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Rigmarole Sep 2016
I am as delicate as a flower
made of ice
fine petals
gleaming in the sun
face turned
not knowing the fate ahead
I smile and shine and reflect
and just as the sun illuminates my face
I disappear without a trace
Rigmarole Sep 2016
Far away is not far enough
The red dust covers my feet
I walk and leave prints
But no one sees

Far away and forgotten
I float inches above the earth
My brooding eyes look about
Too many faces turn away

Red is the earth and red is my heart
I long for messages from afar
The spirits of the land whisper
And let me know that I am ok

I turn my back on past and present
Residing in this rocky place
Where what happens happens
Outside my being outside my space

It is my home and I belong
It gives me peace
Where I sing my song
I tried to drop into the spirit of ancestors in the red centre when I wrote this, it's makes me sad, but full of hope
Rigmarole Sep 2016
The first word rode in on a wave
the sound reverberates, recreates, and saves

the wave was strong and its centre pure
it sounds of aum and unity sure

the word it grew, it rippled through
it’s power pure yet open to slur

the wave of innocence without pretence
goes further without stopping yet never intense

it’s intentions from truth, it’s depths and youth
it washes clean, it’s current never seen

this wave still pushes, it’s caught us all
with nets hung deep to haul and maul

the word on a crest, it’s babble never rests
we laugh, and joke and jest at best

and yet the origin remains intact
we watch and wonder as it changes tracks

it alters form from time to time
and this is how we loose our rhyme

the trick you see is to understand
just what makes a man a man

we are but water, in us deep it moves
this word vibration, moving within the grooves
In the beginning there was a vibration
Rigmarole Sep 2016
All to readily I disagree
in spite of knowledge deep within me
to vex myself in such a way 
challenges and makes me disobey

Too short too quick I drop into responses 
but only to raise the heckles of dunces 
and engage to rage a million nuances
yet still I continue until I find
that one person that I can easily bind

A communication that’s easy to shift
that’s rewarding uplifting and holds a gift
to bring together inspired fresh thoughts 
and with new minds on these rare occasions 
when the like meets the like 
rewards me enough and entices celebrations
  Sep 2016 Rigmarole
John Stevens
Sunshine comes in many forms.
    -  -  -  -  -  -
That which comes up in the morning
and goes down at night.
And little girls who
are Grandma's De-light.
    -  -  -  -  -  -
She rises in the morning
sometimes cloudy,
sometimes bright,
but always Grandma's De-light.
    -  -  -  -  -  -
Sometimes she rains tears
torrential they may pour
but comforted by the voice
of the One who loves her so.
    -  -  -  -  -  -
Sometimes she shines bright
the warmth of hugs and smiles.
Love overflowing in the heart,
it's all Grandma's De-light.
    -  -  -  -  -  -
Love is forever and always
whether its stormy or bright.
Love covers all situations
For all is Grandma's De-light.
    -  -  -  -  -  -
Sunshine's  Eyes and Smiles
Light up the world around her.
Creating more smiles in their eyes
when first they did find her
    -  -  -  -  -  -
When Grandma's day is gloomy
Sunshine arrives with much to say
with happy stories, hugs and smiles
to brighten up the cloudiest day.
    -  -  -  -  -  -
When Sunshine goes to bed
it usually can be said
Sunshine's eyes cease to gleam
when energy's gone, time to dream.
    -  -  -  -  -  -
Eyes close and all is well
in Sunshine Land I do tell.
Grandma's De-light in peaceful sleep
The day is over, it will keep.
    -  -  -  -  -  -
She is after all
Grandma's Sunshine.

11-01-2014 (c)
John Stevens
Written by request of Grandma
Sunshine is five.
Going on fifteen.
Rigmarole Sep 2016
my mind is not mine I cannot see
I’m held within a cage of lost liberty
my days are not my own
them seem to be controlled
by people far too wealthy I'm told

my nights are filled with dreams
that warn of time fleeting
of heart ripped and torn
a body that longs to dance airborne
and move to express itself
with no one to approve or ignore

I look with admiration
at dolphins presentation
of joyous jumps and gleeful communication
and see their lives free of limitation
as a talisman of my renunciation

with closed eyes I lie still
and look behind to see all that fills
alone and all one
my chains are broken
and on the cliff edge
I jump
to be awoken
Just a note: I'm not going to throw myself off a cliff edge, my partner thought this was literal, no it's of course metaphorical ;-) trust the unknown....
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