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Jun 2018 · 432
Don’t do this
ana Jun 2018
A white rose that grew to its peak
Your own thoughts stain the petals I believe is beauty.
I forgot about this website. This is a new one I wrote, it’s simple, but it reflects the toxic thoughts or depression that consumes my love sometimes. It’s hard, to see the one you love think badly about themself. Especially when all you see is how beautiful and amazing they are.
Jun 2017 · 443
ana Jun 2017
He contaminated me
I was ever so indulged in his essences
but he was like a leaf in the wind
or a dream in the night
but with gallant might
this sight for sore eyes
he stole me away and quieted my cries
a cry of distaste
a cry of doubt
but either way
he figured me out
he wasn't toxic nor brutal
this contamination...
the one the indulged me in his essences
it was light
and subtle
and quite beautiful.
i just realized i used a line from a song by cage the elephant "leaf in the wind" i knew it sounded familiar. i'll still keep the poem up because i like it. i just want you all to know i wont claim that one line as my original work. if anyone is bothered by it i can take it out.
Jun 2017 · 396
ana Jun 2017
we were tangled up in our own reality
and lost in another dimension
our love was light years away from everyone else
but only millimeters away from each other
Jun 2017 · 979
Black Hole Baby
ana Jun 2017
You're like a giant black hole
You swallowed me whole
Every inch of my being plus that ginormous amount of love that radiated off of me
like a magnet pulling me to an endless end

Do my words make sense?

You shine like the Einstein ring but you're just a mysterious hole.
A trap,
A trap that I fell for,
that I fell into?
That ****** me in.
You attracted me and then I knew there was no getting out.
There is no escaping the black hole, that is you, my dear.

The beauty that surrounds you masks the real danger that you are.
Jun 2017 · 616
Forgive Me Lord
ana Jun 2017
Surely enough we're going to hell
sin after sin, we learn not to dwell
for this feeling brings us pure delight
we touch and devour each other on sight

Forgive me lord, i'm truly ashamed
we can't contain it
we do it so well, how could we refrain from it?
Jun 2017 · 583
ana Jun 2017
I blossomed
a beautiful rose
but life plucked me from my roots and I began to slowly wither away
and sulk
and droop
as my once thriving red petals turned brown and brittle,
began falling from my center.
Jun 2017 · 307
My Poetic Love
ana Jun 2017
You are the most poetic thing this universe has spit out from almost nothing, my love.
It's not you that is poetic but it's everything that makes you, you.
Jun 2017 · 546
A Dip In The Sea
ana Jun 2017
I'm in the middle of no where
surrounded by water
I'm empty, staying afloat
with every passing wave my heart grows heavy
I can see my consciousness drift from me
the waves carrying it to a lost island
my heart weighs me down until i am completely engulfed into the darkness of the sea
i see no light

I am pulled down, my arms reaching for air
but my heart grows heavier and I sink faster with my consciousness above me
my lungs fill with water
my eyes fall shut
i hit bottom
there is no light

— The End —