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baby girl quit being so naive
she doesn't love you nor does she even like you
she doesn't have to say it because actions speak louder than words
she doesn't care when your sad, all she does is yell
but she treats all the others like angels
what did i do to deserve this hell?
all i want is a little attention
the attention that i don't get from anyone else
as much as i hate to admit it to myself
I love you.
i have for years
and as much as i want it to leave
it never will
so i just have to live with the excruciating ache in my heart
that you hate me.
You always have.
 Jun 2015 Eliza Ramerez
Underneath the moon, in the sea.
The only place away from chaos, in peace.
Plunging downward into the deep.
To extinguish this burning flame in me.
There isn't true life without death.
Death of the old me.
Sensing awareness in each breath.
I just want to go away in peace.
Underneath the moon, in the sea.
This is the place to be.
Although I feel this life isn't for me, I have to believe in something or else I'll fall for anything.
I've never lived before.
Eternity spent, soul locked beneath the floor.
Realization seeps into my pores.
This is the calm before the storm.

The view of the shore.
What does life mean anymore?
On the land, I'm feeling so restless and my confidence is so scarce.
Burning heart, I'm selfless and conscienceless, but these dreams help me to bare.
There is goodness with you to spare.
Ignorance polluting the air.
So I'm underneath the moon, in the sea.
Embody the art within the.
We were all created for a special purpose. Believe in your dreams, and you can conquer anything.
 Jun 2015 Eliza Ramerez
Love potion's scented with my smell.
Said I'm a lightweight but I do it so well.
What I do to you with no hesitation could send us both to hell.
Is it wrong that I'm okay with that?
Said just keep moving in circles like that.
Once I put this on you, all else on your mind fails.
With a touch so sweet and a feeling so deep like a fantasy that's real.
Need I remind you what I'm here for?
To give you what you've never felt before.
What's really true anymore?
Light of the new world, I can show you more.
Even when I'm down with a crooked crown, hopes are still high.
Feels much better when it's wetter and raining down my sides.
When you splash inside, drown in mine, like a crashing tide.
Open up your pretty big mind, you don't have to hide.
What you hold inside is a bigger prize.
Let's just fly away and soar where all the birds go.
Welcome to my world, you've been touched by Virgo.
The way you walk
right by me
Every detail of beauty
noticed so finely.

The days at end
your the only thing
that plagues my mind
Like a sweet sting.

You make it all okay
just knowing you exist
In my world
or the next

Bliss in a solitude
of your making
Take me into you
a heart so breathtaking

If you ever notice
how much I care.
That big heart maybe
one day you'll share.
© All Rights Reserved Jack Thompson 2015
How sweet it is
Cactus breeze

The sticky sweet flavors coating my lungs
Drowning out her laugh
Focusing on his smile

They all know my name
Say it with enthusiasm
Protest loudly when I say I have to leave

I stay an extra hour
But none of them really notice
They are too busy

Her laugh is all his smile sees
All my lips do is paint a smile
And take another hit

I am not alone in my chain smoking
This is a two person caterpillar
One with history

We stay put that extra hour of mine
Close together on that couch
Smoke hiding us from everyone

The lights are dimmed
We are alone
Nothing happens

We talk and talk
For what seems like hours
Though it’s only one

My head rests on their chest
As I take another hit
Their arm lays comfortably over me

All of this is familiar
None of it feels wrong
Yet it isn’t as everything belongs

We speak like the old friends we are
No hidden lust
Just real words in a world of smoke

I no longer care what his smile sees
I am happy where I am
Talking of past adventures

Another comes in
Says they’re leaving
We both protest loudly

Plans are said to be made then
We all want to invite his smile
But not her laugh

I don’t feel guilty for my thoughts
I am allowed to have them
To act on them

Her pale skin in the harsh light
I can barely understand
What power she holds over him

But some how I hold similar
I happen to not try to wreck friendships
As she already attempted

The maturity that our host shows
Is astounding
He didn’t win but still stands

We all are proud of him though
Even if some are unaware
Of the battle that occurred

He made it! He made it!
All of us gathered here to celebrate
Our hosts accomplishment

The roasts that occurred
Bring smiles to everyone's face
Even my painted on smiles turn true

This group
Even if I am new
Feels like home

I’m comfortable staying on the couch with old friends
Or venturing out with new ones
Staying put by one’s self is accepted as well

I can’t believe this group is leaving
I am one of the few who will stay
They all will be moving away

For now we all relish each other
Those of us who have known one another for forever
Or those who have just met

These summer nights will be some of the best of our lives
Laughter mixing with
Hookah smoke
I am falling in love
But for once its not with a person
It's with a group
And a life
This is going to be great <3
 Jun 2015 Eliza Ramerez
Lenny M
You like a certain type of dude
it is obvious I'm not that guy
Star player Ball player
Player Player
My default settings are
Play Shy
Hustle Hard
Critical Mind
but you're Oblivious
Enticed by
The Lifestyles' of the Rich & Famous
I grew up Poor & Dangerous
but learned and later on
Thrived from it
so values is a term I hold dear
I work to Succeed
but won't lose my integrity to greed
I'm a hard case with soft heart
you could NEVER understand that
If you're a Material Soul obsessed with the Material World
$elf Esteem Waaayyyy Up , I Feel Blessed
I was awake swaying to the sounds
Of a sadness that I have always known
And as I sat there in stabbing silence
I could have swore I heard the creak
Of the floorboards screaming under a weight
As those approach me with sudden movements
I steadily drift off to my eternal sleep
I remember the first time I *******,
I thought I was having a seizure-
or that I had somehow malfunctioned the Matrix
and had broken through
a fold of reality;
some white-noise ladder to greater plains,
throbbing, animal convulsions,
and a peak that only death
could overpower.

I remember crashing into shame
upon my return, versus the smug welcome
of oxytocin and my adult life;
not knowing to what extent
my ***** would dominate my mind;

you know, I cannot write a poem
without noticing my loneliness,
all the ******* I have left behind.
For that moment, in my New Found ******,
I was paralysed at the thought of a sober life,
and ever since that moment,
ever since that night,
I have been searching for those higher plains
in the lowest branches of myself.

Now I smoke my fill and redden my eyes
to bleed out old anxieties,
dry up old tears whilst softening scars
that I have collected over years
spent indoors, hiding from danger.
I remember the first time I *******,
how it came to me by accident,
a repeated motion of unknown emotions;
the undulations in her breath;
even now I still sit by myself,
and make love out of whatever is left.
(C) 26.05.2015
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