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Lynn Al-Abiad Sep 2015
I can't tell people about you.

They won't understand how my pupil dilates at the sight of you
They won't understand how my happiness resides in your face
They won't understand my silence when you choose to devour books instead of my neck
They won't understand the twenty minute ride back home with your hand in mine against my chest
They won't understand the void your arsenic-like words left me in

And I cringe inside
Because, just like people, you won't understand neither.

I miss you, but *******.
Lynn Al-Abiad Aug 2015
Its was a red T-shirt
The kind of T-shirt that hangs on your arms and leaves your shoulders bare for the lustful ones
I wore it
It smelled good
Like bad memories
I smelled it again
Time froze.
Your name
Then your face.
It was the scent of your perfume that I had sprayed on my T-shirt after we had fought
Obsession grows from separation
I inhaled it
Your lips slide to the right when you smile
You brush your tall eyelashes
You wear your black backpack on your back
You steer the steering wheel with your knee
And I looked down and smiled

I will buy your perfume.
Lynn Al-Abiad Aug 2015
We were sleeping next to each other
I can't remember if we had any clothes on
It didn't matter then.
I fell asleep on your shoulder
While you were reading Ionesco out loud for me
I woke up on your voice
Reading the last page
You told me it was a good book
Then you disturbed my happiness off your shoulder
And grabbed another book
Which title I can't recall at the moment
You pulled me back on your shoulder
I took the book
I wanted to read out loud for you this time
You smiled
The idea of it made you happy
I read on and on
Stopping every once in a while to let you know of how unappealing my English accent sounds
But you smiled and said
"No, not at all.
On the contrary, I'm really enjoying this.
And so I did
Till chapter 6, page 25
Then you took the book off my hands
Put it down on the floor
Hugged me and said
"It was absolutely lovely
Let's sleep now."

Lynn Al-Abiad Aug 2015
I hope, one day, guilt will eat you alive
Until you wake up every night screaming my name

Yours no longer,
Lynn Al-Abiad May 2015
My solitude is your bait

You come back
Because I can still be glued to you
Like your cigarette did to your mouth
The only time I slept on your chest

Everything is speaking except for the heart.

Lynn Al-Abiad May 2015
Bat your tall eyelashes away from me
Your kindness is strangling me

Lynn Al-Abiad May 2015
He had shaved his beard
But his hair was still short

The sun had kissed his skin many times
And had left her mark on him

His eyebrows frowned in a way
It made me want to touch his cheek

Seeing this man
Looking so young
Wanting to be so independent
Made me smile in sadness.

Clint Mansell - The Last Man

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