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 Jun 2018 kayla
you say “let’s go for a drive, put the top down”
and i do and i drive
and you tell me to slow down
that i’m doing it wrong
and that sounds like a perfect example
of who we are now.
i gotta stop thinking it will be like
the other times before
things fell apart.
it hurts me more than it hurts you
and i know it hurts you more than anything.
m. it’s always the same.
 Jun 2018 kayla
love and guilt
are different cars
on the same highway
sorry for being away, ill try and write more
 Apr 2018 kayla
i’m not sure that my body
knows how to handle
excitement or fear
but on the bright side
i think i’ve found a way
to cope with the answers to questions
i still don’t know how to ask.
i really do love myself sometimes.
just some thoughts i’m having before i head to a party. life really is good to me most of the time.
 Apr 2018 kayla
 Apr 2018 kayla
i could just put on your jacket
i shouldn’t but i will
i’ll explain that it’s cold outside
that i just didn’t want to carry it
or i don’t know maybe
i could finally admit that i think
you should just let me keep it
i think it’ll end up in my closet
someday anyway
jcl. too high up to drop back down to the level of reality in which we never happen. in addition, i didn’t realize how familiar with the smell of you that i had gotten, but your jacket makes it seem as if you’re here. you make me so happy.
 Apr 2018 kayla
i helped a lady
take her groceries to her house today.
it was the same lady
i watched cross the street
it was the same lady
i didnt hear walk into the corner store behind me.
it was the same lady
i let the door fall onto.
i couldnt hear her.

she ended up ahead of me on the sidewalk.
grocery bags on the pavement.
phone on her ear.
i walked by her.
she apologized
said she was trying to get help.
we walked together.
she told me 'help' was on the patio
drinking a beer.
she asked where i lived
and i said a street over.
she said she hoped she'd see me around.
and i said maybe not, im going home for the summer.

she asked if i was getting out of the rat race
im too young for the rat race.

she thanked me a lot
and said
'some good karma will come your way
im a firm believer in that'

me too
i said.

i walked home and thought
i should write a poem about
that conversation.
about giving a second chance
about being a kind person.
about karma.

usually when something like this happens
i write the minute i get home

but i didnt.

i realized, i dont think i can write
about happy things
because when they happen
they always ferment until
they're not what they were.

it was a quick high
a genuine moment.
if karma is real
and that woman is right
either im the devil himself
or theres a big check
with my name on it.

before i started writing
i googled seasonal depression symptoms

apparently not talking to anyone between the months of february and may every year is still a horse with no name.

how do you **** a love
you made yourself.

i leave this town in a week
and i feel as broken
and confused
as the **** i tried to leave

all i want to do is jump in the river
to see if i can really swim
and figure it out from there.
this is a little long
and more of a ramble than anything ive written before
its also my 100th poem on this site
so i just want to say thanks
to all that have listened
and to all those that have said kind things
they dont go unnoticed
and i am very appreciative.
this community has done a lot for me
and i have a big project coming soon
that im excited to share
if youre willing to listen.
thank you
i love you
god bless.
 Apr 2018 kayla
someone i know and love
with all my heart and soul
told me shes been struggling.
and went on to describe
symptoms of bipolar disorder to me
like an alien had visited her.

shes scared
and i am too,
i dont think she knows what bipolar really means
and i wouldnt know either because i dont have it
but foolish me always figured
this gift of mine
could never be tainted
by what the devil keeps on tap.
i just assumed
it would never be a problem.

i forgot how thin the rope we walk is
and how sharp the dragons teeth are
that keep waiting for us to fall over.
i never once worried
it felt like a waste of time to me
she did such a good job taking care of me
i never thought to ask

there was only enough food for one of us and
ive never gone hungry from her hands
 Apr 2018 kayla
sorry my time is off your hands
don’t mind me
just contemplating my
insatiable hunger for something that
doesn’t quite make any sense at all

maybe i’ll just order some Chinese
and call it a day.
jcl. always thinking about you.
 Apr 2018 kayla
 Apr 2018 kayla
i used to love you sober.

               i've been high for days.
 Apr 2018 kayla
" hey well, hope never dies!"

"yeah i know that's kinda been my problem recently"
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