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 Oct 2014 Marolle
andenrangs poet
hvad mon
du og jeg ville betro
hinanden i en af de der intime og
livsbekræftende snakke man
har med et menneske tidligt om
i det mørke efterår
hvor resten af verden drømmer
og det eneste der er
er du og jeg
og vores sårbare slør af
jeg spekulerer ofte
over det
den nat hvor jeg spankulerede hen over trægulvet langsomt
og forsigtigt som var
det beklædt med blanke
glasskår fra knuste vinglas
hen til den lukkede dør
på den anden side af trappen
hvor jeg ved du er
men jeg tøver i det
jeg skal til at banke på
som om det virker
så jeg går tilbage
hen over gulvet uden at trække
vejret for de mange skår
af glas
er kommet under huden
og følelserne
bløder fra mine fødder
til der ikke er mere
tilbage og jeg håber
du vil gå den samme tur
over gulvet til den anden
side af trappen til der
hvor jeg er og bløde følelser
fra dine fødder så vi
en nat kan føle alting
mens resten af verden
at bløde følelser en efterårsnat
 Oct 2014 Marolle
You Are
 Oct 2014 Marolle
.                  Beautiful
   ­               iDeal

            ­      fAir
 Oct 2014 Marolle
 Oct 2014 Marolle
I walk with my head down
trying not to be seen
But I can feel them staring
their eyes boring into the back of my head
as I continue down the empty street
 Oct 2014 Marolle
Abdullah Ayyash
Rain drops and cold wind
Cold wind that never stopped
Cold body to warmth in need
Dark fell, when light is red

Love is lost, to hope has begged
To head my heart to home I loved
Home ahead? What is home?
It’s a word, to brain has fed

Home to live? I just know!
It's a life, I could’ve lived
Now it’s not how I remember
Now it’s dark, now it’s wrecked

It has doors can’t be open
It had charm now it’s missed
It had soul but it’s broken
This can’t be the home I loved

October 20th, 2010
 Oct 2014 Marolle
Abdullah Ayyash
My mind is not like yours
My life goes on different road
My soul is shattered in million pieces
My heart is freezing with this cold

I need some rhythm to put my soul
The way it was, the way it ruled
I need some music to let my heart
Be warm again and be restored

Are you the rhythm I’m looking for?
Are you the soul, I want to hold?
Are you the music I need it to,
Warm my heart and make it gold?

I read some words here and there
I read some words on this board
If they have meaning, let it shows
If they do, they should be told

Abdullah Ayyash
October 22nd, 2010
 Oct 2014 Marolle
Abdullah Ayyash
Black and white
In between, I fall
I’m a scale to black
And the shade of white
I’m the color of no color
I’m the dusk, I’m the night
I’m the soul of all colors
I’m the glimpse after light
I’m the “G” in Green
I’m the “R” in Red
I’m the “A” in Aqua
I’m the “Y” in You
And you are my delight
© Copyrighted
Abdullah Ayyash
November 11th, 2010
 Oct 2014 Marolle
Abdullah Ayyash
If my love can last like a river
If my heart when I see you, shivers
If my promises can make you better
Would you accept me in your life forever?

Abdullah Ayyash
April 24th, 2014
 Oct 2014 Marolle
Abdullah Ayyash
Hopeless, is what I've become
I don’t fool myself
I don’t shed a single tear
I don’t submit with fear
I accept willingly
Tears become fuel
Fear becomes power
That’s what you’ll ever see
When I cry silently

Abdullah Ayyash
 Oct 2014 Marolle
Succumbing to the depths of my everlasting nightmares
Lost in between the border connecting life and death
Wandering aimlessly to places where I wished I belonged
Living the endless cycle - the nightmare of my *dreams
 Oct 2014 Marolle
They expected me not to expect anything from them but expecting the unexpected of me.
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