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 May 2014 Jedidiah
Sofia Paderes
It starts
with a warmth, like
fingers spreading thick in my belly
slowly making its way up, up, up
tickling my throat and
warming every inch of this body until
there’s nothing I can do to stop
my lips from parting
my hands from raising
my feet from dancing

How beautiful You are.

I feel it radiate, it seems to
vibrate from a well that’s deeper
than I’ve ever known
leaving me without words
and when I find them, they
The words
And I feel fire.
My heart swells,
and my bones breathe.
So this
is what it means
to be in love.
And I am so
in love.

How beautiful You are.

Walls torn down
pride crumbling
dry and broken
but I know
You’ll still draw me in, so here
I am
standing stunned at…
How do I begin to describe You?
whose lips burst forth light
and carved out mountains with precision
set the earth’s cornerstone in position
shut snowstorms in their storehouses
fastened galaxies in their places
You who
breathed out
morning stars.

How beautiful You are.

The sun sets, sinking
in colors of warm honey and
I feel You smiling down
on me, and You whisper,
“Child, this one’s for you.”

How beautiful You are.

And my mind just can’t wrap itself around You
and how You
command the clouds to roll like the sea
guiding lightning as it strikes soft earth
and how You
are so much bigger
than I could ever understand
but still are mindful
of man, how
great You are in
perfect faithfulness.

There is no end
to Your love, and if I
were to live and die
a thousand times, and if
the heavens fell
and the seas swallowed up the earth
and the sun stopped rising in the east
and the birds ceased their morning songs
still Your love would
And Your grace
which goes beyond my shame,
I’ve run out of similes and metaphors
to describe how vast
and amazing is this grace
You have that never seems to
run dry no matter how far I run
no matter how hard I fall
no matter how stone-like my heart’s become
Your grace carries me
telling me I’m still Yours.
And I
am forever Yours.

How beautiful You are.

Your heart bled at the sight of us
longing for a way to close the gap
millenniums of our pitiful good works
couldn’t close.
in promising to never again
wipe out the face of the earth despite our
stubborn souls sinning the same sins,
saying sorry while we slipped
blood money into our back pockets, we
Yet You

Death itself couldn’t keep You prisoner
I still can’t imagine how
Someone like You would
willingly lay His life down
for someone
like me, and I fall to my knees
remembering how
on the cross You
crucified my sins
in the grave You
buried my past
at last
we are free
we are redeemed
we are Your children,
chosen and forgiven
waiting until You
come again.

And if I come to You
before You come to me
and I’ll be running
straight into Your arms,
I don’t know if I’ll even have the
breath to say,

“How beautiful
You are.”
A spoken word poem written for Victory Fort's youth worship night.
 May 2014 Jedidiah
Wolf Irwin
I choose to be happy because who likes to be sad?
How can we have a good life if all we think is bad?
When the water gets rough the tough ride the waves,
There's better things to do then complain about your days,
Exercise choice to strengthen your fate,
Time is unlimited so its never too late,
If your trapped in your mind escape from that prison,
it's easy just as simple as making the decision,
Close your eyes and really take a listen,
Silence is the noise you must have been missing,
Then open your eyes and view this beauty,
One fact of life is its gorgeous truly.
your ears are jammed with
energetic beats and good melodies
though accompanied with
lyrical lies that
our views on what really matters and
who we are and how we should be.

and your eyes:
glued to the screen
as you await to see
if your face
is worth enough of those
tiny blue thumbs up.

you've absorbed
too much nonsense and radiation
from those handheld contraptions that
you have grown
too deaf and too blind
to see anything beyond yourself

but I say that it is time that you
look up,
open your eyes,
and see
His holy
glory setting upon
our minds waking
our hearts stirring
our passion blazing
our generation rising
our people fighting
our nation triumphing

look up,
open your eyes,
and see that
hope is alive and abundant!
because Hope is with us,
Hope is in us, and
Hope is through us.

all these chaos is translating
into something beautiful and exciting
so come
look up,
open your eyes,
and see.
I'm honored to be a part of this nation and this generation. Mabuhay tayong lahat!
Try talking to a solid brick wall
I'd rather be butchered by the entirety of Gaul.
Where the teeth are cemented in between
Lips sealed shut hiding things unseen.
Behind is a mystery, with no clue about
A waste of time for one to find out,
and explore and analyze and test and hypothesize
the infinite possibilities of outcomes and probabilities.
At the same note, the outside you see- hear cannot
Refusing Eye, Ignoring Ear, causing thoughts to clot.
One thing everybody knows is that
It's the only passageway to the brain. Fact.

Try talking to a stone brick wall
See if you get through or not at all.
Un-moving un-changing
Forever remaining.

*The same.
Inspired to write a poem with a rhyme scheme and flow similar to Gary Turk's spoken word "Look Up." Nevertheless, hope this poem was good. Feel free to interpret it.

Check out Gary Turk's spoken word "Look Up"
I think our eyes would light up and ignite
As we finally return His gaze on us.
And every second to eternity
Will be painted with joy as
We play hide and seek in the maze
Created by the train of His robe that fill heaven's halls.
Then we will swim and splash in His overflowing glory,
And in the towering staircase,
Race each other to His throne.
But no
We won't grow tired and weary
I think that we will even go ahead
And get dizzy from dancing in worship
And lose our breath from laughing and singing praises.

We might just turn heaven into a playground,
But then again
We are His children after all!
Some people think of the golden streets and big rooms when you mention heaven. But this is what comes up to my mind.
You explained how
your country is requiring men your age
to join the force
and serve for some years,
but that was nothing like your
voluntary obligation to your dreams
to become a valiant fighter pilot
and so

You said goodbye.

I understood that.
My dad was a soldier as well,
but instead of the sky,
he was a man of the seas and distant shores.

What I didn't understand was
how my mother
could possibly love someone
who was barely even there
but now

*I think I do.
This is 80% fiction.
I lay down on my warm bed
In the wee early hours of night
Where my thoughts will fly
Towards the rebirth of natural light

I fidget as I wonder
And ponder, What, How, and Why
But truly it's no matter
For I never wanted Goodbye.

To the good times even the bad,
all memorable and cherish-able,
Such little time I selfishly carved from
The infinite levels of my past timetable

Such foolery was the past
A huge emphasis on was
Living in the now
Fighting for a cause

Nothing quite big
Not really impacting
But I missed it, this.
I missed this Befriending.

The Questions beg to differ,
Really it's my biggest regret
What I have done is nuclear
And recovery is a long way yet.

I ******* up and run after
Change. Understandably so,
if circumstances won't permit
I understand that life will go.

I wish to bandwagon
but seems like there's no space
Too late, I waited forever
Alas I am in haste.

Curious to where it goes,
plenty of forks down that road.
From oceans and seas, to forests and mountains,
I'll still go on, whether I carry a heavy load.
Writing straight from the heart. I hope it made sense ^_^

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The current will sweep them of their feet
dragging them to where it is forked:
Spring Summer Fall Winter.
Separated by a hanging millimeter
of fragile strength and effortless support.
Yet he who hails from the softest town,
on the inside but not out, has
spinal chills when he entertains that which threaten
the balancing delicacy of a Thread.
A subtler way of screaming, "Argh!" Hehe.
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