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don't joke with me
as i go up in smoke
light me on fire
to bring yourself higher
right in front of you
watch my skin peel
where all my scars healed
look at this vibrant color
my burning flesh
contrast to my icicle heart
i drip
off in bits
and you keep laughing
how funny
that you could convince me
this'd make me happy
tied me to a stake
i said i couldn't wait
you lit the match
and we both watched it catch
i'm not amused
not anymore
i see now it's abuse
as i turn to ash
and breathe my last
Sometimes it's too late to stop something.
Conversations with myself in the mirror.
 Sep 2014 Mia Diederich
I loved you
but to you, I was simply just a girl to talk to
I thought this love was true
but you didn’t follow through
I thought we were soul mates
but then you went to college and everything changed
suddenly there was doubt in my mind
about you, about us
I can’t lose you, I can’t lose you
Our first kiss
Gave me an everlasting bliss.
The night your lips met mine
Made everything feel so right.
It was if the whole world stopped
And all my worries just dropped.
The way your lips felt on mine
So gentle and so kind.
I can't forget how your lips taste
And the way your hands cupped my face.
Or how you ran your fingers through my hair
And how much you told me you care.
The feeling I get when I feel your kiss
Is a feeling I never want to miss.
Under the touch of your delightful love
the world turned into a sunny flame all-embracing its warmth.
Under the touch of your burning love
I became the other half of the universe of fulfilled desires and feelings.
Under the touch of your infinite love
I see charming reflection of you in me everyday.
Under the touch of your omnipresent love
I went through the dark night of the soul
in the presence of the guardian of love and life.
Under the touch of your life-giving love
I became richer in higher feelings
which lead me on the maps of life
to you, my sweet  companion of amorous journey.
Moon envies us the glow of the full moon of our unity and love.
 Sep 2014 Mia Diederich
Raw words
It's stuck again
This soul
This mind
One in the same
The ****** has come
To block my flow
**** you
For you've partially taken my soul
To not move on my own
To not think
She's stuck
Oh god please get out
For whatever reason it's a sad one
Inside I bleed while my outsides never make a peep
Closest to me no one will ever be
We are inside
You and I
Left behind to live on our owns
To not cause pain when the stones
Casted is our own
That pain I drive
A feeling I want to subside
But leaves me still alive
To press this face to the dirt
To breath it in till it hurts
What a wish
What a thought
You are boring
So am I
Unless we're high
Which I can no longer lie
Beside you
 Sep 2014 Mia Diederich
your ******* ******* hips
i'll never sleep
because thinking of you
keeps me licking my lips
Our moments collect in concentric rings about the nexus
Of a first embrace, adorned with Autumnal colors and scents -
We lovers blend, cupped gently below the stir of flecks and dapple.
Each leaf high up quivers in the bouquets and knows when to let go,
Fly and fall to earth.

Whispers from a rustling canopy climb down the bark encasements
Of these tall and somnolent trees, thirsty leaves that clatter and kiss,
Wink awake – brilliant – hold our gaze and suspend our hearts.
In a pirouette amidst the amity of recollection and premonition -
We shimmer in an iridescence of saffron on copper – remember this.

Moments light up, each one, for just an instant, the last of our lives;
Each conveniently the beginning of forever and forever smiles at us.
Rippling across the cycles of solstice and equinox, we radiate –
A nostalgic procession toward unmade memories, like tree rings.
We fly and fall in love.
 Sep 2014 Mia Diederich
Adam Mott
Colloquial evanescence unbuckled
Made hard to find
Coffee hot and *** high
Pulling bagels out from where they hide
Mouth full of food and lies
Chew and swallow
I am fine

Weather requires a jacket day
No guests for who I can comment
Pull the door closed from the outside
Without your sun,
I appear blind

Repeat on and on
Till 5pm
Repeat all again
I am fine
Tags to be disregarded in regards to content.
Until you think you have it all, you won't be free.
 Sep 2014 Mia Diederich
 Sep 2014 Mia Diederich
You heard my cries
You saw the good in me
You don't care that I can't see
You've lifted my spirits
You've given me hope
I know tomorrow will be better,
Just because of what you said
Not the best but it's for a friend
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