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 Jan 2015 Josh
Woke up today
in an unfamiliar place.
The lights didn't shine here,
the way I remembered it
and the curtains danced
to a different tune.
The waves leaped higher than yesterday.
I sank just a little bit.
The walls are a different color,
Still blurry but
a darker shade of grey.
Here, days are night and nights;
well, night.
Neighbors here have vacant stares
and not much to say.
Woke up today
in an unfamiliar place.
it's been a while,

still unfamiliar.
I've tasted your play
Yet there were no cards
Dealt in my favour
Nor were you really
Spiritual. . .Only

The longing emerged
Freely. . .Japanese moving pictures
Narrative becomes redundant
When You. . .untangled the soft
Butterfly knot on my silk

Gown and start to pop
Me up. . .on a lovely desk
Destroying any last
Thought of resistance.

Burning peaches, pushing
Fire, we. . . The tangible.
Imagined by
Impeccable Space
Poetic beauty
 Jan 2015 Josh
 Jan 2015 Josh
Nothing but a walking shadow 
partial and wicked with irregularities like the meadows 
Pains like a needle in wounds
And non soothing like sounds of no consolation
What is pain other than our lives
What is wound rather than the tears we shed 
We may live like this for long 
But There's a pause called victory
Like an oasis is differentiate desert from farmland 
Hunger from satisfaction 
Fruitful from barren
Lack from surplus
A cheap consolation satisfying our expired need and unchanging greed and desire 

Life! It is full of miseries like a pack of card with only aces
It takes trillion years to understand the prelude 
Another billion years to comprehend the interlude 
Years and years roaming on the crossroad of mind
Can't solve the deep puzzle in the drama of life
Is it crossword of our aspirations or destiny?
Or jigsaws of our thoughts,ideas,concept and prospects?
The things we shall never know that is within us 
Our strengths and weaknesses
Our ups and downs 
Our victories and failures
Our inabilities and abilities
Our losts and profits
Our tears and laughter 
Our frown and smiles
Even actions and things we portray 
we are ignorant of these in the game of life, defeat may be a consolation 
Success may be a Greek gift 
Flaws we never create
Dreams we never create 
Still revolve around us 
Like we are casts in a movie 
And the script already written
Ours is to act 
'Not minding if it's tragedy or comedy' 
Like pinnochio and the host of the Disney
Our mind have been trained to forecast for seasons
But if we try to live other than it
that's treason 
That's why people suffer
others feasting 

 Jan 2015 Josh
Amitav Radiance
Oft repeated feelings
Carrying the burden
Of yesteryear
Sits heavy on the heart
Moments, once true and fancy
Gave immense pleasure
Turn against you
Leaving you aside
Dreams become nightmares
Halls of fame
Bring you much ignominy
Sudden reversal of fortune
Can become your nemesis
Carrying the memories
Deep within the confines
Of the once happy heart
Rusted and tired
It still beats with anticipation
Of a reconciliation
 Jan 2015 Josh
Lady Ace
 Jan 2015 Josh
Lady Ace
In this moment, it seems, a spirit has found us
Alone or together our strength is boundless
Our thoughts reach further than one has ever dared to go on foot
A flurry of hopes; both old and new flicker before us
Our light floats in a sea of faith
As read by the virtuous figure “joy and courage go hand in hand”
Thus creating a heartened happiness.
We find laughter in one another
Adversity turns its face to the shadows and hides from safety
Once we have returned
A free spirit is left behind
It waits to be rediscovered
By she who yearns so passionately for it
But it daren’t make a sound
It remains yet unfound
 Jan 2015 Josh
Eli Smith
 Jan 2015 Josh
Eli Smith
How do you look at the person you've loved for so long and force yourself to walk away?
Push yourself to forget every laugh,
Every kiss,
Every touch,
Every longing glance.
Watch them fall in love with someone else:
Someone more beautiful,
Someone more talented,
Their soul mate
And wonder why it couldn't have been you.
Why you were simply not good enough.
And remind yourself that you let them go,
That this could be you.
But you were too insecure,
Too stupid,
Too selfless.
How do you convince yourself that you did the right thing when every night you are up until two in the morning screaming their name?
When you don't want to wake up because in your dreams they're still yours.
When their name burns like hard liquor at two in the morning
But makes your stomach feels so warm,
Pain can be mistaken for love.
How do you convince yourself that they are better off?
When you are completely miserable without them.
When you still crave their touch,
See the smile on their face and know that you are not the one behind it.
That you will never be the reason again.
How do you act like strangers?
Pretend that you didn't spend hours in his arms planning out your future.
Forget how much it hurts to think of when he promised you forever.
How do you live with the epiphany that
Love doesn't last forever.
 Jan 2015 Josh
ema m
 Jan 2015 Josh
ema m
during the spring
he stared at his lap
and didn't listen in class
when his friends talked to him he snapped
his eyes revealed nothing
of the emotions he capped

during the summer
he didn't leave home
and wore long jumpers

during the autumn  
the news came out
about how he hit rock bottom
and took his life away
with the swipe of a knife
I'm not depressed I swear. It's just that death is such a painful experience and when writing about it- it just flows.
 Jan 2015 Josh
Joe Cole
Not poetry, just reminiscing

When I came out of the army in 1985 after serving for 24 years I settled in the county of Suffolk where my first wife came from

Suffolk with old fashioned ideas and old fashioned views. In fact unless you had been resident for at least 20 years some of the villagers still classed you as an outsider.

Anyway I decided to get an allotment (not sure what you call them in the U S) so that I could grow my own vegetables.

Just across from me was the plot rented by Allen, 70 going on a hundred years old. I never did find out. Anyway it was early spring and I stood there scratching my head when Allen wandered over

" What's up boy" he said

I explained that I was new to the area and new to growing vegetables and wasn't to sure about when to start getting seed into the ground

He looked at me with those timeless eyes and said

"Sit bare arsed on the ground boy and if your **** still ain't cold after 10 minutes then that'll be the time to sow"
And that my H P friends is the honest truth
 Jan 2015 Josh
Syreena Phelps
I don't want there to be a day where I have to read a speech at my best friend's funeral because she commited suicide.

I don't want to have to say how cruel and horrid the world is to destroy such an amazing and innocent person.

I don't want to watch her happiness wipe away from her face as sadness and darkness plagues her heart.

I don't wanna get that call in the middle of the night telling me my friend is gone.

I don't want to dream of her smiling, to wake up to a dying soul.
But a dream is only a dream..

I don't want to be watched by a ghost of a friend who didn't want to live.

But, it's happening. People will keep being cruel to the most loving people, until they no longer want to be in this hell.

I don't want to watch a friend die.

Please don't make me.
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