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Maddy Van Buren Jun 2016
you used to puff steam
I used to puff joints
when that was cool
we'd sit beside you,
I used to love you as much
as my useless boyfriend
now you're both gone
and I sit in your shadow
and listen to my CDs
"get out, stand back
if you don't let go -
you're gonna break me"
I'm so sorry
you're all burnt up
blue is copper
you are a frame
I can't ever tell
if that means you want
someone to build you up again
or if you just want
torn all the way down
the hell with it
I can't ever tell
Maddy Van Buren Apr 2016
no, I'm not a bad joke
this is me
I've obsessed over another girl's
and I've thought myself
when I've been
but what you don't know
is through it all
I've been the same
always the same
I'm not soft
and I'm not who you take home
but I've been happy
some people like me
and the others don't
all in all
here I am
Maddy Van Buren Apr 2016
call me when you're thinking
when you're lonely
and I'm wondering
will he ever call again?
I haven't heard from him
in so long
call me when you can't think
whatever you do
just call
because I love to let the phone
ring and ring
Maddy Van Buren Apr 2016
there wasn't anything left of us
I look around the field
my friends
what used to be
I can't sacrifice myself
for memories
that isn't brave
there is no glory
but there is hope between
us and the next
I bow my head
and raise my sword
it is time to leave this
what once was
my friends, my enemies
you sleep in peace,
Maddy Van Buren Mar 2016
if you found what I wrote
would you scream?
I am thinking of my father
now I am thinking of my father
thinking of you
maybe he'd scream about both
I don't want him to know
I'd rather he just think
I'm nice
and detached
Maddy Van Buren Mar 2016
I'm picking up the pieces
from what you left
I'm scratching at my neck
collar thick
until it bleeds
deep red
a waiting game
it's you, for you
makes me nail myself down
punching a frame around
my body
box me in here
I'm no use
in your world
Maddy Van Buren Mar 2016
it's a boys club
it's a man's world
what is mine?
what is mine
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