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Sep 2020 · 245
unfortunate Sep 2020
I’m miscellaneous
In the background
Something you wouldn’t notice
Even if it were gone
Jul 2014 · 664
unfortunate Jul 2014
you told me to hold my breath
I held my breath for you
but you kept me waiting too long,
and then you left...
and I lost my breath.
Jun 2014 · 2.4k
rope metaphor
unfortunate Jun 2014
I'm just an old rope
slowly untangling with each stressful pull
wanting to be strong as I once was
wanting to be together again
waiting for the moment when I fall apart
May 2014 · 979
unfortunate May 2014
my mind contradicts my heart
my eyes betray my ears
twisted every way
your sweet love:
by your carelessness
am I wrong to crave your love still?
May 2014 · 2.0k
unfortunate May 2014
I can not look into his deep eyes
and not melt away
every inch of my being
wanting to be closer to his identity;
the birth place of his emotions,
close to mine.
May 2014 · 1.8k
vinyl simile
unfortunate May 2014
life is like a record
there are two sides
if you listen to only one side
you never know what's on the other,
you could be missing the lovely music on the other side;
if you choose not to move on in life,
you won't be able to see what's in store
for you
Apr 2014 · 829
unfortunate Apr 2014
I don't know what I'm seeing
but I'm looking right at you
I don't know what I'm hearing
your lips are next to my ear
I don't know what I'm feeling
that's the worst feeling in the world
Just pull my body close to yours and
maybe I will see
maybe I will hear
maybe I will feel

Apr 2014 · 450
unfortunate Apr 2014
water fills my ears
making the sounds around me
soften and fade away
my heart beats it's
sad melody
I lay and listen to it for quite some time
before I get the courage to resurface
Apr 2014 · 1.1k
Replaying memories
unfortunate Apr 2014
When people say
"music is life"
it makes sense
we allow our memories to live
within the music we listen to
so when we have a song on repeat
we're actually replaying the memories
so we will never forget
all the wonderful times
or the horrible, sad ones


— The End —