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Kenna Dec 2016
I used to write
about women,
looking in the mirror, peering
out from behind the bars of these walls.

I used to see them
in the kitchen,
by the stove, seated:
docile at the table. Their chairs
were always a little
askew--drawn back--
or maybe they just weren't there.

They'd wash--no scrub--
their hands among the dishes
until their manicures bled.
Then they'd stack the porcelain
in a heap out by last night's
******* and tomorrow's

Sometimes they'd smile
to themselves; a chuckle of menial
labor. But other times they'd cry
and groan and moan out the next
generation of household
women. I used to see
them everywhere. I wonder where
they've gone.
Kenna Nov 2016
Waiting for the next song
to come on or a pin
to drop, whatever it is that comes

I can't seem to remember the words
to his face or the melody
of his hands.
But the beat
of his power is
there. That tune I recognize.
That I know and memorize and regurgitate
in rhythm--100 bpm
or something stronger.

My heart pounding
so fast I can't feel
it in my chest,
but rather my lungs, my stomach, my gut
instinct gone numb-- a spreading warmth,
not hot, but intrusive and bursting
--no it couldn't be--
with thirst. A cocktail of passion
and power. Ravenous and subsuming.

I fell in
submission--weary and weak.
The world had exhausted me and he
had reaped the rewards. A phoenix,
he rose
from my ashes.

Leaving me
to smolder, to piece
together my
Or let them scatter across
ashtrays and Hennessy.
Kenna Nov 2012
During a walk through the hallway
of the primary school
I find hallways
filled with turkeys and leafs and stiff scrawled characters.
What is Mr. Smith's class thankful for?
Flowers and toys and cars and dresses and pink and purple and soccer and skirts and barbies and family.

How could you sum up all of the things you are thankful for in one word?
At the end of the hallway I am faced with a choice:
What are you thankful for?
What­ am I thankful for?
Happiness, and family and security and nature and
I am thankful for friends.
I am thankful for laughs and chatts and cries and sobs and games and smiles.

I am thanful for ****** contortions and 80s dance sessions,
for inabilty to speak.
I am thankful for hobos, eating on the side of the road,
and for devious scheymes of intoxicatation.

Hep beni anlayan bir arkadaşım var müteşekkirim
and who listens to my sob stories.
I am thankful for singing in the rain.
And styling hair in the sink
for screeching and howling
and hissing.

I am thankful for obkirchergasses,
for Ströcks and for ice cream plarlours.
I am thankful for mentos,
and walnuts.

I am thankful for bad lip readings and hilarious youtube vidoes.
I am thankful for unknown languages and nymphs
and for eloquence.
I am thankful for good taste in music
and for strong opinions.

I am thankful for dancing indian pirates with demon chicks and fireballs.
I am thankful for two-headed teenagers and barbeques.
I am thankful for God and healthy choice prayers,
and Hawaii get aways.

I am thankful for huge, hanging sweaters and crazy, funky leggings.
I am thankful for deep talks about the world's lack of beauty
and for poetry buddies.

I am thankful for dodgeball playing mice,
and poor old wenches.
I am thankful for pirate and mermaid adventures.

I am thankful for the looks we get:
looks of loud disapproval,
and whispers of quiet exasperation.

I am thankful for golden men and loud singing,
for crazy dances with crazy cousins and cute brothers.
I am thankful for Aunt Jemima.

I am thankful for banging on metal bars with rocks and shouting at the top of our lungs.
I am thankful for climbing over gates in order to not step on cracks.
I am thankful for amazing humanities teachers.
I am thankful for a laugh when the day is over.
How those kids manage to fit all of their thankfulness into one word  is beyond me.
Even the one-word things we are thankful for, must be described with a million words.
For my dearest, lovely Isabelle <3
Kenna Aug 2012
Standing in front of the mirror
pinching, pulling, tugging
twisting, rubbing, covering

Flat, they said
Their sausage fingers pointing
Their sickly mouths snickering
The others laugh; agreeing quickly
Those ugly *******
like they're any better

Are they?
Watching all the pretty girls
and their boyfriends
and their fake smiles
and their push up bras
is that the only way now?
the only way to be liked?
to even be considered?

