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 Nov 2016 joel hansen
 Nov 2016 joel hansen
When all hope has been given up
You sit down to cry
There is a spark left...
Some hope a tiny bit
But who would pay attention to that small bit
Because in the real world there is no second chances
You have to make them yourself
And with that,that small tiny spark got going and caught on fire
And before you know it, it became a huge bonfire
It only takes a spark
And when that spark catches on
It's like a wildfire
But if you keep it tamed then it can be used for good
If you let it run wild then that spark could bit by bit break
Down people's confidence and hope
Be the spark that grows
Don't become a careless wildfire
Kind of thought of this off the top of my head. :-)
1.) I hate that you ruined my chance to be a kid. You stole my childhood and teenage years, you know? We all it isn't like the movies, but I never even got a chance to try. You made me scream so quietly that when I couldn't shush you anymore it became like thunderclap, deafening anyone close. I  pushed people so far away that they became islands to me, and I couldn't swim. That, or I wanted them to love me so badly that I squeezed them into oblivion and suffocated them with my demons.

2.) I hate that I felt unloved because of you. I could have been loved, you know? It wasn't like I was a *****. There were boys that wanted me, even ones I wanted too. But you made me this tumultuous fire that too many lovers saw only as a sultry, exciting spark until it completely engulfed them, burning them to a crisp. I spent my young love years unloved and assuming any flaw was a cause for expulsion, and any affection was a sign of destiny. They both were neither.

3.) I hate that you made me feel lonely. You kept me in a tower, and fed me just enough so I wouldn't die. You gave me this grand craft that, previously, I could barely use except to stare at blank computer screens and wished my fingers could pour out the things in my head. You gave me this gift that kept me breathing, but also kept me lonely. If I didn't know how to write so well to myself, maybe I would have screamed enough for somebody to listen.

4.) I hate that you stole my intelligence. I might be brilliant. I couldn't even think about that, was convinced it was a fluke that I was so smart when I was little. But now that you've sorted out yourself, I can feel it re-emerging and I feel so sick knowing how much better I could have been; what I could've done. The years wasted, only able to use that brilliance to keep myself from cutting my own cord.

5.) I hate that you make me a lot to handle. You make me bubble with thoughts and words and sometimes, a lot of times, it overwhelms people. I'm a tornado, a twister, in constant, energetic motion. Not many people can keep up with me, and it makes me lonely. You made me lonely because no one wanted to stay; that or they couldn't. Its hard when a new person all the time.

6.) I hate that you made me so strong. I've been on the brink of death, destruction, ruin, pain, and yet I've always come back. For the severity of the things in my head that storm themselves around, I'm an anomaly. I spend half of an intake therapy session having to go into gory details of my inner workings, because without a record its not as easy for them to see me. Yet I never fall, no matter how much sometimes I wish I would. Guess, just like you, its in my synapses.

7.) I hate that you've alienated me from my family. They are nothing like me, and they don't understand me. Very few of them try, even less sympathize. Many call it a phase. Like my entire existence the past couple years is just a new level of the teenage rebellion I never had. I now know what kind of people they are, what kind of people they are capable of being. Their jokes and energy aren't worth the words they inflict behind closed doors. No family should question me on everything. No family should call my life a phase. No family should think the person I love most isn't worth it because they haven't met him.  No family should ask me to hide who I am because its better that way. I don't regret walking away. I regret having to.

8.) I hate that you make my relationship harder. I feel things too hard, and I know that's my issue. But it being such a core part of my system makes it hard for me to integrate files. We're learning, and growing, like we always do. I can't help but smile at how he motions just like I do. He's the only one I've ever met who keeps up with me. Everyone else I've always left behind, one way or another. Though hard, you do make my relationship stronger.

9.) I hate that I love parts of you, because they're my best parts. I'm already smart, but you make creativity a shade of bold that I can't even comprehend. Its hard to share with my peers when they stare at me like I'm an odd anomaly. You make me an anomaly, but as a writer, a creator, an artist, its remarkable. I can write about people like no one else I know can. I can write about emotional experiences I've never felt, but you've helped me see. If I can feel a glimmer, of that emotion, I can understand depths I've never felt. You've made teachers think I was abused, beaten, and much more, even when I wasn't. But I could feel it. My devotion to my art makes that pain a worth and I hate that.

