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Lon Witter Apr 2018
I've loved that      smile of your's
Like   the   shining  bright  sun  
Oh, that eyes, little two stars
View full of bright lights
Echo in my mind
You in my heart
Only two of
It's my first try for acrostic poem.
Lon Witter Apr 2018
You made me think, Is that moment real
You made me smile, It is the real deal
You made me feel, Is it what being human mean
You made me love,  It is the strangest  magic ever seen
You made me dream, Is that makes me try hard to live
You made me live, It's why I don't want to leave  
You made me stay,  Is it really okay
You made me realize, It is the only way.
Lon Witter Apr 2018
When I've started thinking
there is not  meaning to live?
When I've started feeling
so tired whenever I try to live?

When I've started putting
that fake mask of happiness ill?
When I've started living
without any desire and will?

When I've stopped dreaming
about that unpredictable future ahead?
When I've stopped trying
so hard to be part of others life?

Am I going to find
a meaning to live ?
Am I going to get out
of that tiredness in my life?

Am I going to feel
the true happiness  if I try hard?
Am I going to get back
my desire to live so hard?

Will I start dreaming again
about the future lying ahead with mysterious lights?
Will I start trying again
to be a part of world with precious ones?
Lon Witter Apr 2018
Is it my heart beating so hard?
Is it an earthquake inside me?
My heart is beating so hard
I feel an earthquake inside me.

Is it my heart shouting that far?
Is it a prisoner inside me?
My heart is shouting that far
I feel a prisoner inside me.

Is it my heart falling apart?
Is it a storm inside me?
My heart is falling apart
I feel a storm inside me.
Lon Witter Mar 2018
I'm thinking about you all the time
i just can't forget that smile
brighter than the sun
that eyes deep like an ocean.
Moments we were together
will be there with me forever
I just can't forget you
the star on the darkest night sky
the pearl of my miserable life.
I just can't let you go out of my mind
because you are the only thing
that give purpose to my life.
You will be my light till the end
I will love you till my last breath.

I loved you so much but I kept  it only for me
because I've known you'll be better without me.
Lon Witter Mar 2018
Will I find you soon?
Will I be happy too?
I just want to be loved,
like I've always done too.
Lon Witter Mar 2018
I'm traveling around the world
longing for the endless night
I always was moving toward
the peaceful moment of life.

I am just wandering lone soul
Searching for place unknown
Where I should be at peace alone
Where I will end my journey soon.

Longing for the endless night
Longing for the end of my life
Waiting the peace to be found
Silent to be my last hour.
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