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 Jan 2015 Josh
 Jan 2015 Josh
"she's just a friend"

but we started there as well.
 Jan 2015 Josh
Rhet Toombs
The lights go low
On this city tonight and you
Are you waiting?
I am
He often looked into my eyes
Maybe said it once
Maybe twice
Mentioned it was always like this
And echoes moved past
Take a bow
Leaning over my balcony
Stretched out in the moonlight
Come closer
I know I should have left
Run away
But still afraid
And the rain
It won't stop coming down
Hit repeat
Light me one up
Let's go through this again
You comfort me
That's what he said
 Jan 2015 Josh
Latreece Rose
The moon has a glistening glow
but sometimes it croaks like a crow
not a raven but
as if it is a frog.
A planet,
Yet it breathes like a salmon
not with gills
but of lungs
the being of a human
somewhat less than the sun.
The moon can have traits
of anything living, I believe.
But I think everyone
would claim me as insane
so I shut my mouth
and eat some pig,
while my eye sights the moon
in dance
as we spin
on earth.
 Jan 2015 Josh
Leroy Tate
This is my story, the story of the journey I am on
It is not an easy journey, not for anyone no man, no woman, no child
This journey is unforgiving at times, that does not stop me
It brings the tears, anger, and doubtfulness out of me therefore it
Does not stop me from continuing, none told this journey would be easy
That does not stop me from pushing forward into the journey ahead
My journey is not over yet, the roads ahead won't be easy for anyone
That does not mean that me nor you will stop this journey
Because my friend our journey has just begun....
 Jan 2015 Josh
Rhet Toombs
Fist clenched
Arm torn
Head turned
So things turn dark for one or two moments
Ghost made present
Your breath leads the way
The smoke from the fireworks
Magnificent display
Tell me once more
What was it like?
You held close for the beat
But my heart
Was led astray
Ashes near the ground
And what became of her?
 Jan 2015 Josh
Katie Katie
Chills down my spine
I swear my mind
Gets out of line
Some of the time
 Jan 2015 Josh
 Jan 2015 Josh
i remember i saw her eyes
i swear i saw her eyes
and then i didnt
it was brief

and then i saw something new
something else
something beyond what i knew as lovely
or beautiful
or kind

farther than the skies above the trees
yet deeper than an oceans crevasse

give me a year or two
yet i wouldnt be anywhere near done exploring
in fact
id ask for another year

because i swear
i swear
in her eyes i saw something else

*i know there is no god
but i believe there was one briefly
just for her
just to create her
and her lovely eyes.
god her eyes
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