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May 2016 · 1.5k
Mangled Broken
LveYourLife May 2016
Just last week I found
my tumbled sea glass heart.
It was on the beach,
next to the broken shells
and abandoned fishing line.
Dusting off my skinned-knees
and brushing away sandy shoal,
I found the green bit of mangled broken.
It was more beautiful now, perhaps.
For being tumbled had made it
in the palm of my hand.
A rounded, misshapen triangle-
glinting with salty brine,
green as the tumultuous sea.
Just last week I found
my tumbled sea glass heart.
Mar 2016 · 1.2k
LveYourLife Mar 2016
There is no word more painful than the word


Maybe they loved each other or
maybe she could have made it or
maybe it would have all been okay.
If they had tried. Maybe. But it never was and never will be.  

A word with so much potential.
So much unknown.
Maybe, but no one will ever know.
Mar 2016 · 2.2k
LveYourLife Mar 2016
I am built like city blocks
crooked and running in all directions.
My veins run up and down like busy streets,
lit by headlights and street lamps.
My scars are like demolished buildings,
a reminder of something that once was.  
I have a skyscraper mind that
reaches higher than anything else.
My heart is a monument that many see
but don't really know.
My thoughts are subways and buses that
move everywhere all at once.
There is no stopping- only a hushed hurry.
I am hard and concrete, my sidewalks are stained;
but to some, I am home.
I have hidden secrets inside, that you only know once
you decide to stay in the city
and choose to love me.
Mar 2016 · 546
Without Noticing
LveYourLife Mar 2016
I want you to wear me like your favorite t-shirt
that you throw on during rainy days or
lazy Sunday mornings.
Drink me as if I am your daily cup of coffee,
before it's safe, too hot on your lips.
Touch me the way you read a novel during a silent midnight
when you can't put it down
and you have to know how it ends.
Let me kiss you the way the wind does.
I want to follow your veins like they're highways
leading to my favorite city.
Let me be your piano
and I will play music when you touch my soul.

Love me the way you love your life.
Beautifully. Fully.
Without noticing.
May 2015 · 1.5k
LveYourLife May 2015
I was 1000 pieces, it said so on the box.
A thousand tiny details beneath a dusty lock.
People loved the challenge and would open me
Only to sort through for the piece they needed.

If the piece didn't fit,
It simply wasn't worth it.
And within a moment,
I understood it.

Everyone wanted my pieces to fit together quickly,
But this takes time and can be tricky.

Did being on the shelf
Make me selfish?
Or was it wise
To disguise
My flaws?

Time passed and I never did get assembled.
I didn't even resemble
What I should've.

And then one day, I met you.

Suddenly, I wasn't 1000 separate parts.
I was infinite, older than the stars.
You held each piece and felt the bumpy edges,
My crests and ledges.
And slowly slid each one into place,
A look of certainty across your face.

You smoothed my cracks,
And I no longer lacked

You made me whole again.
And right then,
I knew
That all I had been missing

Was you.

— The End —