Baggy eyes
Puffy hair
Pimply face
Scrawny legs
Hairy arms
Who's ever gonna love that?

Someone; someone a thousand times more special than twenty of those ugly ******* combined.
Ogre Faced Mirror is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
Kenna Oct 2020
I don’t know where I’m from
but I’d like to
call you home
and run through your halls
with the innocence of new fingers
pressing preserve prints
against your skin
and staining the walls.

The way my mother
warned me
I would.

I’ll let you spill
sun across
my swollen eyes
as I sigh the sleep out
of this house that’s still
settling. I’ve never stuck around
long enough to know
how long
that takes.
But while we wait,
I think I’ll settle
in and sip your
coffee, pressed
fresh from France—another place
we don’t belong to
but the sound of it
is sweet enough
that I don’t need
to call it your sugar
to know where
it came from.

And just before the sun goes someplace
we’ve never been
and the cold air creaks in
through your bones,
we’ll open doors
and see the rooms
we built together
in this place that
we didn’t grow up
in, but learned
to call our
Kenna Jul 2012
My pens and pencils neatly arranged.
From largest to smallest.
From shortest to tallest.

My markers perfectly aligned.
Rule­ to live by.
In order of the Rainbow.
Aesthetically pleasing.

My erasers meticulously stacked.
widest to thinnest.

My pencil case empty.
The teacher approaches the board.
I grab a number two pencil from the small end.
(get the weak out of the way)
I am ready to go.
Ready for action.
Prepared for anything and everything.

James comes up to my desk, grabs it with two hands and shakes it.
My masterpiece crashes to the ground.
I was not prepared for that.
He laughs.
I cry.
                                                                                                                        Whaddya have to do that for?
On your mark... Get set... GO! is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
Kenna Jul 2012
Here we go again.
another fatal hour interlocked with another binding vow.
Guess I didn't see that one coming.

We sit facing each-other from across the worn coffee table.
The silence is brutal.
My hand on my stomach your hand on your mouth.
We are frozen.
If a painter were here, he would be most pleased.
The only movement the drowsy breaths.
The painter would stroke our expressions with most pride.
We are transparent.
I see straight through you.
You see straight through me.
I wanna keep it.
I wanna nurture it.
I wanna hold it to my chest and croon and have all the world stoop over the miniature adult and coo.
You wanna **** it.
You wanna move on.
You wanna forget this ever happened and be rid of the 'monstrosity'.

Easy for you to say, you haven't felt the small kick from the inside, pushing you to love it.
You haven't sang it songs and felt it dance.
You hardly understand, you cowardly man.
You hardly understand.

The painter would show us his masterpiece and we would be shocked.
We used to be in love.
We used to be connected at the wrist, never letting go.
You promised me nothing could bring us apart, but you were wrong.
And this time I will not forgive and forget.
I would not ever forgive my self for not letting an innocent child breathe.
I would not ever forget that sweet baby depending on me.
I would always know, I let it down.

Its over.
It had to end sometime.
The painting is painted, the deed is done.
You picked your side and I picked mine.
Goodbye my love.
Goodbye my evil, cowardly love.
I suppose I was disposable anyway.
You got what you wanted, and now you don't care.
How typical.
I should have known better than to trust your sadistic grin.
Goodbye my evil, cowardly, typical, sadistic love.
Our time together was not well spent.
I am not actually pregnant or anything, just writing that perspective out.

OOps is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
Kenna May 2012
I love the way papers flit in the wind,
The way a strong force possesses them and suddenly they live,
The way they dance the jig of simple reality.

And when they fall they are happier
Their violent foray finally finished
And for all but a second the wind mourns them and wishes them once again to take flight

But their time is over
gravity holds them down
as the wind
with a sigh
begins to lead another paper into
Another Dance
Paper Dance is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
Kenna Dec 2016
I taste your lips like the cotton candy
of a Newark sky, laced
with smog and dysentery. You lift
me up, roll me over and draw
me toward you. The gravitational pull--
'on my hair and tell me you love me'--
of your shoulders
and the intoxication of your
voice. Craning my neck
to hear--'you love me'--the grip
of your hands
on my throat.

