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 Apr 2016 Nicole Dawn
He's slowly fading away
deeper into the dark void
He shouts my name, screaming, kicking and thrashing about,
arms outstretched towards me
I try to save him i really do
But he's falling deeper now
growing smaller and smaller by the second
His face blurs through my teary face
If he dies you will die with him, my subconscious screams at me
but it was to late,
When reality hit me.
When i came to realise that it was not he who was falling, but me.
Deeper and deeper i fall into the void, arms outstretched towards him..
although who is he?
He is no one but from my own fantasy
It was all imaginary
His face
His arms
His voice
His existence
The only thing that is real is that i'm falling deeper and deeper
I've lost my mind they told me,
I smile through my teary face, as i reach closer to death,
They were right, i did lose my mind, i listened to to mind and not my heart, so now ill pay the price;.....
With my life
Follow your heart even if your mind says differently....
 Apr 2016 Nicole Dawn
come home
just a little closer
jump my darling, i'll catch you
The closer i stand at the edge of the cliff the louder their chants become,
beckoning me to come home
mother screams at me to get away from the edge when my other mother is telling me to jump,
she said she'll catch me with all my brothers and sisters beside her cheering me on
come little sister, join us
they are everywhere, from small crystal droplets of rain to the treacherous  waves,
when i'm underwater, they whisper stories about what home is like,
one mother cries whilst the other is cheerful
i want to be happy, to be free, with all my brothers and sisters,
so i jump..
straight into the treacherous tempest
they kept their promise, mother, brother and sister,
their waves lashed out and caught me
the more we embraced the more the sea swelled and heaved,
together we chant
finally home
 Apr 2016 Nicole Dawn
One shall not look at beauty
as a gift,
for it comes with it's own
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