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Lynn Al-Abiad Feb 2016
I didn't get the chance to count the freckles that hid on your cheeks under the darkness of the night that lit your face on the run.

- LynnAA
Because we all want the things we can't have.

Lynn Al-Abiad Feb 2016
You smell something between laundry detergent and borrowed cigarettes.

- LynnAA
Lynn Al-Abiad Feb 2016
She is dressed in her pajamas
She breathes nothing but the smell of the tastiest food you will ever taste
She sips coffee three times a day
One in the morning after her breakfast
One at noon before her lunch
And one at six o'clock in the afternoon
Always with cardamom and a hint of sugar
Her hair is always *******
She wears three pairs of socks when it's cold
Her favourite companion during the day is a TV set
And at night,
When her husband and two kids are home
She already smells like food and cardamom.
She takes a hot shower
Wears a clean pajama
Puts on three new pairs of socks
And slips into her bed
While murmuring the lyrics of her favourite Spanish song

- LynnAA
To one very special woman who's fond of Spain, a land she can hardly visit anymore.

Lynn Al-Abiad Nov 2015
The light is burning your right cheek
Your lips are not smiling
Your hair is medium short
A part of your left eye is showing
And I endlessly look at you
Trying to forget how your skin felt
How your lips read a play for me
How I played with your hair till you fell asleep
And how I looked into your eyes endlessly and smiled
Because my pupil couldn't handle my perception of your beauty

This photo of you is my daily dose
Of getting over you

- LynnAA
I saw the photo. I wrote the poem. You removed the photo.

Lynn Al-Abiad Nov 2015
You are still beautiful,

Your hazel eyes are still extraterrestrial
Ultraviolet rays still penetrate them,
Whenever you look into the sun,
And they whisper to you
"Only torn eyes
Can draw people into them."
And so they do.
Ultraviolet rays tear your eyes,
Dilating your pupils,
Feeling your iris,
Creating green craters
Only visible to the people who are drawn to your metamorphosis, little butterfly.

- LynnAA
Lynn Al-Abiad Oct 2015
She smokes in front of me
Knowing that the wind is carrying my hair to the back of my face
Knowing that I despise the smell of cigarettes when it beds in my hair
Knowing that she will leave traces of her breath on my skin

Probably she doesn't know, but it soothes me to think that she does
Lynn Al-Abiad Sep 2015
She smiled
And just like Jesus
She held her arms wide open
Thinking she could be my saviour too. Once again.
But Sweetie, even if your chain still adorns your neck
And your eyelashes still touch your eyelids
And your pants still heighten to your waist
And your tattoo still crosses your forearms,
Your mouth gagged lies
Your eyes burned in the void
And your neck was haunted by the absence of your perfume.

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