The city is loud. Just
loud enough to gasp
through the static
of your car radio, pressing--'up against
me'--all the buttons.
Just change
the station. Where we rock
and undulate smoggy windows and
candied skies.

This last goodbye
tastes different from
my first time, clutching--
'my back and etching out lullabies'--
the shift stick. Put it in
neutral. We can just coast
from here and take it
easy--'she's so'--easy. Easy
falling into and letting fall and keeping--
'next to me forever'--from falling
over and over the bricks
of your building, shaking
the foundation, the exact
same way. You loved me

like a super dome and expanded
the words of your cityscape: a nice
addition, in need
of renovation.  The cycle of
recycled buildings and veiled skies.
The monotonous gossip
of a Newark morning drawn out
past the night.
Kenna Oct 2012
I want to write a poem
but I don't know where to start
Teacher says this sort of thing should come
from the heart

I want to write a poem
but the words don't seem to fit
Yet, I don't believe I have it in me to simply
up and quit

I want to write a poem
but everything just feels wrong
It's like when you know the tune
but not the song

I want to write a poem
but what I have is bad
This writers block has me feeling insecure
and sad

I want to write a poem
but it simply refuses to work
If I don't write one soon...
I think I'll go berserk
Pendulum by Kenna McCafferty is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
Kenna Mar 2013
Grey stone on Grey ground
Here had been a fire
Soot clung to the wet stone bricks
Ashes swirled
moving as one entity, pulsing with the breath of the wind

It gaped at me, this hole in the iced ground
A mouth condemned to a life of nothing but screams

The rough, jagged bricks bared
The thick ivy arched
The wind whisked past

I heard it
a tortured

And I understood
Penny for a Wish by Kenna is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
Kenna Jul 2013
If there were a hundred words for every feeling,
and a hundred feelings for every word
I wouldn't know
what word to write
nor which feeling to feel.
Kenna Oct 2012
"You look good together"
I know
"You would be cute together"
I see that
"I think he likes you"*
I've never even been considered

But apparently
I'm not good enough
I'm an untouchable

Too unique
Too smart
Too independent

Not enough breast
Not enough ***
Not enough popularity

I wish I could say
that it doesn't bother me

but I watch all the fakes with their perfect boyfriends
and I feel sad
and I yearn for that
and I think we wouldn't be fake
we would be real

I wish I could say
"His problem, he's missing out."
but I can't
I'm missing out too
Picture Perfect by Kenna McCafferty is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
Kenna Jan 2016
All I want is a plump upper
lip and the stain
of coffee on your breath.

I can taste that paradise and exhale
in rhythm. To the drums somewhere. They could be
pounding. In those bloated silences
when I can taste our heartbeat, offset
by smooth jazz and the bubbling snare. Overflown,
suffocating champagne smiles.

Your teeth are crooked,
but I don't mind.
They all fall

        What's the matter?
With a toothy grin
reflected off molten
puddles in the sun
of a clouded morning,
through the dreamscape
of a lover's quarrel and echoed off
the lips of a lie.  

I could be sipping
tea and watching the clouds
fall into the haven of your words.
But I might pour
myself a glass
of wine.
still thinking of a title. a major work in proggress
Kenna Jan 2017
I never heard
myself cry out
loud. It was always
silent. As if you
never heard me.
As if you weren’t
even bothered.

“Stop.” She pulled back.  
“It hurts.”She contorted
“No." She pushed and in her
head she heard a voice—soft and
sinister. Not powerful enough
to be her own.
baby girl,

It couldn’t have been
aloud. It was gentle and
intrusive and she hadn’t known
it was there. It stroked her
cerebellum, tickling
her larynx and falling
just short of a scream. She fell
just short of the bed and collected
herself among the sheets
and their refuse.

I never heard
her actions nor the motion
of her language.
She was silent always
and always screaming.
Kenna Feb 2013
To be great.
To be good.
To be average.
To be bad.
To be horrible.
To be me.
Report Card by Kenna is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
Kenna May 2015
A lithely swallow.

A dipping in--  
laying into the flesh.
Finding its
cracks, burrowing
deeper. Pushing
through that velvet sound--
the emptiness
the melancholy
the desperate cling
of the sweat.

