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 Mar 2015 Michaela
Isabelle Perla
I’m staring at the mirror,
seeking all my faults.
Every single one MUST BE the reason your love haults.
my eyes, like wolves, sniffing out the lines
that form my scars,
the cells in my highway-veins flow quick like racing cars.
tears as rain fall onto the bathroom tiles
while my heart is cold and weary,
I’ve walked 1000 miles.
 Mar 2015 Michaela
Isabelle Perla
I think we get attatched
and we need something to coax us off of love
We go from heartbreak to happiness
Only because without it, our hearts would give up
Our minds wouldn't think straight
Our mouths couldn't utter words
We are not living unless we are constantly fearing the loss of another.
 Mar 2015 Michaela
Isabelle Perla
It's strange how tragedy is addictive.
Like a drug, sadness
We believe it's for our benefit, that we will only grow.
And maybe we will. Some grotesquely formed lesson out of a complete catastrophe.
What doesn't **** you, can leave us badly, badly damaged.
But our hearts will be exercised, and they will bleed, but only for our "good".

That's the lesson, right?
We all love a good cry every once in a while
 Mar 2015 Michaela
Ella Byrne
I'm cautious to a fault
I've never stared down
The barrel of a gun
I've never held
A blade to my wrists
But I've thought about it.

I was never a girl of extremes
I've never drunk
Poison until I passed out
I've never let my lips
Inhale ash
But I contemplated it.

I was never careless
After a few painful infatuations
And unrequited feelings
I fell in love
And this time, he loves me too
But somehow my heart is still fractured.

I cannot help but wonder
How someone so sensible
So careful
Can still be so messed up
When they have done nothing but
Tread without fault.

The thoughts and feelings
That I do my best to ignore
Stifle me, suffocate me
Even overwhelm me, sometimes
I'm cautious to a fault
And it terrifies me.
Written in March 2015
 Mar 2015 Michaela
Amanda Miller
The moon shines a cool blue tonight
as we entwine our fingers, laying on the baseball field
beneath diamond heavens. We lie
in silence, in the moments when the Universe reveals
itself, and contemplate the distances between one celestial body to
another, the space between
us growing as I turn south
to find Orion while you seek Cassiopeia in the north.

Shooting stars cross the sky, and we wish separately on dead
stars and dead dreams, lights already grown red and extinguished
as we whisper in the dark, passing
between phases.

And in the end we're all left searching.
 Mar 2015 Michaela
Rae Harrison
And I had to walk away
I was just hoping at least he noticed I didn't run
the title is a thought for after the poem
 Mar 2015 Michaela
Maha Salman
I love autumn.
*Because it shows that dying can be beautiful.
I'm not the type of girl who chooses spring for flowers
****** and raw
but I swear
it is sweet
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