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 Jan 2021 Farida Salem
Luna Maria
are the ink
for the pen
a poet uses
to write
- L.M.
 Jan 2021 Farida Salem
Shi Em
but i guess we're always
going to be lonely;
and maybe that's just
what it means to be
truly alive.
“You have to move, get up.”
“I don’t want to.”
“This is sad you need to get over yourself.”
“I’m broken, and I don’t think I can be fixed.”
“Then fake it. Get up and put on a smile.”
“It hurts too much; I just want to cry.”
“No crying! It’s not worth it.”
“But I just can’t let go…”
“You have to move on. It’s the only way.”
“Please, all I want is five minutes to let it all out.”
“You’re pathetic. Fine. Five minutes.”
“Thank you,” said the heart.
“You’re welcome,” said the mind.
And the heart and mind cried together.
Just for five minutes.
LHB 2019
 Jan 2021 Farida Salem
 Jan 2021 Farida Salem
and when you said
laughter is like a foreign language
i imagined that i was
teaching you how to
speak it
jcl. you said you don’t laugh much just in general, but i sat with you for two and a half hours and that’s all we did. i’ve missed this. i’ve missed you.
 Jan 2021 Farida Salem
 Jan 2021 Farida Salem
Late night texts
Sleepy eyes
Small smiles

Stolen moments
Held inside
Beating heart


Left alone
Tear filled eyes
Chapped lips
Scarred thighs

Empty promises
Cast aside
Broken heart

there's a reason why its called a crush
I found
Your picture
And it
Didn’t hurt
To look
At first
Then I
Longed for
The stabbing
Pain in
My heart
As much
As I
Long for
More grief. Different stage.
 Jan 2021 Farida Salem
Mitch Prax
To this day,
your name
still hurts my tongue
but I still say it anyway.
Sometimes I like to
hear my soul
gently tear itself
 Jul 2020 Farida Salem
your name is
forbidden in
my mouth
or in my heart
because when
i think about

i'll cry a little more,
hurt a little stronger
love a little softer
because you no longer
make me feel sober

i'm drunk on the
memory of you
if only i could chase you with pizza but shots don't work like that
 Jul 2020 Farida Salem
you inhale tragedies
and exhale poetry
From where do you get your perseverance?
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