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When you and I kissed
You were made of moonlight.
We shared a sweet embrace;
Your face was so lovely
Your eyes had such beauty
Your lips were so perfect
And I was made helpless.
You and I drew closer
Your breath was sweet fragrance
Then our lips met gently
The touch was pure music.
We held that kiss ageless,
All time was a moment.
The light in you faded
Then I woke up crying
With tears on my pillow
A soul in the darkness.
I know you will refuse
I know I will offend
No, this kiss won't happen-
Not when I am awake.
To order my book of inspirational poems at Amazon,
Days pass so fast beween those hills

the ones of suffering delt with skill

A heart not clensed from ill design

softer than silk, fresher than pines.

I write this thousenth letter with a mix

the juice of my oragans, stones and sticks.

So hang around if you feel alone,

and hear the letter leave the stone

and become bone from a bush.

Cast 'tween lands of firery ice

my body acts; I pay the price.

******* of a blueprint, my cardboard genes

still fail to smell a rotting dream.

The clean produce with an iron strength,

a deadly aurora of graveyard stench.

Between the rosebuds, black as soot

lies my ****-bush pushing roots.

Free to amend, from time itself;

Id then be able to cure my self.

Days do pass fast beween these hills

the ones of dementia, of feeling ill

A heart not yet ready to resign,

for there is hope in Valentine.
Work in progress
If I take a pen or pencil and write lovely words upon paper.
Because I couldn't afford you a card.
It's the thought that count.
Be its your birthday.
Be it any holiday.

Sure others will offer their opinions.
And you might buy into them.
But think, yes truly think about my heart.
Yes, my sincere heart.
And you come to the conclusion, it's the thought that count.

Others purchase things of the moment to appease their sweetheart.
And accomplish their goals in the process.
I create words on the spot for you.
To prove, just how much I do love you?
 Feb 2015 Joseph Childress
i thank my hands
for wiping my tears tonight
i thank my eyes
for crying releases the pain
i thank my skin
for being a scarred canvas
 Feb 2015 Joseph Childress
It's like I said up there,
There's no need for Valentines.

Your *love
, a robe, encrusted in jewels and diamonds,
That I wear with pride.
Your heart, that single rose, so crimson like my love,
I've kept inside.
Your mind, my companion, as travellers across this road of life,
And my thoughts only for you.

*It's like I said up there,
There's no need for Valentines.
new, warm, cozy
threadbare, faded hope
that -- with each wash --
became weaker.
i held on until the holes caused blisters,
and regrettingly disposed of my
tattered protection.
barefoot, i feel everything.
what kind of socks walk all over **you?
(this poem don't matter much
unless you balk with ***** to essay upon,
thyself, thy valentine failures,
children and ex's who have ex'd you out,
sad love songs
one more time,
even joyous ones,
foolishness human,
then this intro source code,
is an unnecessary winter weather advisory)

a phrase, song~played, scratches,
brain self-commands
via electric synapse
To: the current in-resident body
extrude denude private places

get to thy work,
decompose on them words:
in the private places*

play with the lowly lowest ranking,
private, who by nature, sees
finer the dirtiest,
privy to the privy,
privilege them
to the most personal,
some or none of it all,
cause the scratch is the
poetic salvation to that
*****~itch, write

the best you get,
dispossess the beastie best
in the pvt. places,
ain't much/no difference
tween beastie and all the crapper rest

draw from the private places,
cast up to light,
revelations devaluations sensations
well kept secrets

if you can say it good,
then draw it up from the well
where the private places
were|where sent to drown,
and if you can't,
no bother brother,
after this exculpation excavation,
I'll go back with you
to adding a rock to the
bottom of the pile,
the mountain of superficial crap
 Feb 2015 Joseph Childress
J Lobo
This road that I'm on;
Reminds me of something,
Something long ago forgotten.

As each step I take;
In it's unearthly allure,
It calls, it beckons me on.

I am blessed that I am here,
In this glory breathtaking.
The signs they say;
Heavens just a little ahead that way.
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