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 Dec 2020 Ellie Taps
Young Love.
 Dec 2020 Ellie Taps
You never fail to put a smile on my face
And when I'm next to you
I wouldn't wanna be in another place
I know you think that I don't know what I'm saying
But just know that I mean it, and I'm not playing

You make my stomach flip, like a roller coaster that'll never drop
And every time we kiss, its like we're making time stop

Those big, goofy ears
That **** side smile
It's everything about you
Your walk, your talk, your style

Those morning texts with a bunch of hearts
Couldn't think of a better way for my day to start

I'm down for you, but are you down to ride?
Just say the word, and I'll be the Bonnie to your Clyde
I want you to be here, right by my side
Cuz that's the only place where I don't have to hide

The way you turn me on with the simple things you do
And the happiness you've given me
If only you knew...
And it scares me cuz it all seems too good to be true
But it's all worth it every time you call me your boo

I never thought I could admit it
But I really just want you...♥
Thank you, for opening my eyes to the beauty that this world has to offer.
 Dec 2016 Ellie Taps
I searched for God in the sounds of the seas
oscillating butterfly wings
clinging of communion wine glasses
page after page after page in libraries
children laughing
ghastly howls of tornadoes
calls of wild birds

I listened to the rumbling of my inner wars,
I did not hear Adonai's voice there
until I opened the Bible ...

I heard Job loudly grieving his colossal losses
Jonah's boat crushed in a sea creature's mouth
crusty sound of Lot turning into stone
Samson pulling pillars apart
Daniel whimpering among surrounding lion growls
cries of women and children killed
blood dripping from the sword that beheaded John
whiplash echoes, soldiers spitting on Jesus
the rooster's third cry.. then Peter's cry
coins rattling in Judas' pocket
Mary mourning her son's death
warm dry winds blowing in 40 years of desert wastelands

and then I heard

the burning bush and Moses taking off his sandals
roaring thunders turn into calm waters
David singing palms
clapping dove wings, ascending down on Jesus
waters and rejoicing of baptised folks
waving palm leaves and announces "Hosannah!"
the pounding feet of a lame man now leaping
breaking of bread at the feast of the Table
rolling away of the Jesus' tomb stone

and then I know what I will hear one day...
well  done  my  good  and  faithful  servant
until­ then...
be  still  and  know  that  I  am  *God
 Nov 2016 Ellie Taps
no clouds
 Nov 2016 Ellie Taps
there are
no clouds
in the blue sky,
yet it's still flawed.

there is
make up on
your beautiful face,
yet you're still *flawed.
 Feb 2015 Ellie Taps
DC raw love
If you were to smile
your face would crack

If you were to laugh
the earth would shake

If you were to hold me
there would be no tomorrow

If you were to say "I love you"
the world would end
 Feb 2015 Ellie Taps
JK Cabresos
Love me like no distance
can ever tear us apart,
Love me like the moon,
shines for the stars.

Love me like there is
no tomorrow,
Love me forever and I will
grow old with you.

Love me like the night,
dies every morning to breathe,
Love me like you can never
love someone else.
"Just like a rubix cube
I'll eventually figure myself out"
Take a deep breath.
Now let it out.
Keep your thoughts to your self.
Mask your feelings with a smile.
Embrace yourself with laughter.
Now stop looking in the mirror and have a test drive.
Go outside.
Present yourself.
Did you fail?
Or did you succeed?
Did you hide who you are?
Or did you show what you really felt?
Now tell me.
Im listening.

Please dont lose who you are.
Cause i almost did in trying to become who i'm not.
Be happy with your skin
Embrace yourself!
Embrace who you are and not what they think you are.
Smile and live a little.
Find someone who won't judge or disrespect you.
If you manage to find that person, keep them close.
Tell them what you feel and what you've been feeling.
They'll listen.
I promise.
 Jan 2015 Ellie Taps
I Wish.
 Jan 2015 Ellie Taps
I wish I wasn't shy
I wish I could be myself
I wish they could see
I'm just like everyone else

I wish I could share my thoughts
I wish I could speak my mind
But the harder I try
The more my tongue is twined

I wish I was transparent
So people could see
That the wall I put up
Is just for security.

I come off as distant
I come off as aloof
But take a look in my heart
And you will find proof.

I am no different than you.
My brother walked in saw I was crying said

It's okay sister X-mas is only 4 hours away. Merry Christmas!

So I punched him the stomach and said

Get off me you little brat!! You don't ******* care and it's not a Merry ******* Christmas!!

He just sat and stared at me and said

Santa will make it better I promise

I just looked at him and said

Santa doesn't exist... Now get out

He got up started crying and left my room.

I slammed the door shut locked it and grabbed my knife,
Then I looked on my dresser and saw what he left me:

I know things have been hard and I've been really mean and said some really mean things to you. I'm sorry *****, I love you very much.
Just please don't cut anymore I don't want you to cut too deep and die.
I would die if I never got to see you again.
I love you with all my heart, Merry Christmas!
Love, Layne.

I put my knife down and went to find him, but he was already in bed.
I feel so bad!! My 11 year old brother was trying to make me feel better and I pushed him away. I think I broke my Brother.
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