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14.3k · Apr 2015
Ms Levinson Apr 2015
There are many different kinds of hairs
Some are long and some are short
Some look like spider strings falling off your head
Some are thick and some are thin
Some feel as soft as a baby's ***
Nothing and nothing
Some are colorful and some are not
Some are furry, some are funny
Some are blond, some are not
Some go up and are wacky and stretched
Blond is better than black
Hairs are bears!
If you want to see hairs, take a look at your dad's hairy chest!
Some hairs look like cotton candy
These are all different kinds of crazy hair
13.8k · Apr 2015
Ms Levinson Apr 2015
Clock is sea animals
Clock is a mock
Clock is a rock
Clock get you up
Clock get you dow
11.6k · May 2015
Out the window
Ms Levinson May 2015
Out the window I saw a cat
In a bat.
Out the window I saw a man
With a can.
Out the window I saw a phone
On a cone
Out th window I saw a guy
Who lied.
Out the window I saw a dog
On a log.
8.9k · May 2015
YoU aRE uNIquE
Ms Levinson May 2015
yOu ArE uNiQuE
iN eVeRY sInGLE wAy
BeCAuSe yOu'll NevEr ChAnGe
8.1k · May 2015
Ms Levinson May 2015
In the summer school
Ends and it's really cool
There is no rules
You can do whatever you want
Wake up late and I ate
All day
Summer is fun
But not fall
5.3k · Apr 2015
Ms Levinson Apr 2015
A beautiful cover of silk and sky
I could almost die
It reminds me of the sea
And a tiny flea
It reminds me of a bee
Which fills me with glee
It reminds me of the blue bonnet
Just like the glue gonnet
I think of a blue smurf
Which likes to surf
I know a blue emoji
Just like a goji
The color of magic
Which is created by hagic
It is the color of a kitty's eye
And a fly
It is the color of the cowboys sign
But not the color line
I like blue
4.3k · Apr 2015
Ms Levinson Apr 2015
Pink blink
Red fread
Purple neple
Green mean
Blue ful
Yellow trellow
3.8k · Apr 2015
Ms Levinson Apr 2015
Blue whales
Killer whales
Beluga whales
The biggest mammals on earth
***** whale
Pilot whale
Bowhead whales
My favorite clouds of water
2.9k · May 2015
Ms Levinson May 2015
school is very hard
like a rock REALLY HARD
sometimes  is a mock
oneday i wish
iwill cry
and somethings fly
i always wast time
and i say hi
i wish school will be fun
and sometime a sun
for a week
2.3k · May 2015
The Stairs
Ms Levinson May 2015
The stairs
Spiraling up
To the top
Not daring to stop

Out of breath
Not near
Halfway there
Pulling out my hair

Long lasting
Never ending
Spiraling stairs
No one cares
I'm up here

I will not give up
I will keep going
Giving up is a shame
It's the stairs to blame
2.2k · May 2015
Ms Levinson May 2015
Everyone come and donate
To the kids who need it most
Give beautiful things
To the kids of this world

You can help one another
Watch and you will see
Everyone can help
That includes me

So help! Lend a hand
To the people who need it
Show them you care
The candles been lit
1.5k · May 2015
Ms Levinson May 2015
I love me
Let me be
1.5k · May 2015
Ms Levinson May 2015
My mom and my dad do not  speak English  how horrible is that RIGHT why, why, why do they speak Spanish i hate when they say things in Spanish like hola,que asen ,or even buenas noches,like hello i am English I HATE THIS! NO ABLAR INGLES! WHAT!
1.4k · May 2015
lawn noms
Ms Levinson May 2015
lawn nowms are they alive are they elfs do they **** .Whats the pont of lawn noms.Noms are related to elfs.
1.3k · May 2015
Ms Levinson May 2015
My dog is pink
My dog is a drink
My dog is red
My dog is called fred
My dog is blue
My dog one time flew
1.0k · Apr 2015
Ms Levinson Apr 2015
Apples on the ground
Apples in the tree
Apples in the water
Apples in the dew
What you are looking for is a
943 · May 2015
Ms Levinson May 2015
I need help!
Someone please help me figure out what I can write.
Great just great.
It feels like I'm looked inside a box
because nobody can't hear me!
I can't believe nobody is here to
open the box.
856 · May 2015
Dark Figure
Ms Levinson May 2015
The figure I see Is
Dark I can't hold on to see
Should I walk and lead
But I can't breath
My sole has a brick
But I can't be tricked
But indeed
I can believe
#Dark figure
798 · May 2015
Ms Levinson May 2015
I looooove being random
Being different and myself
No ones like me
And that makes me happy

