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Electrifying insides much deeper than skin
Rekindling the temple's flame that burns away perceived sin
& Shine in a new light while a new life begins

Into the pond I saw beyond
This span that exists currently
Left me then, besides dread, was the sense of urgency
Along with the notion of taking things so personally

Now's a good time for a lot more breathing
and a lot less worrying

Give me some zaps that will act as a lucid inducer
Insane synapse blasts across my tribal mind maps
Programming much faster than a supercomputer
Inside the Youniverse, past mask diffuser

Crafting within the infinite,
Based on each individual intention
Everything changes from each shift in perception

Let all the walls fall releasing the demons in the form of apprehension

You're beautiful the way you are, a floating eyedea of perfection~
Let's ride the wave, and soul-surf to glory
Splash on the canvas within each page of the story
I know you still love me
It's kind of easy to tell
When the heart loves someone
There's no way to lock it up in a jail cell
Because it will explode through with emotions
crashing down like waves in an ocean
You can try and deny
But hearts don't lie
Those it has chosen
And I've spent a good deal
Wondering if you still cared
I guess previous conversations with others
Made me question was the love really there
I guess I never knew tears tasted sour
Until the day you said goodbye
Because you were always there
To catch them falling from my eyes
And all I can think about is will it be the same
If I have a problem will I now come to you in vain
Will you catch my tears like in the past
Will you get tired of me and the love not last
Will our hands interlock if I'm frightened or scared
Or will I pretend like it was never there
The fear haunts me daily
I guess I shouldn't be concerned if your love is fading
But tell me if your love for me is changing
I deserve to know. -Lady Ju
I'm tired of repeating the same thing,
In tired of waiting,
I'm tired of not being brave enough,
I'm tired of being that typical girl who waits for a guy to come and mend her heart,
I'm tired with all that thing,
I'm tired of being ugly,
I'm tired of being "not good enough",
I'm tired of being fat,
I'm tired of seeing you passing by me without any words coming out from your soft lips,
I'm tired of waiting for miracles to happen,
I'm just tired with the same thing,
Going on and on my life,
You weren't there!

I just want you to make a move
Or should I?
I'm not brave enough,
But I want you,
I want you.

This crush thing,
Its not going to fade like that,
Its not.

I rather keep it in my heart ,
Then letting you know.

But I know!
If you love somebody,
Sacrifice for them,
Put your ego and pride aside and that's .... true love...
I accept the challenge to make the very first move,
But I don't know how?
Where to start?
What to say?
What if you hate it?
What if you hate me after that?
What if you don't want to look at me?
What if ...

Its day 13,
And I'm struggling ..
With my inner peace ,
My inner self ,
Falling so bad..
For you ..
don't tell her that I still write about her.
don't tell her that every chance I get, I steal a moment or two to think about her.
don't tell her that I miss the sound of her voice, the scent of her hair, and the way her fingers intertwined with mines.
don't tell her that I still think about the day our lips met for the first time,
and the way her eyes held my heart.
don't tell her that I miss her and the way her beauty marks sit perfectly on her cheeks.

I promised her I'd be strong.
but let me just have this one night.
just don't tell her.
Late night conversations about sweet nothings,
I feel as though he is just -something,
Something so goofy and unique,
I smile from ear to ear as he speaks,
I stay up almost the entire night and day,
It would be easier if he were to be next to me and stay,
He says we practically read each others' minds -telepathy,
I can go on and on about his sympathy,
We make funny faces all the time,
He is what I call  -a dime,
Not a dime's worth nor it's size,
It's quirkiness and shine,
And to end this poem is hard - just in a few lines,
His eyes and smile fill the room with light,
There is not one thing I regret from these,
*-These sleepless nights.
November 28, I met this girl.
She was broken. From the bullies that struck her with their words.

We got to know eachother. I got to know her favorite color, favorite food, favorite song.

Through out the the weeks we talked, I found out how truly broken she was. How words cut like knife, how she had demons inside of her.

I also realized that I was falling for her. I was falling for a broken girl. When I myself was a broken girl.

I fought with my feelings.
I couldn't be. I wouldn't be... Gay.

I found out she liked me too.

It drove me insane. Me liking a girl? Wanting to be with a girl? It was absurd. My mom would never approve.

Months later.
We're 5 months. 5 months of her being mines, and me being hers. 5 months of tears. 5 months of laughs. 5 months of love. 5 months of hate. 5 months of two broken girls trying to fix eachother.

Can we succeed or will more months pass as the little happiness we have left disappear. And our demons strengthen.

I met this girl. She changed everything.
Blah. Idk
She's different....
 May 2014 Megha Chakraborty
I cried today
Not for the first time
Tears for you
Unfeeling man
I begged for a second chance
Why was I begging?
That should have been you!
You're the one who
Can no longer love
The one who built a wall
That I've been desperately
Trying to climb
I woke up today
Feeling foolish
There is so much more
To me than tears and pain
Yet I crave the mental anguish
That you so kindly deliver
For it means
On some level
You might care
 May 2014 Megha Chakraborty
I thought I wanted to know
I really thought I wanted to know
I thought you'd prove
My worst fears wrong
Instead you made
My nightmares seem
Like child's play.
Do I look okay in this bag of skin?
Does it make my stomach look fat, or my hips too thin?
Do I burn your eyes in my porcelain dress?
Should I trade it for one that you less detest?
I shan't ask again if I look okay
I couldn't undress myself anyway
© Erin Mason 2014
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