  see
these   demons,   They
took  over  me,  I’m
sorry  I have  to
go,  But  I just
need to be

 Apr 2014 mars
Roses are red
Violets are blue

 Apr 2014 mars
Ferrin McGinness
was it not enough
that i loved you and
you loved me?
(and i was never even sure
of the latter
until you said it
right before you tried
to **** yourself
for the ninth time or so.)

you never said it
out loud,
not in specific terms,
not right to me;
my best friends told me
that is why
i should be wary
of how strongly i felt
about you.

but i'm the one
you thought you should say
your last "i love you" to,
the one to show all of your
pretty black and white
versions of pretty flowers
to. i'm dying, trying to
think of what your
night garden looks like
and where in it you wanted
your best friend to find you.
 Apr 2014 mars
Kopter Zero
 Apr 2014 mars
Kopter Zero
Smash the frikking screens,
Smash all of them !
Tear down all the wires,
Pull out all the cables !
Pulverize the mechanical minds,
The mechanical system,
The mechanical men.
Is this what you want ?
And what for ?
What's the point ?
You're bugged anyway.
 Apr 2014 mars
Kesh KS
Can You?
 Apr 2014 mars
Kesh KS
Can you ever be angry,
Pest and rebel and still,
Look back into what you fear,
But adore all the more.
Detest, and deplore a fate,
And wish it would be yours still
To love and cherish,
Like a baby in a womb.
To those wild, untamed fingers,
To those unborn smiles,
And to your endless patience
To wait for them.
I'm not sure about the end. Never really thought to end it like this. It just, you know, ended up this way... like someone was expecting (or is it my imagination?). What do you think?
 Apr 2014 mars
Darby Rose
Are you sought after, my dear?
Are you one to catch the eye of all those around you?
You're mysterious, yet vulnerable.
You are intimate, yet appropriately distant.
You're the perfect mate,
A catch worth catching.

Enthralling as you may be,
I'm left wondering...

Just when will it be my time to be the catch,
instead of the lonesome fisherman.
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