Dangling just off
the tip of the fingers: a cliff.
Before the ragged
sealine stretches
its tendrils
Kenna Nov 2012
Be my life boat
Be my cussion.

Tell me I'm safe.
Whisper with your sweet molasses and soothe me.
Tell me you love me and you allways will.
Tell me I'm special.
Tell me I'm beautiful.

Say that you care.
Hold me close in your armour clad arms and rock me.
Say that you are lost without me .
Say that you need me.
Say that you will always be there.

Be my saftey.
Be my comfort.
Saftey by Kenna  is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
Kenna Apr 2013
I hold the gaze of an ice-chilling glacier,
Twinkling and oozing falsehood.
They glitter and sparkle,
Hiding hatred from the world.

Answer my question please,
I've paid such good attention.
Answer my question please,
I've participated exquisitely.
Answer my question please,
Or just stare me down with your cold,  gripping eyes and wait for the bell to save your soul
and condemn mine
Kenna Oct 2020
I think of you when I make eggs
scrambled, the way that you like them.
I think how you’d tease
And tap the top of the garlic powder
times. I always thought
It was too much
But you would’ve laughed
If I told you,
because of the stereotype.

So now I make my eggs
scrambled, the way that you liked them.
As if your hand were still
telling me when to stop.

I pull apart
pieces of ham,
that I never really liked
in my eggs.
And American kraft cheese,
that sticks
to my fingers
and sticks
To the bottom of the pan
When I’m scrubbing it out
In the sink. Tapping
filling the kitchen
with the memory of spice
tapped on to fingers
that are not
mine or yours
but an approximation
of ours.

And you’re eating
the eggs that I made.
The way that you like them
And I’m sitting
down next to you. Tapping
onto your back

and onto the top
of a table
that you’ve never seen,
or smelled or spilled
scrambled eggs on.

And I’m sitting alone,
eating the eggs
that I scrambled,
the way that you like them,
on the top
of a table-turning
too clean with time.
Kenna Jul 2016
There where times when we
laughed: your mouth parted
small oceans across its landscape,
etching caves into your molars,
if I'd seen them through that rocky grin.

I'd long to hear the crashing of your waves
again. Against a rocky bay.
To taste the dried-up seaweed of near morning
and low tide.
To be matted hair against
a rough wind, shallow
under fading storms.

I'll send smoke
signals and await contact-departing
lost words from frothy beaches

and still I'll cling to remember
the sinking tide,
the swelling dawn
and the indented shoreline,

like a scar across
charred lips or the smile
of a stranger.
having crazy writers block these days
Kenna Oct 2012
The petals, lovely as red violet gossamer sheets, tumble down
The plant, livley as a deep red carpet, haunts us
It whispers to me
The petal hits the ground and the world draws one, collective, wistful, silent breath
The thorns protrude like spears through a wounded man; with malice
They warn me
A sweet leaf crinkles a shade of brown no leaf should be
It flits down
My head spinning
The leaf hits the ground and the dizzy pleasure is overwhelming

She cuts and gnaws and breaks through the stem.
"Mommy will like it, Mommy will be happy"
Mommy is happy, happy her daughter killed.
The flower, in its last deperate gasp calls to me, it screams to me
it pleads and begs
then wilts
The most beautiful corpse
It hangs supended in the cage of one young girl's hand as its comrades continue to be uprooted, finding home in the mass grave of a crystal vase.
What a funeral, all the family gathered around these warriors, yet the family ignores these limp soldiers.
Then the next day, these majestic martyrs no longer seem satisfactory and their processtion of far off glory marches away,
to the bin, where it finds home amongst bannana peels and
last night's
Silent Breaths is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
Kenna Nov 2016
I think
about him
too much. I know
he doesn't think
about me.

And how simple
it was
for me
to fall. And how easy
it was
for him
to get up and get on.

I think,
when I see him,
I think more than I've ever thought
about him, or them,
or anyone.

I think
two people
is better than one-- that two
scars can bleed as much as one-- that
words run hot from the sink to drown out the sun--I think.

