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 Jul 2018 mickey finn
you wear your depression
as a mask of undeniable normality-
don't say you're messed up.
it carves wells beneath your eyes,
streaks your face with a natural glow,
weighs down your heart
so you don't fly away to the stars...
away from us-
don't tell me it steals your beauty.
it keeps your pen going
during those early mornings
after all the caffeine
has run out
and your mind can no longer battle
the long, black fingers of sleep
grasping for you-
don't write any more society-approved lies.
it leaves art on your skin,
whether it be permanent
or with assorted colors of paint,
that tell stories,
your stories,
without words.
no longer hide the battles you've fought-
don't let others scorn your victories.

you are a masterpiece,
you are perfection.
don't let this depression
own you,
but become more than it.
please share with whoever you think needs to hear this, stay strong my fellow poets, without you we lose not only a unique perspective, but a unique, beautiful person<3
Beyond the passion of colour
the wind is crawling over trees
clawing at loose clothing
and things
not tethered or secure.
Beyond empathic words uttered
it sings hollow
and then a full
settling its breath
to a sigh as it dies
beyond the texture it brings.
With nothing to mark
its existance except thee.
Addicted to everything you are
Going crazy without you here
Think I'm starting to go through withdrawals
I would give anything to have you near

Sometimes hear voices in my head
Well, scratch the s, only one
Your voice, repeating things you've said
Scared that I'm coming undone

Talk to my reflection and say
The things I want to say to you
I never will, I'm too afraid
You don't feel the same way I do

I spend nights crying my brain to sleep
Because I own no hand to hold
Don't know how to stop the tears
I shake even though not cold

Can't focus on anything
Your face always on my mind
Keep thinking about what I would do
If I could jump back in time amd rewind.

I yearn to feel your touch again
My heart broken and scarred
Everything hurts, morning air stings
Sobriety has never been so hard
Some substances are more powerful than drugs
 Jul 2018 mickey finn
Ashari Ty

Skies are beautiful
They have clouds
But they still cry

Why wouldn't you?

You are beautiful
You have poems
You can cry too
Because crying is honesty to your emotions, and honesty is beautiful ;)
 Jul 2018 mickey finn
Pagan Paul

What floats your boat babe,
Archimedes' Principle of Water Displacement?

© Pagan Paul (20/07/18)
6th in my series Even Poets ***** Up ...
 Jul 2018 mickey finn
Walking with you, talking
Smiling, hand in hand
I recall those days of ours
And how it all came to an end

You'd never known my heart
The million things it had for you
But soon came the day, I realised
My love was not enough for you  

A peace breakup, was a great deal
That brimmed my eyes with tears
Pierced my heart with infinite thorns
Gone are the days, and so has the years

Just mist of faded memories linger
With time and again gone in flames
Nothing of feel is left to feel
Burning down, kissing flames

Dancing on thorns, it tickles my veins
No more pain is left to endure
Eyes drained, like draught of rain
I am out of breath to ensure

Living is no regret or sly guilt
Moments come and pass by
Lifting my spirit once more
I bid you, a thousand goodbye...

Fictional write. Spilling imagination.

That place where
I find my BELOVEDz
That very place I learn
The biggest lesson of LOVE
Grappling with our emotions
Grappling with the contours
Of human consciousness

That is the place I roam
In my tatters - ***** loincloth
Seeking charity of my LOVE
Just to secure one glimpse
Of my BELOVEDz looking out for me

From the balcony grilled window
My BELOVEDz cries seeing me
Begging for her LOVE

That is the place
Where I sit down near the shrubs
To listen the loud-playing music
Booming out of the Beloved's window
Rendering LOVE's romantic BLUES

It is that place
Where I sit in the mud and
Listened the wordings of LOVE-lyrics
My BELOVEDz wants me to understand

It is where I eat the food that
BELOVEDz gives me every evening
It is where I drink
The water from a pitcher
My BELOVEDz leaves near
The last step of her staircase
Leading to her home

As I sip the soup
In the shade of a prickly bush
Nibbling at the dried bread piece
The remains from my BELOVEDz food

It was there I realize
In front of her abode where I sit
The taste and flavor of true LOVE
The hunger of AGAPE LOVE

My BELOVEDz is gracious to part
With me her silent wisdoms of LOVE

- Is my education
- Is my penance
- Is my sacrifice
- Is my awareness

Now I know
LOVE is experiencing "love"
As a Unique "NOW"

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