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 Sep 2014 myr
they told her to live a little
and she did.

a lil ****
a lil squeeze

pop a pill
cop a  feel

for some liquor
boys could freak her

a lil ***
a lil head
now she dead.

they told her to live a little
so she did.*

she didn't know better
she was just a kid.
 Sep 2014 myr
 Sep 2014 myr
People screaming, can't see it coming,
People  questioning, Theories explaining,
Tears streaming, hearts breaking,
Memories are singing, dancing,
Hopes sinking, Prayers shining

The Indian Ocean let them in,
Drowning the souls, into a depth that the world couldn't imagine,
To a whole new life they begin,
This is something that the world had never seen
#RIPMH370 my condolences to the family of passengers on board Flight MH370
 Sep 2014 myr
Raphael Uzor
Big Bird, a rare, fine brand
Taking off to air from land
Flapping her wings in midair
She soared, into despair.

We waited in your nest
But you vanished from the rest
Drowning hearts amid tears
Birthing panic, pain and fears.

What happened to you Big Bird?
Your voyage got so weird!
We awaited your return,
But our hopes, time has burned!

Two hundred and thirty-nine
Burning candles ceased to shine
Times like this I ask, "God WHY?"
As hearts and souls, melt and cry!*

© Raphael Uzor
May their souls Rest In Peace!!!
 Sep 2014 myr
My ears crave
The music of your voice
My lips covet
The familiar taste of your mouth
My eyes search for
The beautiful contours
Of your face
I anticipate
The scent of your skin
My flesh aches
For the flame of yours on mine
I am needing
 Sep 2014 myr
Marissa Kohlman
 Sep 2014 myr
Marissa Kohlman
Sacred words
Never meant for mortal eyes
Rest unspoken
Between mother and unborn son.
Felt but never heard
They wrap him
In a blanket of nurturing warmth
As he blossoms with divine guidance.
Loved above all else
An angel is born.
And those sacred words
Hang glittering in the air
As he opens his eyes to the world.
With love to my beautiful son.  You are my world.
 Sep 2014 myr
nina temple
 Sep 2014 myr
nina temple
her emotions may be vague,
as her eyes showed a dull colour,
and her pale skin was white as snow.

yet he can see the worry in her eyes grow,
and her lips curled down,
her soft voice somehow audible,
"How will I get out of this labyrinth?"

*- n.t
 Sep 2014 myr
Jessa May
I crave
 Sep 2014 myr
Jessa May
I crave for an understanding
Of what I'm about do
 Sep 2014 myr
 Sep 2014 myr
He said that he was scared of commitment
scared their relationship would be permanent
             And he couldn't handle that

*but his skin was covered in tattoos.
 Sep 2014 myr
Mike Eustace
 Sep 2014 myr
Mike Eustace
I drank once,
from the deep well of sleep
when cool waters refreshed this parched earth,
now barren without nourishing dreams.
My worries grow futile shoots
in the hardpack, they wither and die.
Ashes scattered dryly
fuel further frets.
This drought is not over.
Today I feel the weary from a night made sleepless by worry.  This poem sums up how stark my worries seem while the house is alseep.  Insomnia is a cruel mistress who deprives me of the luxury of vivid dreams.
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