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 Oct 2014 Kim Johnson
 Oct 2014 Kim Johnson
These lines on my crevice create chances
Massif trials I must triumph through
Alligning to parallel stigmas creating balance
I must find the power that denotes truth

I tussled my way in thrusting bricks of trust
Between the seams of pride
Throwing away fragments that denies
Death is so near but I feel so alive

Whatever it takes I will pull through
Miracles & Luck I've always believed
Fighting every enmity that ruptures me
Denying that I'm dying is my bulletproof

I dare to dream
I dare to believe
Igniting the fire in my heart
Flames of courage within me
I will fly like a lark
Burning through the dark

So take my hand and you will see
Just how simple it is

*If you just do it
If you just believe
You always question yourself,
"Will I be rich one day?
Can I buy that one day?
Can I be like that one day?"
All this credence are laying stagnant with remorse. I just believe something can happen if you try your best and believe.
(And this is not my usual writing,
But I wrote this in less than 5 minutes. *pats shoulder. hha)
 Oct 2014 Kim Johnson
Give me a minute
To read the stars
Lamenting in their stories
Their laboured twinkling far and sparse

Give me this moment
To stumble and swoon
My branches reaching for
The faraway moon

Give me a while
To be one with the universe
Hear the colliding planets
As they spill their mournful verse

Give me some time
To plot my rightful place
Within my uncharted galaxy
And collapsing space...
 Oct 2014 Kim Johnson
My love is like the morning sun that rises
To blush the bold horizon with her glow
Her dreams are pillowed clouds in many guises
Of silken sails on heavens lazy flow

Her eyes reflect the warmth and many splendours
Of every spring and summer ever flown
Her hands are cool as autumn that surrenders
To winter's ****** lily bridal gown

Her lips are sweeter than a mermaid calling
Enticing with each promise of a kiss
Her lullaby that summons is enthralling
Beguiling me to sink in her abyss

Her movement is the lulling of the ocean
Her footstep is the echo of the sea
She drowns me in the depths of her devotion
To flounder as her humble devotee
First published 28th October 2014, 16:50 AEST.
 Oct 2014 Kim Johnson
lonely moths -
black and white
and in-betweens

by the same light

  spiraling -
- changing

moth-ers know

no need to race
- we are one.

r ~ 10/28/14
  |   £epidoptera
/ \
 Oct 2014 Kim Johnson
 Oct 2014 Kim Johnson
Her Scent
came wafting to me
drifting over the waters
floating through the air
fluttering amongst the woods
waving along the shores
of the Sea
of my Mind,
faintly perceived...
Entangling me in a Reverie,
my state of Presence,
my Existence
to a place
where She stood
her Scent
over my Senses...
becoming one with my Breath..
Absolute Bliss!

What else one can ask for?
Inspired from a musing by rhymesmith and Dajena M
 Oct 2014 Kim Johnson
Spouting nonsense about hardship nonchalantly
Reaching for the sun that never came
Dimmed light poles were the only ones glinting like stars
Laughing at how silly that was but doing it on repeat
Feeling content with living that life

Knowing all this will be gone one day
Seizing every second while it lasts
Demurring all thoughts of deleterious inputs
It will only damage what matters inside

Let laughter be brought in
Tears of joy on lame anecdotes
Let the inner child in you come out from that chest
Let all wars be resolved by-
Shrouding papers, Cutting air & Throwing stones
Catching every raindrop in that heavy downpour
Hilarity at every moment when you’re with your friends

Despite its wonders enclosed by fatuous walls
'Boxes' are the entities of our translucent merriment
Creating that canopy out of our prodigious stronghold
We feel unscathed by the demon’s vice
We’re just the same
As we are inside

We converse as we may
Not thinking yet preached ingenuity
Of benevolence & truth
We somehow knew stained past
Couldn't be bleached out easily
Because some stains couldn't be  removed

And we are all  Mavericks

We don’t know perfection
We don’t strive for attention
They called us insane
We call it intuition
We belong to one body
With infinite traits of emotion

It’s alright to be different
Pay no attention to what they say
Because we are unique

*We enact the happiness that we create.
Sometimes we just forget to just be ourselves.
Pretense is just running weary in your mind.
It's not real. Be the Reality.
Be who you really are:)
 Oct 2014 Kim Johnson
 Oct 2014 Kim Johnson
first love, a blue coyote-
- first heart, a red red moon

first day's not dawned-
love sings a song
a'top a desert dune

genesis of loneliness-
indigenous to wistfulness
- first cry of love
against the first night sky

blue coyote sings
to a red red moon.

r ~ 10/3/14
  |    blue coyote • red moon bm
/ \
 Oct 2014 Kim Johnson
Looks like you need a drink...
What'll it be, let me think...

One thing you should know, Little Miss,
I'm not a bartender... I'm just winging this...

Arc in a cocktail shaker
Filled halfway up
Throw Melz in the mix
Just a dollop

Let's see now...
Spoonful of rhymes
Make that a table
Few drops of Conor
If he's up and able

Almost ready...
A touch of Tea
Maybe a tad more
A dose of Frank
In a little pour

Just about done...
Cap it up
Shake that shaker
Pour it out
Top with Silver

In a cocktail glass
Now sprinkle with Dani
Let's not stinge
Sprinkle aplenty

There you go, Hon... Take a full swig
When you see the bottom, your pain wouldn't seem so big...
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