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1.4k · Jan 2017
Half moon
Nicholas Slater Jan 2017
I woke
to half a moon in the sky
and thought of her
lips slightly pursed
under half a moon
in the sky
skin glowing
touching mine
under half a moon
in the sky
1.2k · Mar 2017
Purple petals
Nicholas Slater Mar 2017
Purple petals dancing in the sun
my heart singing for your soul
To learn, grow, understand
everything about you
Let's be together, hand in hand
kindness at the core
Our love each new day blossoming
like purple petals dancing
in the sun ☀️☀️☀️
1.1k · May 2017
Nicholas Slater May 2017
All the things I've said to you
Each word that I've uttered
All the poems that I write to you
Each phrase carefully selected
Everything I do for you
Is from my heart of hearts
I love you truly I do
I'm sorry I'm so complicated

Forgive me for my untrust
I have learnt an important lesson
I will no longer give into fear
And see through my imagination
This filter my mind creates
Based on past relationships
Is not the reality of us my love
A moment of unawareness

I want to see you as you are
My beautiful butterfly
I know you love me so much
So please don't lose faith in us
Just give me a little time
To learn to trust once more
in your bright light shining  
I can learn to love again
1.0k · Jan 2017
Winter sparkle
Nicholas Slater Jan 2017
Inhaling the cold air
beautiful winter's night
ice on the ground
snow in the trees
I want you here
with me
share this moment
and each moment
I am reminded
of your beauty
you are with me
I see you
your sparkle
your shine
in all things
like you
910 · Mar 2017
Nicholas Slater Mar 2017
Let the wind blow of life
branches dancing with the breeze
The sun shining rays of light
truth of this moment is here
Flowing through me and out of me
there is nowhere to hide
My eyes wide open present to and witness of the miracle of now
The gift of life to wake and see beauty
not darkness of conditioning
To heal the inner demons with conscious awareness and acceptance
Humbly face the truth and make ammends let go and forgive myself and others
I see now not what I use to see what the inner demons see; filter of the past and pain
But light in every situation
teacher in all people reflection of myself in relationship
Love in every moment
It's not all dancing clouds and fairy tales, it takes hard work and dedication
To see the truth of what I am is tough at times but worth it
As I am freer now than ever before, a life of gratitude and acceptance
The mind takes over at times, yes, sometimes an hour a week a month
But eventually I let go because I know to let go is to love
Maybe not really a poem but reflection
844 · Jan 2017
I need you
Nicholas Slater Jan 2017
Water droplets
Morning dew
She opens her eyes
And gazes into mine
Sparkling light
Our skin meets
Lips kissing
Fingers tickling
I feel her touch
All over my body
I need you
822 · May 2017
A kiss
Nicholas Slater May 2017
Then we kissed, the pure ecstasy of that moment
Nothing else mattered the instant your lips met mine.
Our energy as one, embraced skin on skin,
life all around me standing still.
The beauty of two lovers love, together at last, united paths crossing again
Feeling the others heartbeat
dancing in this playground of life
Side by side we stand, love so strong
bright light shining even through the darkest storm
812 · Jan 2017
Dawn awakening
Nicholas Slater Jan 2017
If I were next to you
this dawn awakening
I would kiss you
hold you
cuddle you
gently lay my hand on your tummy
your beautiful body held tight
and whisper gently
that I love you
with all my heart
792 · Mar 2017
Women's day
Nicholas Slater Mar 2017
My beautiful flower
opening eyes sparkling
Petals blossoming
facing the sun this morning
Light of love in your heart
strength at the core
sensitive and wise you are
my love let go of your worries
Feel this moment
be proud of the woman you are
704 · May 2017
Nicholas Slater May 2017
Let the beauty of life unfold,
the colours fill my soul
I choose to let go,
my heart is in control.
Love with every breathe I take,
sure mistakes I'm going to make.
With every step a lesson,
to be more and more present.
Present to this light within
bright shining under my skin.
Each new day a choice
to let love be my voice
Nicholas Slater Mar 2017
Let the love of this life flow through you
feel this moment, this beautiful moment
unfold before your eyes
The moment I let go of what I think I am,
I am this moment, this beautiful moment
The moment I realise I am not present,  I am this moment this beautiful moment
No should, no buts, no becoming, just this moment this beautiful moment
Breathe, let go, this beautiful moment is here
All encompassing, everlasting beautiful moment I am this moment, I am love ❤️

