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 Dec 2017 a mcvicar
She Writes
 Dec 2017 a mcvicar
She Writes
Your lips tell the simplest of lies
How much you love me
I’m beautiful in your eyes
How gullible can one be

I’ve forgiven before
I’ll forgive again
always coming back for more
Perhaps I live for the pain

Why can’t I just say no
Pack up my things
Finally let go
Stretch out my wings

My brain tells the simplest of lies
I need you, without you I’ll die

 Dec 2017 a mcvicar
helena alexis
i sighed and walked up to the counter
to order my food while i was finally
on my break after working for 2 hours
i told my manager what i wanted and he
handed me a number

“why’d you hand me a number?” i asked,
confused because usually we don’t do that

“i’m gonna have riley bring out your food to you” he said with a small smirk
i rolled my eyes
as if that’s going to happen
i thought and sat down at a nearby booth

as i was waiting for my food I glanced at my phone scrolling through social media

until i saw you walking towards me with my food you were smiling and laughing while i was a blushing embarrassed mess

“he really made you do it?!” i blushed as you chuckled

“here you go” you handed me my food with a huge smile on your face as i thanked you while you walked away i couldn’t believe it

i kept looking over at you and blushing
everyone knows now including my manager
so this happened at work today
You came with a smile
As a friend
Brought me happiness
Shared the joy

You asked for a space
In my tiny heart
I'm scared
But because of trust

I gave you
What you asked for
Everything was good
We're madly in love

I'm thankful
I'm grateful
I'm happy
We're happy

We planned to keep everything
Everything since the very beginning
Somehow something's happening
We're still ignoring

People just hate us
They really hate us
Hates you
Hates me

We're good at ignoring
Very good at it
We're loving our best
But nothing stays forever

You left
Because of them
You really did
Because of them

It's hurting
Total disaster
To this tiny heart

No blood
Not at all
Cause I'm dead
From the moment of your first touch
Children feel everything
They stop to touch and smell and take sense of
But when the concept of pain arrives,
people assume kids are numb

They say that I don't have large problems,
that I am ignorant to feeling
If a child burns themselves,
do they feel it?
Do they cry like you would?
Do they scream at the top of their lungs like you would?

Or would they stand there, silently,
because they are not allowed pain
Kids are innocent,
but only as long as you let them
So if I work hard, and then need a day,
your complaints are invalid,
because I listen to yours

I miss things because of pain,
because of the things I've been through
And there are some things that you can't even begin to imagine

I wish to dream a dream of assumption,
and never have painful truths
When the night is dark and chill,
and you hear a child scream,
you walk away

Because children don't feel pain,
but you feel the guilt
and it's shown like an open sign
when I look into your eyes
Somehow I know there was pain
and you left

Now I leave you
to feel like a numb child
With a mind like a sponge
and the only things keeping you alive
is love and hope

The world leaves you now,
to look up into the universe
and wonder to yourself,
"What did I do?" as it slaps you
As the blood drips down,
you think of diversions to cope,
because you are not allowed to feel pain

Because you were just born
all those years ago
And all that is keeping you together
is the back of a hand and numbness

Children feel always
I was ***** when I was little, so this is a bit about that and a bit about assumption of children and bit about child abuse. take it as you wish
November 17, 2017

Red dry patches there
Red dry patches here
Red dry patches everywhere
Irritating, itchy , and ugly
“Put some lotion and everything will be fine. It will be gone and it won’t be fugly”
They said
If only it was that easy as a book I just read
But no.
I always keep myself on the low
You see, sometimes these patches bleed
And I cry, because it hurts and wish it will heal at such greater speed
I cry because when the water cleanses my body, it sometimes burns
I wish we could take turns
So you would understand
Why I can’t simply put myself with such confidence within myself, as I seem like a lost strand
Why my insecurities are high off the roof
How I want my body to disappear, like “****”
How I’ll never have decent skin until many months from now
From time to time admiring other people’s fair skin and I say “wow”
I wish I had normal skin
So I wouldn’t have to be dry and flaky, I would’ve had some sort of win
I wish I could be able to wear clothes that reveal some of my beauty from my body
But being snapped in reality, it’ll just disturb everybody
So I shall wait
And just deal with everything as it is my fate
When is the day that one will begin to love oneself?
 Dec 2017 a mcvicar
Scarlet M
 Dec 2017 a mcvicar
Scarlet M
She was
a seed
of a flower,
in the
to grow.
 Dec 2017 a mcvicar
 Dec 2017 a mcvicar
I like the way their hair shimmers in the warm sun
I like the soft, bouncy way they walk
I like their supple lips and hands that match mine
I like how they smell of flowers, especially roses...
always roses

Sometimes they stab me, right in the back, but I let it happen
so am I allowed to be upset if I am the one who didn't stop her?
I didn't stop her because I don't like the way her hair looks...

I love the way her hair shimmers in the City's sun
I love the soft, bouncy way she walks down the school halls
I love her supple lips and hands that used to hold mine
I love how she smells of flowers, especially roses...
always roses
for her
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