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 Jan 2015 Ellie Taps
The only thing I can't stand is hearing sorry from someone who doesn't mean it.
Makes me want to scream
Look with your heart
Hear with your eyes
Speak with your soul
Listen with your mind
Help with your hands
Pay with your Love
Look past differences
Created by us
Conscience wants to speak
Give it a chance
We are all together
Let’s celebrate the diversity
Makes the Earth, colorful
 Jan 2015 Ellie Taps
Joe Spicher
You know our spot,
That place where we would sneak out to in the middle of the night?
Of course you do.
Well I snuck out there tonight,
Just like the old days.
It was a cold, clear night.
Stars shining, wind chilling.
I even went out at our usual time, 2:00.
It was pointless,
I knew you wouldn't be there.
But I can hope can't I?
My mouth even got dry on the way out there,
Just like it always did.
Yours would get dry too.
I miss those nights under the stars.
I would do anything, ANYTHING, for just one more of those nights.
But for now, I can only hope.
 Jan 2015 Ellie Taps
 Jan 2015 Ellie Taps
I was taught to never speak to boys, to avoid them completely, in order to obtain a clean reputation.

When in reality, I will eventually end up sleeping next to one for the rest of my life.

I was taught to never raise my voice, that a girl should always be quiet and respectful to others.

When in reality, I never learned how to stand up for myself.

I was taught that parents always knew what's best.

When in reality, I question their decisions everyday, wishing I had taken more control of my life growing up.

I was taught many things that I find to be far from real.

Each lesson emerging to me from beneath the false truth.

But I was also taught many ideas that still stand with me today.

I was taught to feel beautiful in my own skin.

I was taught to always be grateful, regardless of my status.

I was taught to love, to share, to understand, to care.

And it's lessons like these that have guided me through the darkest tunnels of life.
For a long time I struggled with the differences between the ideas that I was taught as a child, and the realities of life.
I'm afraid to step back into reality
I like it here in my fantasies

Where the grass is greener
And all you can hear are children's Uncontrollable Laughter

Smiles with no frown
Where the world is no longer upside down

A world full of dreams and goals
When Santa gives you coals

You turn into something useful
And where everybody is calm and not stressful

Imagine a world with no invasion
Where everybody genuinely respects each other's religion

No guns, no air crafts basically no wars
The only painful thing you had to do was your chores

Cancer was just a horoscope and not a disease that takes over your life
Where you cut not your skin but your food with a knife

Where education is more valued then what you wear

Imagine life, With full of amazing things.
Where everybody is treated like kings

I call it wonderland
Cause you constantly wonder of your perfect land

It maybe not the same as mine
In my mind is perfectly fine.
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