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 Jul 2018 mickey finn
Feeling excited
Holding my breath due to joy
I'm close to my dream
I'm starting my media course next week! Just got the call that they want me there! EEEEEEEEEE!!!! ^-^
Can't wait to start!
Lyn ***
 Jul 2018 mickey finn
my mouth has been
filled with borrowed words
my lips stained with emotions
no Soul has ever heard
inspired by a life lived
beyond all of my touch
so i leave my heart in
the hands of the
Cosmic Clutch
i trust
where tears
from laughter
fight fear of crying
lingering with love
that never was dying
i am finding myself
between loss + lying

but still i’m here trying

b e c a u s e
this is what makes us human
in contrast to all that’s above
for this is everything that is
and all that ever was
 Jul 2018 mickey finn
White and woolly
Cotton clouds
Fluently floating by
I take my time
I take a ****
Smoke rings
In the pines

In laughter free
Among the trees
Where echos begin to rhyme
Come and play
Long in the day
The Oak is in his's prime
Traveler Tim

I love the Man and the band!
it's funny the things you forget
when asked for an 'interesting fact' --

you sleep on them for days
and exhume them from the ground
because they matter! so deeply!!
there's no metaphor that does them justice!!
it's poetry because it isn't!!!

i don't know my siblings.
my parents sleep in my dead grandad's bed
and i received his cupboards:
yeah, we're pretty much begging to be haunted.
let's be positive, it'd be nice to see him again.

thanks to reinforced childhood superstition,
i still pick up pennies from the ground
(yup, even with my germ phobia).

i used to write to the tooth fairy!
she warned me about gum disease.
her name was tiffy, but it turned out to
just be mum writing with her left hand.

as an internet-addicted hermit,
little me hated going abroad
since the only friends i felt i had were online.
there's thus a list of places to someday re-visit -
rotterdam is one.

i'd like to be somebody's muse.
if my life plan fails,
i want to work in a funeral parlour:
it feels as though i'd do it justice.

watching the same film more than once
just isn't something i do -- except grease --
exceptions can be made when it's on TV.

i mean, c'mon, it's grease.
(feel free to leave some interesting tidbits of your own life in the comments. you all seem fun enough.)
you can't make metaphors out of this stuff if you bother to write about it: they're just facts that are true. so let's chuck them all into a draft and call it a list poem. or free verse. or an experiment. hey, if 'anything can be poetry', so can this!
You give me butterflies
I saddens me to say
I think it would be easier
If you would go far away

I still love when you smile
Even happy the reason isn't me
It would be better if you would be
The person I believed you could be

If we were true friends we'd talk about
Exact emotions we feel
You wouldn't have to lie to my face
I know it isn't real

If you want, ignore me
Wouldn't mind at all
It's softer to my sensitive ears
Than mumbled words exhanged down the hall

Know where you're coming from
Been in the same place too
I understand, you don't see
I am really happy for you
True love is when you want them to be happy, even if it someone else making them  smile
 Jul 2018 mickey finn
you were blue
and i am yellow
you liked the way
i brightened rooms
i thought we could
make a home run true
but no winning evolved
while our garden bloomed
for as my love for you grew
it expanded way beyond you

and it wasn't long
before you knew
exposing your true
shades of gray
when you touched me
but you looked her way
you decided olive green
just didn't look good on you

i have always preferred
green over purple
and you once told me
you felt the same
but that one night
where you both lied
you chose the latter
you took her side

and i’m not sure
if it's because
she appeared shiny red
and i was becoming
a worn out yellow
but it shouldn’t have mattered
because you plucked me first
and you and i both know
that's not what you do
to flowers when you love them
you were supposed to water me
but you showered her instead

and now i am left here
trying to heal the paper cuts
i got from the countless times
i ran in circles trying
to catch your racing heart
but it barely ever
grazed my fingertips
and each time i looked down
to see what was left
of you and me

i was struck in the face
with the sad reality
that we had never even
made it off of home base
~11/20/16~ the very first poem i ever wrote, not even realizing i could move my way out of the darkest heartache i’d ever known through my own words i never knew homed my bones. but i’ll never regret.  it’s amazing how much light shines through the cracks you left.
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