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Rigmarole Sep 2016
With eyes squeezed closed tight
I wrung both my hands
And thought I had found myself
Cast adrift alone in far off lands

I slowly opened one eye a slot
And quickly realised I’d rather have not
I had wandered deep into a forest glade
Following the sound a warbler had made

And when I looked down I was amazed
To see bluebells dancing between grassy blades
Each bell seemed to call a certain sound
Ringing sweetly to me from all around

A bright gleaming light shot through the trees
And all about me the birds and bees
I began to feel a joy not known before
And allowed it to seep through every pore

I looked far beyond the bluebell haze
And thought I’d slipped into ecstatic daze
For there in front of holly trees
Stood a creature not know for centuries

It’s beauty and strength were felt at length
With eyes so bright I stepped back in fright
It’s mane was glorious it’s nature raw
And between it’s ears it’s magnificence I saw

For purity and grace come not often to face
With some thing so wild only a maiden can chase
I reached out my hand to offer it peace
And was surprised when it walked to me with such ease

It knelt down beside me and lay in the grass
I lingered a moment and time seemed to pass
We were lost in our day dream for ever some say
Just me and my legendary horse for the day
Rigmarole Sep 2016
I find pleasure in the smallest of things
in the glass like wings that a cicada brings
and from the small brown bird in springtime when she sings

I am amazed at the little things
like the slate blue sails of a boat in flight
and a moth who flies into the bright light

I fall in love on a daily basis with feathers I find in the oddest of places
and the ocean spray that splashes the faces
of giggling people in boats at the races
Rigmarole Sep 2016
she stood there on the side
blond curls bouncing with pride

Get it! Get it!
arms flung about announcing
pink shoes and blue jeans worn
with attitude of a more senior form

Get it! Get it!
before it’s too late
Get it! Get it!
the tide won’t wait

orange ball floating
being drawn in and out
as she stood there ordering
and starting to shout

a small group are playing
and arranging their roles
for a future life being
determined by personalities bold

Get it! Get it!
as blue shoes are soaked
in salty water and laughter provoked
all ends in happy joyfulness neat

but some are more happy
with their dry feet
Rigmarole Aug 2016
Buy me the Moon

A small boy walks with Mum having fun
On foot paths bathed in summer sun
He has something on his mind he want’s to express
And try to find the words without being a pest

He saw it you see the other day
In the shop down the road in a display
It was golden, it was silver, it was precious and round
And this little boy knew it cost more than a pound

He thought hard and deep, he ponders long and hard
And came up with just who would be happy to reward
He waited until his Mum made the weekly call
And hovered with patience until it was his turn to talk

Nana would you….
Nana I need…
Nana could you….
Nana please!

Could you buy me the moon, it’s in the shop
I want to see it each morning when I wake up
One day when I am big I’ll go there and see
Just who lives on this shiny ball of mystery
Moon, children, Nana, present, grandchild, innocence, love
Rigmarole Aug 2016
Close your eyes
staring at the sun
it’s dropping fast
burnt umber runs

Mountain auras
dividing shadows
lights the purple line
between day and night

Dark silhouettes
sinking deep
illuminates behind
the promise of sleep

Night stars cascading
emu peeps
between milky light
eternally creeps

Shooting stars bright
inner eye sees
cacophonies of colour
shapes our very lives

It’s dreams, it’s time
it’s endless and divine
this half way place
all here, sublime

It’s spirals, it’s dots
it’s country, it’s us
explaining the universe
simple yet complex
Rigmarole Jun 2016
I lay at peace
in happy dreams resided
aware of comfort
in a room warm and quite

to suddenly start
in mortal fear
of dark hand grabbing
and drawing me near

it pulled me hard
it’s weight eternal
it’s dark brown shape
too small to be paternal

my life in it’s hands
was worth the fight
an attack like this
in the dead of night

it made me scream
kick with all my might
with sheet wrapped
and strangling tight

I thrashed and screamed
and trusted only myself
nothing else could save me
from this psychic elf

it was it or me
I was determined to prevail
I cursed its gloom
it’s morbid wail

I felt no fear
I held my ground
until it realised me
and slipped and slithered
far beneath me

my breath returned
I came into this place
and checked each corner
and crack without haste

and beneath each sheet
I peered and scanned
to find this shapeshifter
had fled this land

this demon who visits
from time to time
I have become accustomed to
fighting with this power of mine

I don’t welcome him
I don’t decline
but I do know
I am ready
for the next time
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