Crazy is awesome
Normal is lame
Extrodanary is fantastic
So good too
776 · May 2015
Ms Levinson May 2015
Gold like the sun
Diamond a strong bond
Iron julery for your wife
Aimithsts for pain
Ruby to show a hart
Embolden for money
Lapiz when your in water
773 · Apr 2015
Ms Levinson Apr 2015
Everyone is
Everyone is
But not always
But always
737 · May 2015
Ms Levinson May 2015
Trying not to give up
Trying to succeed
Apperently winning
Isn't everything
665 · May 2015
Ms Levinson May 2015
Some dog are diffrent like weeniesdogs there like hot dogs.Another dog is pitbulls.Pitbulls are smotimes nice and cute as babys so got get one.
588 · May 2015
Ms Levinson May 2015
You must learn in life
That friendships do break up
You never know
Someone you are close with
Will also be someone you will never see again
So be prepared when the time comes
Never think it won't
Because I garrentee
It will come
580 · Apr 2015
The bad day
Ms Levinson Apr 2015
I hate the bad day because it gives me bad luck I hate bad luck I love good luck and this is my story when I was in place and a kid was playing around and a guy came and he had the job the kid stop and the guy said "hay stop running around" he said the kid blam on me I said"stop lieing kid" I said the guy got mad at me and that's my story I hop you like it gooood bye.
563 · May 2015
Invisible friend
Ms Levinson May 2015
Oh invisible friend on the bench over there to me you are normal but other people think I'm crazy well I say you are good and sometimes naughty you are still my friend either though you drive me crazy sometimes oh invisible friend where are. You oh your right there oh invisible friend I apologize in advance for I will probably forget you in the future goodbye old friend goodbye.
543 · Apr 2015
Wait Wait
Ms Levinson Apr 2015
First of all I don't know what to write .Should I wright well Wait Wait sounds interesting.So maybe I could write  about  something  great I did in one day.Wait wait should you have underwear in your hand.Lol just keep going in wait wait,wait do I know what I'm saying pop lol wait wait I'm out wait wait the ending yolo
#Wait Wait
497 · May 2015
Mr.rex and ms.roots
Ms Levinson May 2015
Mr.rex liked
Ms.roots got jealous and mistook them

Loved mr.rex and was upsesd with him
She even wrote a biography about him
But mr.rex liked everybody but as a friend
Mr.rex told both girls that he liked everyone
Ms.root told mr.rex everything
The next day they got married and lived happily ever after
497 · May 2015
My friend
Ms Levinson May 2015
My friend is a monster
My friend is a 5 grader
My friend is a 4 grader
My friend is a yellow monster
488 · May 2015
The moon trip
Ms Levinson May 2015
One little girl
To go to
The moon
And become
An astronaut
She then said
I'm going to live the
House and live with no rules
Or parents she made a
Space ship out of cardboard then she asked her mom
To make her a Halloween costume
She used a glass bowl and put it on her head then she said
I'm ready her mom said I'm not going to miss you
484 · May 2015
Ms Levinson May 2015
The Rabbit poops jelly beans out of his eyes
The **** was explosive and **** was covering the whole world
474 · May 2015
Your Mother Should Know
Ms Levinson May 2015
Your mother should know
You need

A color brown
A crown
A barn
A horse to keep the cows
A shoe
That goes with poo
A mountain with enough
A clown
Inside a barn

