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KAE Jun 2018
I like tall boys
With huge hands
Large fingers
With rings on it
Marked veins  
Hands choking my neck
Calling me “baby girl”
With the thumb touching my lower lip
His nose touching mine
His lips next to mine
And lustful eyes
KAE Jun 2018
I found God
I found him in a lover
With his warm arms when he hugs me
And those sweet words that come out of his mouth
When I spend time with him
Specially when we are alone
Side by side
I feel like home
And he transmits me peace
KAE Jun 2018
she was so pure
she was a little ray of sunshine
she was bright

but she was broke
she cry  
she is so desperate in that sea of tears
she shouted for help, but nobody could hear her
she couldn’t deal with all of her demons
she wanted to tear off her skin

but no

she has to deal with her demons, including her three personalities

and that's when she knew that she is going to burn in hell
KAE Jun 2018
For a tiny soul.

She felt the need of run away from him. But she couldn’t. Couldn’t scape. She couldn’t run away from her creator.

A lion with his prey.
A prey with her lion.

A rabbit with a lion. That’s how she felt. Cornered by him. Controlled. Invaded. Repressed.

Years passed and the rabbit became a wolf. But not when she was close to the creator. She  became small. A rabbit, again.
KAE Jun 2018
“oh baby girl, as in the beginning, as everything has started. turn off your emotions, your feelings, everything. all over again. so you are not going to feel pain, love, sadness like a fool again. do it and we are going to be just the three of us together like the old times. do it and everything is going to be all right, again.”

K said to me.
KAE Jun 2018
Puede ser hiriente y mucho, conoce instintivamente los puntos débiles de los demás y su facilidad de palabra unida a su lengua viperina será suficiente para conseguir lo que quiere.

Ella adoraba jugar con la mente de los demás. Se mete en tu mente y juega con ella, saca lo mejor y lo peor de ti.

Ella es una gran maipuladora secreta, obtiene lo que quiere sin hacer una gran escena.

She is Katerina, my dark side.
KAE Jun 2018
I don’t remember exactly what day it was.
It was a weekday, the only thing that I remembered.
The day you left.
There was grief, sadness, pain and suffering.
Those feelings reigned in the living room of my house.
Tears were running down my cheeks from my reddened eyes.
Your soul wandered through the apartment.
Your smell, impregnated inside my nose.
Take years to accept your death.
My memories of you were all sad, even the happiest.
Today, what I cried in the past, became happy moments and smiles.

In memory of my Grandmother.
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