How easy it is to say one
thousand words and, still, never quite
Kenna Oct 2012
I didn't mean for it to end like this, this wasn't meant to happen.
Broken shards and broken hearts.
I watched it tip and tumble and break.
I watched her countance tremble and shake.
I broke her.
My best friend, my superhero sidekick.
My clumsy hands had strangled her with my clinging affection.
I only wanted to show her

how much I cared
how much I cared
how much I cared

Oh did I care!
I cared enough to ****.
I cared enough to move mountains and change lives and shift perspectives.
I cared enough to leave.

It was better
It was better
It was better

Not for me!!!
Not for her!!!

For us, it was better
For us.
Smile: a pleasant or agreeable appearance, look, or aspect. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
Kenna May 2012
The withering corpse slips away
to where? I am not sure but it is gone
It is better that way
She tells me.

How can she know what is better?
How can I know?
How can anyone know?

I suppose one must believe what they hear most.
The more you hear it, the more true it must be
But what if the world is lying

Where does that leave me?
Where does that leave him?
Where does that leave us all?

I guess we are just the summer's day laughs fading into the soft tides
awaiting the dark maiden with her eyes glazed and heart afire.

But what does she bring?
What does she take?
What does she cause?
And who does she break?

The questions swirl as the fog thickens and eventually her hand reaches out and pulls us into
the Soft Tides.
For my grandpa who died March 2012

Soft Tides is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
Kenna Oct 2012
Stretching thin
A yarn
Streches across the world.
Another thread, as thin as ice, spreads across continants.
A string, pulled taught, carries across oceans.

A web keenly woven by some sinister spider
Streching me thinner and thinner
waiting for one to snap.
and suddenly its all gone.

She plays guitar with my strings, making the most frightening tune
she hums and grimaces
A bug in her web
slowly dying
it twitches
and twitches
and wrestles with the bonds holding it down
and fights and pulls and
Was it ever?
Some Sinister Spider is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
Kenna Feb 2013
There's something about glass
so finite
so certain.

Crystals, polished and proud,
cut with malice.
      Heavenly gleaming
      Heavily streaming
It feels so good to me.
Something about Glass by Kenna is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
Kenna Jan 2015
She traces the subtle lines and strong
edges, steadying
her finger on the medicine cabinet.

She hesitates and
feels the oceans

A small dog on its haunches, waiting
to pounce. She  can taste
the cotton blood seeping
from her wounds in small,
sustained trickles.

Her eyes fall
and she pierces something
big with something
Kenna May 2015
I see a picture.
A picture of a woman
in a kitchen.

Her hair is tied back. But sometimes
it’s not.

Sometimes she winks at me.
A knowing
smile and twitch
of an eyelid.

Sometimes she’s angry.
in the sweat of steamed
broccoli and cauliflower.

Sometimes she’s cleaning.
Scrubbing her kitchen
spotless. Red tomato
sauce and broken

Sometimes she wilts.
Beside the petunias.
and purple.
and pink.

Sometimes she’s spilling.
Water flooding
over the counter
top and stuck
to the clotted drain.

Sometimes she sees me. Usually
not.  Sometimes she smiles. Usually
not. Sometimes I help her. Usually
not: sometimes.
Kenna Aug 2012
I watched a bullet shooting straight,
shooting straight at me.
It spiraled, twisted and danced.
Then smiled with a grin so wide it ripped at the seams.
It growled and pushed straight on.
I pursed my lips to hold the scream.
It fought through the air
slashing with its teeth.
I would not run.
I would not duck.
I would not try to shield myself.
I would stare the bullet down.
Never waver, never shake, never show a trace of fear.
I stared and stared the bullet down.
That doesn't mean it fell.
It pushed through the air with velociraptor speed.
Then found its mark between my eyes.
And next thing I know...
I'm lying down.
Steel Bullet is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
Kenna Oct 2012
Clumps of red lacquered strings
twisting and wriggling

They just won't unstick
They cling together with stubborn love

Basil leaves hopelessly floating through the eternity of red sauce and garlic
Chopped up and sprinkled thoughtlessly throughout the disarray

