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 Nov 2015 Kiya
Bailey Lewis
I gave you the most
Fragile parts of me
And asked that you
Handle them with care
Because what is
Broken can't always
Be repaired.
 Nov 2015 Kiya
RH 78
Our society
 Nov 2015 Kiya
RH 78
Malnourished children
Them sunken eyes.
Impoverished families
With no supplies.
Homeless and begging.
No safety net.
Jobless youth
Riddled with debt.
Neglected elders
They deserve more
Our society, crippled with knees to the floor
 Feb 2015 Kiya
Bailey Lewis
 Feb 2015 Kiya
Bailey Lewis
I want to fall asleep
And never wake up
Because the nights
I dream of you
Are the nights
I am at peace
 Feb 2015 Kiya
Bailey Lewis
 Feb 2015 Kiya
Bailey Lewis
Even though you’re
975 miles away
I know you will be
My valentine someday
I miss her so much.
 Feb 2015 Kiya
 Feb 2015 Kiya
Blood washed away
Skin all healed
My puckered flesh
Like twisted kisses

These scars
Across my body
Like braille
For the broken hearted

Grazing my legs
As if reading the cause
For my pain

There's no need to speak
For words
Are not needed
To tell my story

 Feb 2015 Kiya
 Feb 2015 Kiya
She drew and she drew
Until she looked at all the pictures
And they all were versions of you
 Feb 2015 Kiya
Joe Cole
It's midnight in the city, a gently falling rain, just the odd car passing, the distant rumble of a train

I sit here and listen to the creatures of the night, listen because I can't see them, they stay out of sight

One sounds stands out above the rest, continually it's heard. Even in the darkest hours the singing of a bird

I know not what she looks like, is she colourful or drab? Well I don't really care that much because her songs are never sad

All night she sings while others sleep, her songs so loud and clear, bringing happiness in the darkness to all who are there to hear

Why does she sing her sweet refrain through the long hours of the night? Perhaps she sings for those of us who have to stay awake

Then come the early morning light and a mighty choir is heard, no human intervention just a choir of singing birds

It's with reluctance that I must leave this place with the coming of the light. But later I'll be back again to hear her singing through the night
Written one wet night while on security duty and yes she did sing
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