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 Oct 2014 Kim Johnson
He was reading
So was she
She was giggling
Full of glee
His heart stopped
When their eyes met
She knew it'll be the first
She would never forget

He tried to approach her
But to no avail
His heart pumped faster
He knew he would fail

She was eagerly waiting
Wondering why he didn't move
Is there something on her face?
Did something came loose?

He broke through enmity
Believing it could be more
He got up and accidentally-
Yelled his name out!

She laughed so loud
He thought she was like the rest
He was about to leave
When she pulled him
*"Hi, my name is …….."
(This was surprisingly based on a true story)
2 years ago to be exact:D
Wakeup, look
throw caution in the air.
Stretch, scream, dream
break free off the chair.

Roam, revolt
flash them the finger.
make mistake, navigate
go, get lost and Linger

Cry and smile.
Make love, make hate
get high, beady eyed
look back and regret.

be caged, Enraged
forget, forgive and sleep.
Jump, dive, drown
or swim, breath and Live.
 Oct 2014 Kim Johnson
I'm writing you this poem to..
Tell you how I really feel,
You see the words right now just seem to, flow much better since
Our connection's real..

See i would never wanna lose you,
Cause that would mean I'd lose my everything..
And i know i mean just as much to you too,
Cause you and I, we've gone through many things..

So I'll be your wizard if you'll be my angel
I'll be your star in the sky
I'll be the one you send your fears to
When Superman's not online
I'll be the writer if you keep me writing,
I'll be a fighter if you keep me fighting
Just be the one i fall back on,
Cause I'm looking in your eyes..
And suddenly everything i wanna be,
I've become.
Proud of the outcome of thiss little Diddie :')
 Sep 2014 Kim Johnson
"Let's dance!"* she cried, her hair swept back
Her golden trailing hair
Her arm moved swift as lightning and
She darted forth a slender hand
To force an unprovoked attack
That forced him from his chair

"What's this?" he said, his eyes were keen
His striking blue-green eyes
He watched her moves unfolding and
He countered with a steady hand
A move that she had never seen
Denying her the prize

Now back and forth, they whirled and twirled
Each pushing for a chance
Her golden hair hung loose and free
His striking eyes shone bright with glee
Their colored banners both unfurled
As each took up the dance

As he bore down upon her front
She left herself exposed
He ****** in deep into the gap
And fell into her subtle trap
Encircling him, she heard him grunt
And saw his eyes were closed

"So soon?" she grinned, her lips upturned
"A shame you couldn't wait!"
He smiled and then he held her tight
And in the flickered candlelight
He looked into her eyes that yearned
And said, *"You win! Checkmate!"
First published Monday 29th September 2014, 12:00am AEST.
A friend of old, once was so bold
as to me suggest, and i hereby quote
Women are like dogs, and our attention the bone
When the dog is still a ways, and looking for a taste
then whip the bone out, and attract her gaze

As sure as the sun will rise in the east
she will trot over, and be eager to please
Now comes the time to make her beg
Hide the bone, he said, and begin the tease

She will not budge, and give you a nudge
She will beg and plead, and whine and such
Just when it seems, that she has lost interest
whip the bone out again, and cause further unrest

This will make sure, that she stays allured
Hoping that she gets the bone after this test
Put this cycle on repeat, keep her in heat
You have my word, you have a cage and a bird

It disgusts me to know how men stoop so low
It gives me pain, to say I listened with care
But when I thought it over, cold and sober
I knew I would die alone, before I played Dog n Bone

Love is no game, and power not its aim
True love takes no prisoners, nor can it ever maim
It knows only to give, and give till there's no more
I am sorry this poem had to be like this, but I hope you appreciate the necessity to write it so.
She left herself
For dozen strange gaze
For sweet little lies
And fake plastic face.

Scars in her heart
she arrived at a path.
The shrugging street light
illuminated her a way.
It’s a bitter cold night,
She preferred to stay.

Dreams in her eyes,
She reached for paradise.
In the same old  pain,
Love threatens her, again.
 Sep 2014 Kim Johnson
Sari Sups
 Sep 2014 Kim Johnson
Sari Sups
Just like the way the rain meets the floor,
you are the one
I'm falling for.
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