Yet, somehow, little strands of spaghetti manage to stay together
I find myself
envying them
Sticky Spaghetti by Kenna McCafferty is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
Kenna Nov 2012
has no place in a; poem

I. believe"
We should? write
and NOt' worry...
about,where (we put) these trivial markings/

Who) cares about the corrections' when its" really about the words!!!
why. cant. we. make. our.
or why cant we let them live and grow and take on a life of their own and live and spread and continue for hours and hours and send the world into haywire and chaos erupts everwhere and change topics and confuse people and boggle minds and* make you think-

I}{have a secret? i Would like to ShArE
Nothing matters
Structure by Kenna McCafferty is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
Kenna Feb 2015
Success is measured
in years, in wisdom, in happiness.

In the amount of people who pause
as you walk,

the number of strangers
who stare at your screen and are moved
to pressing a button.

Success is measured in clicks,
in slow, thoughtful clicks: hammers
pounding through keys with accidental madness.
"I like it," they scream.
I like it.

Success is measured
by happiness. By
snaking smiles stretching far,
too far.

In my peripheral vision, I see it.
A knight battling
a monkey.
A butterfly fighting
a queen.
An old man sitting on the park bench
and laughing at the woes
of the children.

"I like it," he thinks.
I like it
Kenna Jul 2012
Here I am;
the asphalt covering what is left of my withered self expression.
Here I am;
with nothing but a package of what small personality I did salvage.
Here I am;
awaiting the exile to the inner circle.
Here I am;
wishfully knowing what is next to come.

Here I will be;
a foreigner to  self controlled emotions.
Here I will be;
sent into the burning throat that we call trend.
Here I will be;
a roller-coaster supervisor, but never a rider.
Here I will be;
shamelessly placid.

There I was;
entrenched in my own beliefs.
There I was;
guiltily independent.
There I was;
unique to the tiniest hair on my body.
There I was;
never questioning who I was.

then came the fire

the sweet flames clawed
ripped to shreds
they traveled deep with in the vault I called my spirit
they licked at each crumbling memory of me that would set me apart
their tongues ablaze and thirsting angrily for each asset that made me different
they drooled lullabies
they sweated sanctuary
they left
as if it was nothing but a dream

the fire was gone.


Here I Am.
Sweet Honey Lipped Fire is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
Kenna Mar 2017
I am my
self and your
self and her
self and his
off-rhyme of a frayed encyclopedia—
the crippling arch of a fingertip and the kink of its self-

I’d like to keep me trapped
in the amber of this moment
but I find myself,
in chemical waste—
and fumigation of my miscommunication—
tasting the smoke,
ripe and ripping up
soil and self .

I am my
self if the self you are
is you and her self,
is her and his self is
the afterthought of a decomposed anthology—
made mechanically—
the wrapping of roots.
The dipping of leaves
into steamed puddles on
cement streets, evaporating,

I’d like to be
a rock,
The telos of my terrain trembles
beneath the benign boredom of being
Kenna Jul 2012
Of course as I have an entire life left to live I am wondering what you ate for breakfast.
You ate a chicken quesadilla.
For breakfast???
but at least I know now
the suspense was killing me.

Now I can't help but wonder what you did today...
Any photos???
You went the bathroom???

And of course, I want to hear your 'inspirational' (recycled) quote of the day.
"Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.”
(classically overused)

Woah, you look so pretty, you did such a good job with the editing (there is a lot of it).
You look nothing like that in person.....
I like your the way...
10 likes in 3 minutes!!

Well enjoy your life with the constant need for approval...
Lets see where that takes you...
AAAAH SARCASM. This is dedicated to my sister who is constantly annoyed by the people with external locust of identity on facebook.
I'm not saying I don't use facebook, but I use it for different reasons.

Thanks For The Update is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
Kenna Jul 2016
Her fingers were coated in rain
drops and candied whispers,
lacing the side
of her face, like a gas
mask or a prayer

Woven into her cheeks were the clasped hands
she knew all
but too well, dripping honey and sea
salt across her brow- swollen and
heavy. She felt
its pressure, always,
like a sieve or a boiling point. The cool
90 degrees of a summer smoke.
Orbiting her fingertips.