10.) What I hate the most, though, is that I don't hate you. You have made me who I am. I wouldn't quit you, even if I had the choice. You make everything harder, and you make me scream, and you make me work. But you also help me be brilliant, and help me be understanding, and help me shine. You help me love and grow and breathe, even when you're crushing my lungs. Its maddening and barely makes sense, but I know that much. I know that no matter how angry, upset, shameful, any negative emotion, that behind it, that's not my strongest feeling towards you. My strongest is that you are one of my favorite things about me. I hate that people can call me crazy because of you, but I accept it because I'm my happiest crazy. I'm my happiest with you.
At times I find it hard to believe
That other lives
Continue on
I know that they do
But some feel only real as they are in
That moment
Then simple fade away
To nonexistance
Others flutter by with hints to
What and how they live
But still
I'm unsure of their physicality
Other times I am unsure of
My reality
Sometimes  it's like
I am just quietly watching
It go on doing what
I should be
Now I'm just
There is a guy
Who wants  to fly
To the blue sky

He had been told
Not to chase dreams
But he is indeed bold
Cause he had not given up on what he  hold...

He is in  searching for a new world
In the lonely road he is on
Dreams and courage are only his own.

They told him he is mad
For they think his decisions are bad

His eyes  began tear
For the things that he fear
But he didn't  thought  for things that could harm
Even whisky and ***
Has level it can cause some.

The world that he is searching where no one's eyelashes are wet
Where you can get anything you desire
Where no one is there to judge your attires

That world is fading
Cause dust of cruelty and greed
That they have breed
In their souls
For they want to win don't care fair or foul

Nor despondency  nor despair
Could ever break him
Cause when the mind soar
He knows that how to roar

He reached his destination
With flowers in hand
No! He didn't go anywhere
He just changed his way of living
He just changed the way of seeing the world
He just become the part of revolution
That is to stop demonical evolution .....

 Nov 2016 joel hansen
Star Gazer
So take a deep breath
the wave is hitting
it's a new beginning.
I've fallen so far
that falling stars are nothing
but dust tossing in the air
just praying on prayers to save the day.
Blink, because my heart is still there;
the air I breathe are still memories of them
like how often I found myself lost on thoughts
nothing to break away from all that I've felt.
The mistakes costed relationships like an iceberg,
as fights burst, trying to survive the titanic.
A didactic tone to reassure my mental state
that this rental hate is just driven away
by her smile, her warm personality and her presence.
The essence of her ability and her personality...
I watch the waves crash against the shore
skies tumble and fall as thoughts of her emerged,
perverse the course of how things were meant to be.
I dare not watch her say goodbye, nor choose life without
but clouded doubt still seeps between the crevice of my brain,
afraid that the same mistake occur like two doves in one stone
leads to a dove-less world.

I'm afraid of speaking my mind,
blind to how my lips must move
or do I choose to motion words
that hurt not only me but others.

I'm afraid of speaking my mind,
the silence binds my lips sealed tight
and at night I hear the echoes of wind
win a one sided fight against the trees,
the bees and the birds missing in flight
as a lamp-light overcasts a broken shadow
of a man hugging himself in tears.

I hate to confess it
but my honest guess
is that man is lost....
because that man is me.

I'm a monster and I shall be slain like one
so as lights gone, please someone swing
a ring that weds me to the eternal end,
pretend that I am nor human nor soul
just a hole filled with nothing but decay
and mistakes left to rot...

But don't slay me, for I have so much to see
so much green left in nature and life,
a light almost vanishing yet clinging on
so swing along with the flick of a switch
that enriches the darker colours with light.
For tonight, I love and hate myself.
So help...switch on or off the light,
for I dare not ask...

who am I ?? A star or a monster??
 Nov 2016 joel hansen
Mike Hauser
while it is true
that i am not you
and i've no idea
where you've been
or what you're going through

i know the race
we are in is human
and we can run it together
no matter the color
of skin we're in

we all have a desire
that clearly beats from the heart
to live in peace
and harmony
whoever you are

and one day we will step
over the finish line
one people
hand in hand
all color set aside
 Nov 2016 joel hansen
My idiot words cannot express
The dying that I feel inside
Instead they
Idly show distress
So foolishly, I hide.
Each day sadly lingers on
Repeating endless
Another timeless
Wave of dread,
Upon this blackened sea.
Unlike the rest
Who pray and toil
To forever leave their mark,
I want to vanish
Without trace
Buried in the dark.
 Nov 2016 joel hansen
Old Soul
In my dreams I picture us,
Laying together,
But never sleeping through the night.
My fingers run through your long curly hair,
As you stare deeply into my soul.
You claw at my back,
As my body arches in pleasure,
You let a faint groan slip out.
I feel a faint breeze coming from the open window,
As we bathe together in the moonlight,
We hear the city that never sleeps below us.
You grab my neck and choke me,
As waves of pure ecstasy surge through me,
I bite my lip to prevent myself from making a sound.
I feel your love in the darkest parts of my soul,
And then I wake and realize it's only a dream.
The one thing that doesn't change is what I crave,
Just You and Me.
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