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A lifespan maybe short for achievements
Peace is Attainable
As I lay down in the soaked grass,
The mud squishing into every crevice and nook,
I imagine myself melting.

Like leftover snow in early spring,
When the first showers come and erase the remains of winter.

I am the winter.
The rain dissolves me with every drop,
Until I am nothing but an element
Absorbed by the earth.

And the world forgets I was ever here...
Poetry is
The dance that words make
Without the need
For music.
She saw me again, looked my way,
But I wasn't in her eyes.
Yet, I see her everywhere,
Even when she's not there.
How would you handle this.
What does one call this.
If you were sitting as I,
Looking through the throng
Of family and others,
Sitting through the ceremony,
You too would feel the entropy
Of vines tightening on your tongue,
Like ice cream melting in your bowl.
She looked again, I see,
But didn't quite see me.
I will steal away. Steal away.
As the day draws on
She strikes a fire
Pink and red candles
Project her desires
Flickering flames
Smoke in our lungs
Her dresser's an alter
Unto the Sun
Passion her offering
She straddles my lap
No need for instructions
Ancient writing, nor map
No day can be darkened
In the temples of her soul
Witches of the northern land
The place I call home...
Traveler Tim
High in the forest trees
Summer spirits
   Ride the breeze...
Timeless souls
Beneath they gather
Summer hearts
   Waxing fatter...
Summer romance
Nature's desire
All of her children
   Drawn to the fire...
Something else
Is about to bloom
   An Autumn Moon...
Traveler Tim
Cool winds are blowing
From dead grass will rise the green
Reason of the day
It was so hard to sleep yesterday night - so fricking hot! >.<
Anyway, I've had a really great day!
You guessed it! Another freeverse is official in the works! ;)
Right now I gotta put the produce away!
Be back soon!
Lyn ***
Do you know what I miss?

I miss the gentle smile that was for me,
the lingering looks with blushing cheeks,
the feather-like touch that revved up my senses,
the soft whispers full of affection.

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