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I want to dump the junk
hurl the hassle
and know for sure
it’s nothing more
than ancient garbage
hanging heavy
on my shoulders
To relate to suffering
is to understand
the heart of the world
to write of it
becomes the union of humanity
Writing the words
the emptying
of my emotional recycle bin

I pour them out
with intent to demolish
to remove the evidence
the unwanted remembrance
the devastation
that threatens to unravel my sanity
 Nov 2014 Julie Butler
The fire made
a home in me.
If I tell you to come
and see would you
stay and burn with
me. We'll be brighter
than any star up in the
galaxy. Our light will
shine for an eternity.
Have a seat and drink
your whiskey beside me.
While I'll tell you how all
this could turn into reality* ~
long lusted to write a work
of which
on the top of the screwtop
poem wine bottle
was writ

I know, no denying,
better artistes
have done it,
so you counsel

let it be,

but can't,
no letting
go of what has
emboldened me,
taken hold of me,
the infinite possibilities of

within me,
endless storage,
a room for you to

me keep safe keep quiet
whatever you need,
that stuff you don't want
but can't yet disown,
the ashamed,
the not ready to be released,
the best work not ready quite,
a fine tuning required,
even secrets most intimate

me be your safe keeper,
until you need a safecracker
to let what you need to
go free when
the letting is good

let be your verb,
your object,
don't matter to me

us escape,
to a better place

us through,
pass onto level next

rent me, use me, I am
property tangible

me contract you, let me a poem,
give me the work I've commissioned
and let it please

us know the truth, the truth of you

me see you truly!
us go together!
us try it,
let us be an us!


all the lets in our blood boil,

us make a list and
it become the goodly best

and yes,

it be,
the end-let possibilities!
Is my heart a petty thing
You are a petty crook
You steal glances at me
My heart is one of many you took

Goodnight used to have luster
When it was shared between our lips
Now you fall to her
Her seductive smile; the curve of her hips

Is my trust a petty thing
Or have I mistook
The truth we shared the lies she told
You reeled me in on a hook

Love her but remember me
One day you'll be wishing
To know where I'll be
I'm long gone on daybreak dawn
Nowhere to be seen
I've always searched for a home
a place I belonged, where I felt safe

I've never experienced this kind of home

but as I sit still each morning listening to my breath,
I am coming home to myself as I settle into a
silence of heart and mind
an interior home of the heart that's always with me
 Nov 2014 Julie Butler
Savannah N
tonight when I got home
I pulled my hair into a ponytail.
I wished I could have kept pulling,
up and up until every little thing
and every last hair was off my shoulders.
I was running down my street tonight.
a meager glance down and I saw
another shadow chasing mine.
excitedly I braked
in time to realize both shadows belonged to me.
tonight I mapped the distance
from Salt Lake to Phoenix;
11 hours and 18 minutes.
should I stop through Vegas
or the Grand Canyon?
I fell asleep alone tonight
in a bed too spacious for my body.
through murky midnight eyes,
I thought I caught you turning over.
what I didn't realize
is that you are not sleeping here
not tonight
and not the night before.
as a mood swing was headed down. -The Avett Brothers
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