She flicked the ashes
into a puddle and spat. Her gum
had lost it's flavor.
It was always a bit too sweet.
Kenna Jun 2012
Our hands and mouths are like boats, they flip about in the turmoil of the sea's final storm.
so indecisive
knowledge is key; key is bankruptcy.
only if you have the key...
can you antelope, I can elephant,  in the tetris island.
YOU FOOL. of course not. try again.
The beeper is left cold.
Only because you have to answer. you could change this you know. there are other possibilities.
like what? ranger ice?? I don't think so.
no I laugh at your incapability of answering this question which is ,oh, so simple.
I'll give you one more chance
One more chance.
Poem for fun with my Friend.
Kenna Oct 2012
I was there
I watched
as the blue haze blotted out
into a hanging, lazy
then bit by bit
an empty, silent

Congested and full
Rich, bloated and suffocating

It surrounded me
and wrapped me in a thick blanket of
cold, crunchy solitude

So welcoming
So welcoming
The Day the Sky Went Blank by Kenna McCafferty is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
Kenna Dec 2014
“English is a beautiful language,
a remarkably precise language
with a million words to choose from to deliver
your exact shade of meaning.”
- Laura Fraser

How clear, varied
and accurate.
How appropriate:
the choice of register,
style and terminology.
(Register: the use of elements such as
vocabulary, tone, sentence structure and terminology
to the commentary.)

Language is clear, effective,
carefully chosen and precise,
with a high degree
of accuracy
in grammar, vocabulary and sentence construction;
register and style are effective and
to the commentary.
I took the criterion from IB HL paper two and turned it into a lovely, sarcastic poem. :)
Kenna Jul 2012
Nice to meet you Dr. Smart.
My type of crazy is an art.

Tell you what I think of first?
May I take but a moment to rehearse?

You say dog and I say fat
You say eat and I say cat
You say smile and I say crown
You say king and I say frown

You look at me with your brow all furrowed do you not see the connection?
You pain my with your stupidity and lost expression.

You ask me the shape of a square block.
You do not know? it is hard not to mock.

These exercises were made for a child,
Though the look in your eyes is positively wild.
A mixture of concern and regret,
Oh dear Dr. Smart  you shouldn't fret.

You may try to analyze but our smarts do not compete.
I have you dancing circles round me while I stay put on my feet.
The Enthralling Tale of my Crazy Endeavors is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
Kenna Oct 2013
A tree, standing barren, naked, lost.
A branch, weighed down by nothing but itself.
A leaf, drifting into the neck-breaking frost.

A group of people gathers with a hushed tone.
A black clad group, silently vexed,
Around a weeping rock, a crying stone.

A young voice breaks through,
"Mommy, will He ever take you?"

She turns away and so falls a tear

into a rising pile of lamentable fear.
The Fall by Kenna McCafferty is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
Kenna Sep 2016
I feel him hurting
me. Already.

With cinched waists and jarred backs--
a trickle down my eye, carving out
my lips. My tongue. My spine. Your hands--
the rough carpenter of longing.
I crave to find your center--
the point of equilibrium where
two words meet and
love, and writhe and conquer.

All of me is
vulnerable and molten
and yours.

Yours is something different,
different from mine,
from his. His is more.
His is power. Is Glory.
Is light and strength
and Yours.

And what's more?
Is mine. Is our
breath. Our metronome
and the syncopated
rocking of your arms and the bed frame.
Just left
of center. Just right
on target.
Kenna Oct 2020
I decided to let things wash over
like glitter, which doesn't
wash, but scrubs
into paradox
between the ends
of *******
not touching

I'd like to tender again.

I punctuate the days
with water and fill my stomach
with seeds, inchoate
and young.
I don't have to be today
what I desire tomorrow.
Still, I indulge,
beneath its question,
in the period,
before its deluge,
in the holm. Root
into malleability: an island
passing through time.

I'd like to be again.

I'll walk with a dove on my shoulder:
wary of the wings;
weary of the fall;
the beating
that comes before
the flight.