Deja que el amor de esta vida fluya a través de ti
Siente este momento, este hermoso momento
despliegue ante sus ojos
En el momento en que dejo intentar ser lo que creo que soy,
Soy este momento, este hermoso momento
En el momento en que me doy cuenta de que no estoy presente a mí mismo, soy este momento este hermoso momento
Respira, deja todo como está, este hermoso momento está aquí
Este momento igual no es perfecto, pero es eterno, bello momento que estoy en este momento, soy amor ❤️
556 · Feb 2017
Morning thought
Nicholas Slater Feb 2017
The flower that blossoms in you
blossoms in me too
The moon that shines in you
shines in me too
Look up at the stars bright
that's where I'll be waiting
for you my love
541 · Jan 2017
Waking next to her at dawn
Nicholas Slater Jan 2017
Delicate petals opening to sunlight
at dawn your eyes meet mine
brown (sometimes green)sparkle shining
Love flourishing in your gaze
I never want to look away
Profound sensual ****** energy
with every touch every kiss
Fingertips on fire caressing skin
glowing white lightning  
I miss you with all my heart and soul
534 · Mar 2017
Simply be
Nicholas Slater Mar 2017
A flower teaches me
To simply be
Roots firmly grounded
But moving with the breeze
Always reaching for the light
Love and energy from the sun
Let go and breathe
The pure simpleness of this moment
462 · Jan 2017
Nicholas Slater Jan 2017
Moonlit skies at dawn
Stars slowly fading
Orange sun climbing
Birds beautiful song
My baby awakening
Body sturring Eyes opening
Her sparkle shining
Soft skin glistening
Lips softly moaning
Gentle kiss touching
Hands delicately moving
Fingers soothing touch
Passionate love making
With her at dawn
403 · Mar 2017
Nicholas Slater Mar 2017
21 days until I touch your lips with mine
21 days until I feel your skin beside
21 days to stare into your beautiful eyes
21 days that sparkling smile
21 days wake by your side
21 days come inside
21 days your soul meets mine
21 days as one you and I
21 days too long
392 · Jan 2017
Souls collide
Nicholas Slater Jan 2017
Touch of your skin on mine
bodies intertwined
Laying next to you
waking side by side
A living Heaven
those magical brown eyes
A gentle kiss
from your velvet soft lips
Beautiful black hair
as dark as midnight sky
Baby I adore you
I love you
I miss you
381 · May 2017
Whisper of love
Nicholas Slater May 2017
Sunrise dawn breaks
Whisper of love
In the suns rays
I inhale this brand new day
Full of possibilities
To stay awake
To learn
354 · Apr 2017
Silly rhymes
Nicholas Slater Apr 2017
Darkness sets in I feel so alone
Sometimes it's not enough to have you just on the phone
So I get a bit crazy and feel awfully needy
You know when I'm like this as I get a bit shirty
But then I see it and take responsibility
As I begin to feel a awfully *****
My love you are everything to me my breathe of fresh air
Dont you think we make such an amazing pair?
I love you with my heart and soul
My fire for you burns hotter than coal
Orange bright light with love and passion
You have made such a huge impression
I miss you so much my darling butterfly
Oh I think you are totally divine
Your skin so soft as a baby's ***
Your *** shaped like a perfect plum
Hips sublime legs to die for
Your lips touching me to the core
So I'm writing you this so you can understand
Everything I do now is towards our plan
I love you more and more each day
I'm coming very soon hopefully to stay
Everything I see I see you everywhere
Angelina I miss you I really do care x
351 · Mar 2017
My butterfly
Nicholas Slater Mar 2017
Wind blowing raindrops falling
from an infinite sky
The beauty of this life
all around us to those who choose to see
To experience this moment
here now my love is beautiful
My mind continually wanders back to you
back to your touch you tastes
Magical moments shared together embraced
your skin wrapped around mine
As though it was my own I hold you closer
Closer than close, deeper than deep
I miss you my love my beautiful butterfly
fly this way x
338 · May 2017
Nicholas Slater May 2017
blooming into being,
basking in the light of our inner awareness,
we grow each new day
ever present to love
333 · Feb 2017
Path to you
Nicholas Slater Feb 2017
I follow the path through the sunlit trees to you
this moment shining,
cool breeze tickling skin,
birds singing I love you
dew grass glistening in the light
breath in I feel energy
nature's beauty all around me
as I think of kissing you, holding you
making love to you
your body meeting mine
skin on skin
like the first time
I opened my eyes
327 · Feb 2017
As one
Nicholas Slater Feb 2017
touching souls
Soft caressing
Delicate embrace
As one
327 · May 2017
Nicholas Slater May 2017
Cosmic light shining
The sun at dawn
Another day begins
Pure energy is thought
Where to place my attention
So my love does grow
Let go of this feeling
Fear won't be my core
Breathe in this moment
Let the beauty arise
letting go of this mind
I wake up to the light
Be here be now be present
Or be crushed by control
No past no future
Only awareness I know
this infinite now
is where love resides
And so I decide
To see beyond my mind
And live a free life
324 · May 2017
Bird song
Nicholas Slater May 2017
The deep solitude in silence
broken with a bird song
Coming in from emptiness
and out of the silence
The moment before that
nothing but me and the silence
But the bird song brought me to
this moment of silence
Sitting thinking of nothing
but you in silence.
320 · May 2017
Nicholas Slater May 2017
There is something else I've realised
Realised recently
That when I get obsessed
Is all about me
I don't put myself in your shoes
Not thinking of your needs

