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all these pretty people
with ******* flawless skin
unblemished bodies
to contain their confident
loving souls
i look in the mirror
and i cry
i can't take what looks back at me
its agonizing imperfections
and taunting discontentment
tonight i want to die
but i won't tomorrow
so i hold on
despite hating myself entirely
        All the poems I write
just the beginning
                              and end
               of every thought
   I've ever had about you.
 Mar 2016 Gracie Anne
 Mar 2016 Gracie Anne
Speak not of dark things under your bed
For little child they're all in your head
But don't tell mommy
Or she will see
The madness that grows from the seed

I'll hide until night when all asleep
Then I'll come out for you to keep
A plaything I am but not a toy
Just a special demon
For you to enjoy

Don't be frightened of my looks
Or try to hide behind a book
I'm here always as night draws in
Waiting for playtime to begin

So early to bed and close those eye's
Pretend to sleep and get your suprise
As knurled hands reach up for you
And drag you down to your dark tomb
 Feb 2016 Gracie Anne
Cat Fiske
I have read so many wonderful poems,
haiku's, 10 words, so many more, and none are alike!
But we tend to forget about spoken word poems,
Hello Poetry, can you make it possible to share our spoken words as well as our massive pile on's of endless poetry. Spoken Words would add to the sight, and only make it better.
I wish I could also Use Hellopoetry on my mobile phone, in an app,
I'm not sure about anyone else, but that would maybe add to HP

Please consider what I've had to say, c:
Please send repost like and share and comment anything else you think the sight needs since it's growing in great ways. Please share and like if you agree c:
 Feb 2016 Gracie Anne
Dylan Lane
the less you eat,
the less you weigh
it'll show more every day

the more you eat,
the more you grow
and getting fat is a big no

so stop eating
it'll all be fine
just stop eating,
but dont you whine

if you stop eating,
you'll look like me
and dont you see
how happy you'll be?
clearly, you wont be happy if you listen to the song.
Where is my little angel at this very night?
Cold and lonely by the bedside, wish she could take a bite
Bad girl! How could you?!
Give up on what you worked for?
Now we have to start over, once more.
My little angel, listen to me.
I will help you strive to become the person
Your mom seeks you to be.
Wouldn't want to make her upset, would we?
Perfection is key.
Make them proud.
Keep them happy.
My little angel, we can do this.
Sleep now and remember I will be in your dreams.
Till you come to me.
anorexia and binge eating disorder
depression and OCD
reactive attachment disorder
sexually assaulted
sensory processing disorder
resentful toward mother figures
fearful of father figures
people pleaser
desire to be perfect
high expectations for herself

"im not sure how i am going to help you. but i will do my best" -she says
I want to be skinny
I want to fit in
I want to have blue eyes
and clear perfect skin
I want to hear my voice
without regret
I want to share this love
with someone I'll probably forget

I want to feel the pain
I want to tear my skin
to bruise and bite every inch
I want to feel the numb
and stop the pain
I want to eat and smile
maybe just be a little
happy again
 Feb 2016 Gracie Anne
I snap elastic bands around my wrist
as retribution for craving food; eating I must try to resist.
I spend hours in the cubicle purging everything from within,
this monster attacks me from inside and ignites beneath my skin.
I cry when I look in the mirror and see my grotesquely fat reflection,
and my cheeks are red and extra puffy and I have a pale complexion.
I weigh myself at every opportunity that I get,
and if I haven't lost a single pound I break out in a sweat.
I exercise and exercise until I feel faint and dizzy,
and run around abstaining from eating by keeping busy.
It's sleepless nights with painful tummy twinges,
writhing in discomfort and filling the air with screaming whinges.

And it's dealing with comments like "you don't look like you have an eating disorder"
because I am not stick thin, no - I am a normal weight and on the other side of the border.
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