I'd like to be tender again.
Kenna Jul 2012
Tick Tock
Tick Tock
Tick Tock
Tick Tock
Tick Tock
Tick Tock
Tick Tock
Tick Tock
Tick Tock
Tick Tock
Tick Tock*
Tick Tock
Tick Tock
Tick Tock
Tick Tock
Tick Tock
Tick Tock
Tick Tock is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
Kenna Aug 2012
Lights flash.
Glowsticks twirl.
rip   snap   glow
rip snap glow
the words blend
the sounds smear
the colors undulate
and suddenly
i heave
i hurl
i ****
i puke
my stomach caves
my body shivers
my brow sweats
my knees quiver
i lurch to the ground
splashing in my warm milky surprise.
and expectedly
i puke
i ****
i hurl
i heave
the world twists
the technicolor dream-coat of Donny Osmond happiness swells.
it rips
it pulls
it tears
it *****
and I'm a hostage to its psychedelic screams.
Faces twist into positions they aren't meant to hold.
gasps wheeze into my pores, burrowing like soft, comforting mole rats into my being.
I'm dissected.
Tye Dye Dreams is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
Kenna Jun 2016
Biting into the crust of an evening reminiscent of you.*

Your crown was  
immaculate, your kingdom over-
grown with red ferns and dandelions up
the side of the fence in the back
yard where I'll meet you behind
the shed, under
the shadow of daybreak

with red ferns and
dandelions. A cloak sewn
from innocence, pushing against the weeds
breaking up--through
the side of the fence in the back yard
Where I meet you.

Your voice slurred in deep tongues,
licking up the side of the fence in the back yard.
Where I met you.

Smothered in red ferns
and dandelions.
We watched them grow
up and over the side of the fence in the back yard
Where I'd met you.  
From time

to time.

I'd watch
as the sunset colored you red,
painted me yellow
until we both
blurred into the night.
Before we even had a chance to crumble into
the crisp embrace of an evening.
work in progress, title needs help.
Kenna Dec 2015
My pen was a Palace
and it reigned
over princess and peasant

The court jester fell
at its feet. The Palace
phonied with laughter.

The K-
night brought delicious
terrors, to which the princess

The scribe recorded it all. Exactly
as it happened.
Kenna Dec 2016
It felt sinful to cry
in front of you: my agony.
the woman I had
wronged. So many times,
in so many ways,
with so many words. They were false
truths I hadn’t meant to mean. Yet
somehow, along the way,

I had picked
them up and whisked them away
in my bag, your baggage and everything

else that had marred me.
A scratch
across the glass of my
actions: your face. I hope you can see
past the fog of my deviance. I’ll draw
a smile in the condensation, blurring the
cadence of an attitude—the pure
and their righteous, the demented
and their sin—to make a clearer picture
from this polaroid dangling, overexposed,
from the edges
of our friendship—the soft curve of a lie.

It tastes so smooth, rolling
up through my tongue. It sounds so bitter
wafting out from your throat.
Kenna Aug 2012
I look around
and it seems that everyone is happy,
that they are doing something right.
I look around
and it appears that I'm sad,
that I'm doing something wrong.
Well it ever unwrong itself?

Each letter thrown unnaturally on to their haphazard paper is worshiped, studied, praised
by all.
I've been doing this longer...
Shouldn't I be better?
I watch as all others rise on their platforms of aimless potential.
Raw potential.
What about skill?
I sand alone on a once even; now sunken chasm of lost heart.

The award goes to...
It's gonna be me
It's gonna be me
Everyone knows it.
It's GOTTA be me.
It's not me.

See that tiny dot?
That black speck of irrelevance??
Do you know what it is???
That's me.

And do you see that sea of shining smiles????
The golden accomplishments gleaming?????
Do you know what that that is?
That's them.

Once upon a time, I was up there,
gleaming along with the rest of them.
Maybe even a podium step higher.
Then suddenly, as if powered by light speed elevators, they shot away.
Their glimmering faces glowering down at me and snickering.

I don't understand.
How is what they did any better than what I did?
Who is keeping score?
Betcha my bottom dollar their prejudice.
Whoever they are they caged me in black walls of shunned solitude.
And proclaimed a law against me.
What against me?
I'm not sure.
But the dark walls are closing in, the glistening sea is shrinking
and that tiny little dot...
That's me.
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