So I'm taking a wee step back
And keeping track
Of my mental state of being
Noticing when my selfish trates
Surface and scream at me
Letting go and letting love
Enter into my being
Knowing that you love me
Is perfectly enough for me
309 · Mar 2017
You and I
Nicholas Slater Mar 2017
You and I
Dancing kissing laughing
Energy's matching
Skin softly connecting
Souls unite
Melody of love
Song of life
You and I
276 · May 2017
2nd of May
Nicholas Slater May 2017
What else can I do
than think of you
Your lips so soft against mine
each moment together so fine
touch of your skin electrifying
thought of not seeing you again petrifying
perfect shape body divine sublime
feels so long ago in time
So I get on with my day
this day the 2nd of May
Dreaming of seeing you again
unsure of how or when
Looking up at the sky so blue
living every second missing you
274 · Jan 2017
She's like
Nicholas Slater Jan 2017
Like sun shining,
warming all with its rays
we touch each other.
Water flowing,
infinite ripples,
we kiss.
Wind blowing,
trees swaying,
we hold each other.
Petals opening,
at dawn beginning,
we wake together.
274 · Feb 2017
Missing you
Nicholas Slater Feb 2017
Opening my eyes this morning
you were not there
My heart sank, tears ran down my face
my skin yearning your touch
Lips seeking yours, my fingertips numb
an empty feeling, dark cloud in my soul
Then I remember, you are with me always
love blossoming like a flower
I let go...this moment is perfect
because I love you
my beautiful butterfly
269 · Jan 2017
Wings ❤️
Nicholas Slater Jan 2017
Slowly, graceful wings
Fly skyward; as you lift me
With your eyes, with your smile
Wings, love
264 · Feb 2017
Nicholas Slater Feb 2017
She is a beacon of light
her eyes shining bright
Smile sparking dazzling
as she moves in sunlight
Moonlit sky rises
her silhouette by the sea
Beautiful black hair
playing in the breeze
Heart radiant with gratitude
her energy glowing
As she chooses love
chooses to let go and just be...
262 · Feb 2017
Love letter
Nicholas Slater Feb 2017
in absence of skin
my intention
is to delicately caress
softly touch your soul
with words
each letter softly stroking
every part of your beautiful body
feeling your presence your energy
next to me again skin on skin
love blossoming between us
in every sentence
here without you
254 · Jan 2017
Nicholas Slater Jan 2017
shimmering water trickling
glowing light beaming
soothing sounds beating
my heart soaring lifting
as I discover the river of her soul
241 · Mar 2017
Morning reflection
Nicholas Slater Mar 2017
I would like to paint the way a wild bird sings
Love the way nature loves all beings
The sweet song at dawn touching ears
The sun rising in your beautiful eyes
Soft skin touching mine another day begins without you here by my side
You are within me your energy running through me
But I miss you as I remember all those days ago, seems an eternity now
the memory of you fading slowly
Your touch your kiss your body pressed close to mine
As I lay her thinking about you a tear runs slowly down my face
Then I smile, with joy as I know you love me too
and miss me as I do you
229 · Feb 2017
Love's eyes
Nicholas Slater Feb 2017
With love in my heart
life unfolds
Through an intention of truth
opening like a flower
In glorious sunlight
we grow we learn
Humbly we begin to understand
ourselves and each other
through love's eyes
Humility, truth, love

— The End —