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Feb 2015 · 1.0k
It's Been Years Feb 2015
He ascended to the room
That seemed to have blocked him from reconnaissance
For it takes the form of overlapped ropes

He explored the bastille
Where affection was imprisoned
For it was located in prison cells

He always knew
That freedom was sacred to the body
That exploration was claimed by the soul

But his love for adventures, uncertainty and even endangerment,
Has kept him close to both
Her brain and her *heart
Jun 2014 · 2.8k
Team pt. 3
It's Been Years Jun 2014
I know our team has struggles
                                  but I'm okay with that

our love is spread
                never dead
                         never dread

even though
some tears may be shed

even though
some fights might be held

so go ahead

ride your horse

wear your mask

set your tasks

hold you shield

cause we're both soldiers

fighters in this battlefield

Jun 2014 · 3.1k
Team pt. 2
It's Been Years Jun 2014
you're my oxygen
I can't breathe without you

you're my brain
I won't function without you

you're my blood
my body can't circulate without you

together we form a team:

so memorable
so inseparable
so impeccable

never degradable
never unacceptable

always unforgettable
always immeasurable

no one can ever calculate us

even though some might crave us

Jun 2014 · 2.6k
Team pt. 1
It's Been Years Jun 2014
we live in cities,

memories of us collide

and we never  have to hide

what we left behind

and we never really need to tide

cause our tears dried

and for our love we both plied

Jun 2014 · 836
la dictature
It's Been Years Jun 2014
Je sens

Comme une personne condamnée à mort pour n’avoir rien fait de mal

Comme une femme frappée, oppressée, torturée, pour le simple fait qu’elle est une femme

Comme un prisonnier enchaîné dans l’obscurité pour avoir découvert le soleil et son illumination

Ma mère m’a toujours dit: “Il faut suivre ses rêves et ses désirs mon cher”

Mais comment suivre ses rêves dans un monde éphémère, finite, où on nous impose des limites à toute pensée inventive?

La réponse est simple:
On ne les suit pas

Parfois, suivre ses rêves veut dire sortir de la norme quotidienne

Et cela semble être considérée, dernièrement, insupportable, insensée,

Comme un acte de rébellion dans un système draconien

C’est la dictature,
la monarchie absolue qui absorbe toute perception visionnaire

Jun 2014 · 5.2k
It's Been Years Jun 2014
A semicolon is used by an author when he could've ended a sentence, but chose not to

But what if I'm that author
and the sentence is my life
and when I could've ended it,
I chose not to

Then the semicolon
that helped me
save myself
is you
Jun 2014 · 2.2k
Think Hippie Thoughts
It's Been Years Jun 2014
"world peace





organic living




mind expansion






Jun 2014 · 1.4k
It's Been Years Jun 2014
people like us are never not broken,

we just learn
how to live with the pain
as it lodges in our souls

and stays there forever

Jun 2014 · 1.8k
Lose Yourself

— The End —