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 Dec 2016 Nicole Dawn
Asim Javid
If we  peek into our souls,
We'd find broken lovers feeding despair to opportunities.
Hidden under the mask of compassion is our selfish nature.
We think we are either trying to heal our souls or cure the souls of those we love .
 Dec 2016 Nicole Dawn
Asim Javid
"Lying in the colors of our soul are the  drops of our insanity.  
A single trapped drop carrying the ocean inside .
We are always ready to unleash the oceans.  
We just need some currrent which touches our soul , and  shakes our roots.
It can be love,  passion , adventure or any person.
As long as our souls are disturbed by these home like feeling we are ready to become storms "

 Dec 2016 Nicole Dawn
Asim Javid
Expression is important.  
There are times when you want to scream your heart out and paint the walls with what's building inside your brain. 
 The aggressive, blunt and killer feelings just reside inside and somehow you want to spill them out.
Surrounded by suffocating truths , lies and millions of mixed emotions , humans tend to collapse.
Expressing ,not only in darkest of emotions but also in the most colorful of moments , is essential.
To disencumber the heart from feelings and emotions that sink it , we express.
Way outs can be simple and they can be labyrinthine.
Screams , music,words, art and what not. Our world is surrounded by these expressions.
Every thing that touches us and relates to us, is someone's expression .
Expressions give rise to heartening forms of art and mystics of world. We are surrounded by such things , that way we are part of everyone's life. That's how we are all connected.
Is it not curious, how world so big seems so familiar when we are introduced and when we understand the hidden meanings of it?
I believe , this whole world is just
an expression of God's mind.*

 Oct 2016 Nicole Dawn
Sam Lylin
There is a place
At the back of my mind
It always looks different
But never confined

A forest in autumn
With stars in the sky
Or the last place
That I said goodbye

It's always calm
With music playing
"But it's time to wake up"
I hear someone saying
I can't do it anymore, I can't I can't...
Urgh! The breakdowns, I DONT DESERVE THIS

I am nothing
I dont exist
I mean nothing
I dont matter
I get nothing
I dont care

Please help me, what do I do
I dont know anymore
Im a mistake, a ***** up
Good for nothing

Everything I do is wrong, when I'm upset I get called angry
When I try to defend my sadness I'm just angry
I speak and it doesn't matter, why would it
Don't I matter
How I feel
It doesnt feel like it

Im not the only one
I did it too
Im wrong
Stop doing this
Stop doing that
You dont do this
You do that

MY HEAD it SpiNs
pLeASe sTOp the MaDNesS
I'm okay... I think
I got a small taste of what it's like to live with you.
Not much I know but hey, it was great while it lasted right?

Few brief days we shared as proof that love despite distance is true.
How many months have we been proving others wrong?

One day I think we'll be together indefinitely no matter what we do.
Oh how I can't wait for that day, will everything be perfect then?

*I truly believe
My own "style" if you will.
Tried something different and hoped for the best
A* is for *anything to end this suffering
B is for broken, breaking like my fragile state
C is for careful, cautious of these eggshells
D is for disaster, destruction of what we had
E is for empty, emotionless cries in the night
F is for false, fake like the lies we tell ourselves
G is for grief, grieving not over the dead but mistakes
H is for horrible, hatred the purest of black
I is for insanity, insomnia plaguing my sleep
J is for jaded, just lacking in many emotional departments
K is for knavish, kiddish behaviour I exemplify
L is for lost, losing faith, happiness and you
M is for mistakes, monster at heart and in action
N is for nonsensical, never-ending
O is for officious, obnoxious demeanour and persona
P is for pathetic, powerless to make the right moves
Q is for quitter, quick to leave and walk away
R is for resentment, relationships aren't for men like me
T is for turmoil, turbulence beneath the wings of trouble
U is for understatement, underestimating
V is for violent, vindictive almost as if by nature
W is for wishful, waiting for something new
X is for xenodochial, but never to those who matter most
Y is for youthful, yokelish and distasteful to be around
Z is for zany, pertaining to the cause of most problems
I really don't know, in all honesty is a bashful, distasteful slur
Take it with a grain of salt, I posted it because it got alot off my chest, if you take offense, are hurt, or displeased with its existence, Alt+F4 :L
Love me long
and treat me right
It won't feel wrong*
*to please you all night
Hot ** ♥
 May 2016 Nicole Dawn
Jasmin A
 May 2016 Nicole Dawn
Jasmin A
I heard you.
That night when no one was around.
The whisper that reached my ear
when I was too drunk to comprehend.

I heard you.
That night on the railroad tracks.
The train blew its horn as you let the
words leave your lips.

I heard you.
The night in the front row at the race.
The cars drove by as the phrase managed
to roll off your tongue.

I hear you.
In this hospital bed after the truck had done it's damage.
And you repeat those words in your last breaths.
The last letter muffled by the beep that went on forever.
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