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he searches though i am not lost
he worries when i am not close
he fears what keeps me away

though i am with him always
though he is my calm sea
though my heart lays within him
out of sight is NEVER out of mind.  I  only love forever.
you may call it
but you're just an *******
 Jun 2014 Giavanna Corriero
He was afraid of the reflections of hell
that could be seen on her fiery red lipstick.

Forgiveness that is unlikely,
her last words to him
burnt him from the inside.

Her heart was a game to him,
and now he'll have to beg for his life
to win it.
What a cheerful world
Mine has become
Since I started forcing myself

To smile when my alarm
Goes off


It takes less
And less
 Jun 2014 Giavanna Corriero
Ours was less an Arab Spring
and more a half-hearted coup d'état.
There was no immolation,
no burning desire on your part;
no passion in the streets of you.

You stole in at night
through a window I'd left open,
a crack in my need
for something more than mere
existence.  From me there was
no resistance.

I let you lead, and followed blindly;
my voice I raised on your behalf
against all that I had known before.
Your words, your whispers
alone could incite me to storm
against the strongest walls.

Now, as summer comes
and this sectarian affair,
this spring uprising
that we called us has ended,
I sweep the streets of our debris
and wander down
the empty avenues
of you, half-hearted.

r ~ 6/5/14
   |      الربيع العربي
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You enshadow all
Floating like fluid in
Liquid flutter in
Slow motion

A ghost in water
Framed with daylight
Dancing on
Underwater waves
The most beautiful dead
Object in the

I am an alien in
Your realm  
Unarmed against the forces of
Your otherworldly

I bow unto You  
As Poet
As Poet and unbreathing
And the memories we so lovingly crafted, like a child building sandcastles by the sea, will forever wash over me.
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