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 Apr 2020 Kvothe
Lee Carter
 Apr 2020 Kvothe
Lee Carter
Are my skies dyed with melancholy?
Are these roses red with rage?
If fields can be greener on either side,
Then whose envy is the gauge?

Between the brightest blacks and darkest whites,
Grays a gradient of up and down,
Can I trust the amber in your eyes,
When mine are dog-**** brown?
 Apr 2020 Kvothe
Lee Carter
"Blasted black bats in belfry!

They blight the blessed bells!

I am bedeviled by beasts born without beauty nor belief.

Break them from their borrowed burrow!

Banish them back to where beasts belong...

Beneath the boots of their betters."
 Apr 2020 Kvothe
i love you
 Apr 2020 Kvothe
I cannot compose brilliant poems, sonnets, or verses,

and I cannot speak to you in Latin or Greek;

I cannot move you with any language made up by man.

Love is the only only language I could touch you with

If you only knew how much I could love you.

If you knew I love you;

If I were brave enough to tell you at all.
 Apr 2020 Kvothe
Carlo C Gomez
The lilt of your sea
Is a mystery to me,
The form of your lips
A vast calligraphy.

The shape and stem
Of your new world,
Impregnated with maudlin and marrow,
And how it curled, instead of set.

You are remarkably
Less an end to everything,
More a furtive wellspring.

O sweet custodian of paradise,
Please measure out your turn of phrase
In the language of light,
As we enter into the uncreated night.
 Apr 2020 Kvothe
 Apr 2020 Kvothe
Maybe I don’t know
like you do
how to tiptoe to the edge
barely getting in
barely feeling water on your feet
Maybe it’s because it scares me
I only know how to jump
All In
All In
I’m up to my waist
while you’re still at the shore
My legs feel like ice
but you’re walking away
 Apr 2020 Kvothe
wait here alone,
in breathless nothing.
If you tap me,
I’ll shiver like lightning,
or melt like daylight,
or implode like a star,
consumed by the weight of my own gravity.
I am not formed to be caressed,
but would die,
just to be touched,
for a blazing instant,
by you
 Apr 2020 Kvothe
Black Lilacs
 Apr 2020 Kvothe
Black Lilacs
blooming -

a blossoming
of grief -

dark fallen pollen
on the breeze -

I can see it falling
all around me -

there on the wall
for us to see -

April will be
the cruelest of them all.
“ April is the cruellest month, breeding
Lilacs out of the dead land...

I will show you fear in a handful of dust...

...And other withered stumps of time
Were told upon the walls;...”

T.S. Eliot, The Waste Land, 1922.
 Apr 2020 Kvothe
you get a call
 Apr 2020 Kvothe
you get a call
it’s too early
but too late all at once

you get a call
it is after midnight
he has the bottle in hand

you get a call
it is early morning
the pills are down his throat

you get a call
it’s one am
he tells you not to worry

you get a call
you don’t know how to feel
he says he’s done the bottle
(you don’t know if he means the pills or the water)

you get a call
you don’t know what to do

you get a call
it ends too soon
based off the time when my friend called me during a suicide attempt
 Apr 2020 Kvothe
Ryan O'Leary
 Apr 2020 Kvothe
Ryan O'Leary
Boris refused to be treated in
a Florence Nightingale style
field camp where a herd of
Friesians were grazing, but
that was not his main concern
it was because there was a ditch.
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