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 Apr 2015 Joseph Childress
But I was awake then,

wasn't I?

you see, you don't think I remember.
But I do.

there was sunlight-

the kind of sunlight
that filters through
inescapable particles of dust, no matter
how much
I hate
to be able to see myself breathing them in.
the kind of sunlight
that absolutely glares
up off of the oil
on the asphalt
in the evenings
and blinds you hysterically.
the kind of sunlight
that swiftly stills
your rattling skeleton
and begs you to stare
"But mother, only for a minute..."
the kind of sunlight
that makes me remember
my own unanswerable questions
about my subtle deterioration
my inevitable decline
into this utter chaos
that is myself.

and through this degradation, this decomposition, I realize
that I can't help but wonder:

when did these superfluous trees take root?

where were you when the first seed of doubt landed on the surface of my parched, withering mind?

and, my God, why on Earth did you let it rain?
For the one who I fear shall never see.
Our old uncle, Daedalus,
     he'd grin when he spoke to us
His mouth was missing teeth
and so his wisdom flowed out free
He always smelled of cheap cigars
     alleyways and corner bars
He'd tell us he had seen the world
     and this was his decree:

     "Don't fly too high, you little *****.
       You just might live to pay for it.
       The Sun is always hot,
       the ground gets harder every day."

"But, Daedalus," we would complain,
"You are old and we would fain
see the sights you saw before
          we sleep beneath the clay."

And dear old Uncle Daedalus
     he'd laugh and spit and swear at us
"You ******* little ***** had better
heed the tale I tell.
This life is one big ******* maze
with twists and turns and tricks to play.
The kings control the monsters,
who make Earth a living Hell."

We'd try to listen, try to thank
him for the words, but his breath stank
and, anyway, we thought that he
               had prob'ly **** himself

But dear old Uncle Daedalus
hung Death from lips that spoke to us
and ****** if he weren't right
about the things he always said:
"Inventiveness works, by and by
with daring, you may taunt the sky
                                   like I did
                                  but the fall is long--
my dreams and son are dead."

He always smelled of cheap cigars
     alleyways and corner bars
"You ******* little ***** had better
heed the tale I tell..."

"Don't fly too high, you little *****.
You just might live to pay for it.
The kings control the monsters,
who make Earth a living Hell."

on the
           of theknown
           world aren't stars        
but rather:


val - leys,


to the


Det var et paradigmeskift dengang,
den tirsdag
for så længe siden, at kun jeg selv husker det alt for godt.
Jeg ved nu, at livet ville have været rosenlet uden dig - uden mig.
Det ville være lettere, hvis ikke mine øjne var så blå og mine følelser så punkterede af verdens forventninger.
Jeg ville dog stadig ønske, at jeg ikke kunne finde min krop
forvildet i et virvar af liv, jeg ikke er en del af.
Ville ønske at kunne skære stykke for stykke af min krop
sammen med byrde for byrde, til der ikke var mere tilbage end
ben, lukkede døre og sterile lejer, hvor biedermeier kulturen ville herske uden at ærgre mig,
at du ikke ville stå ved siden af og flå mig indefra, presse mig:
For jeg kan jo ikke - vi kan jo ikke, du og jeg.
Der blev stille, for du sagde ikke noget.
Alligevel er fristelsen for stor, og du trykkede ekstra hårdt på venerne, der svulmede op og lyste, som var der netop gennemskuet inkurabel cancer.
Hvis bare jeg kunne pakkes ind i velour
og glemme dagene
og græde lidt mere
og binde sløjfer langs min rygsøjle med mine blå vinternegle i maj.
Go ahead
Ignore me
See how much
I really don't care
I don't care as much as
Ariel doesn't care about the land
I don't care as much as
Momma bear doesn't care for he Cubs
I don't care as much as
Lincoln didn't care about slavery
But with these examples
I guess you could say
I DO care
I care a lot more
Than you could ever comprehend
 Feb 2015 Joseph Childress
This morning was one of firsts
and one of fists.
My lashes tied together
untwined the way they always do.


For the first time in six years
I had forgotten the date.
I pushed my feet through the maze of layers
as if I had someone to wake up next to
My optimistic attitude wished they were not there
because they were running a little late.

I threw on an outfit...if you can call it that
and went to the store
The violent red that attacked me at the front
brought me the realization that it was in fact
the same day
just a year ago
that I would have prepared for
weeks ahead instead
I made myself a meal and poured a glass of wine
as the white outside made
all of humanity disappear.
...and it was beautiful
I bought myself flowers, and lit candles
I snuggled and rubbed my feet together under a red blanket
and listened to songs about loving yourself.
I feel a little bad
I feel a little good
but most of all
I feel
I know
that before loving all of those lovers all those loves ago
I must be loving to the mornings
when there are just my feet in the bed.

This morning was one of firsts
and one of fists.
My lashes tied together
untwined the way they always do.
...and for that I am grateful.
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