Ok that's all I won't ask you anything else.
Wait mom can I get these shoes there half off HEY MOM!!!!
452 · Apr 2015
best day
Ms Levinson Apr 2015
my best day I had
was when I  got  my  ipad
I was so happy
I let my pappy
try it out
he is like computer
that why
it was the best day ever
447 · May 2015
Floating Man
Ms Levinson May 2015
The floating man
soars through the sky
watching huge buildings
and small people buy

Some say he's one
with the bats of the night
others say it's because
he really likes heights

But I say the real reason
floating man fly's
is because of the happiness
of the sky!
432 · May 2015
Ms Levinson May 2015
Lost in the supermarket
Nothing to write
Watching old men
and their wives walk by

Everyone watches
Everyone stares
At the girl with nothing to write
Alone at the supermarket

That girl is me
And she's really lonely
Could use a friend
Alone at the supermarket
427 · May 2015
I hear thumping
Ms Levinson May 2015
I can hear it thumping Beneth my feet i coldent stand it i gust Need to weg the lie more I couldn't stand the thumping in my feet I was sickened by the thumping I had to confess I killed a man
418 · Apr 2015
Ms Levinson Apr 2015
Let me tell you one reason to be cool you want to be cool
Stay in school yeah you know what I'm talking about
Cool cool cool you know what I'm talking about peace!!
416 · Apr 2015
Crazy omg
Ms Levinson Apr 2015
The crazy thing that happen is when someone farted and it was like a nuke.      A crazy thing happened when my snake was afraid of a mouse and my dog ate it.
400 · May 2015
Ideas in the air
Ms Levinson May 2015
Ideas ideas are in the just catch one and through it back in the are ideas ideas are in the air I caught an idea in the air mr.fair oh yes oh yes I see an idea in the air whys my idea in the are sir lare well because there's ideas in the airmj
My Idea of the poem came from something else I wrote
397 · May 2015
Love to
Ms Levinson May 2015
I will love to go to the park and sing with you but im to sick to hang out with you.I love to sacare you and freak you out but you aré to little.I will like to kik you but....
395 · May 2015
The dark figure in my room
Ms Levinson May 2015
My mom said time to go to bed so I did when I got I bed I someone just sanding in the door way it was to creepy so I covered myself but when I check he was right in front in me but when I kicked him the face he said ouch!aAnd it was my bother
390 · Apr 2015
Ms Levinson Apr 2015
Monster are bad
So terribly evil
They a cloud of darkness

Monsters are good
So sweet and nice
They bring choclate goods

No matter what they look like
No matter what they wear
They might look nice but mean
They might look evil but good
383 · May 2015
Ms Levinson May 2015
woke up
and I
saw no one
in my  room  it
was my birthday
but no one was in the house
saw the calender
it was April fool
and then my whole family went " APRILFOOL " and jump out from ther hiding spot I was scared.
spot in felt scared.
360 · May 2015
Yellow Monster
Ms Levinson May 2015
He hides under my bed
Waits for me to get up
He dresses into my clothes
The monster try's to scare me
He try's to eat me but I am still his friend
353 · May 2015
Girl Of The Sun
Ms Levinson May 2015
Girl of the sun
is afraid of the moon
follows the sun
to where sky's are blue

Her eyes gleam with wonder
jumping over the waves
try to outrun her
it'd be a game

Golden hair to her knees
flickering in the sky
voice warm and nice
breath smells like pie
351 · May 2015
Ms Levinson May 2015
Fire has tires
Wings have chiken wings
Scales with whales
Tales and mail
Horns are thorns
337 · May 2015
brandeis university
Ms Levinson May 2015
brandeis is awesome
even though
am not in it
when i grow up am
going to be in it
my teacher
is awesome
she help me with everything
she is my bff
335 · Apr 2015
Ms Levinson Apr 2015
All the different  colleges
All around the world
Around every corner
Around every turn
Go to the college of your choice
Learn anything you want
Anytime you want
315 · May 2015
grandma died
300 · May 2015
Ms Levinson May 2015
I am fun
You are fun
Everyone is fun
Sometimes you aren't
But most of the times you are
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