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life is a gambling, challenging place
it all gets done at your very own pace
you can glide and go quietly smooth
but there are pitfalls and much to loose
stick it, turn it , make a jumble and mess
what may come out is much more... not less
talk tough,  move easy with style and grace
people will know and respect your place

with passion and purpose things get in disarray
adversaries ready to proclaim touché
battles so fervent, plentiful and terse
around the next corner what's is coming worse
like the crystal skies that usher past a storm
all is made calm and will return to norm
stay focused on how to get it all done
because you'll always be doing it while on the run
vegetarians rock

we don't derive satisfaction
in skewered meat, spit kebab, meat buffet or a banquet
we are told of how much we are lacking in nutrition and protein
we don't mind to eat tempeh,tofu,lentils,eggs,diary or skewered vegetables
we are vegetarians of family preference, religious reasons, animal rights or health issues

researches found that your love takes twice more
requires so much energy to digest
more energy less fatigue and stress
to live long without stroke, heart attack, high blood pressure or diseases of kind
well I'm not cynical, eat small pieces

just because we don't hear
just because we don't see
doesn't mean it's not there
the pain these creatures we domain over feel
heartless humans without hearts to feel
maybe we open blind eyes
maybe we turn deaf ears
to them
but I tell you it's there

we hear and
we see
we are different from you
we are different from the ways of the world
we love it
we are vegetarians and
we rock!
it is safer a vegetarian life style to a disease-full life
 Jul 2016 Eleanor B
One. No matter how much you scrub at yourself in the shower, you will never wash the feeling of his hands from your skin. You will learn to be okay.
Two. His lips tasted like strawberries and you'll never be able to eat them again without tasting something sour.
Three. Getting under someone else won't fix your problems, but it will help you forget.
Four. Hearing her name will spark a fire so intense in your chest that you'll think all of the flowers have been burnt, but I promise you they will grow back.
Four. It will pass.
Five. He'll never get tired of the way your body feels underneath his.
Six. Let him miss you.
Seven. Let him be angry that he lost you.
Eight. Let him hurt.
Nine. Burn his t-shirt. Burn his boxers. Burn the love notes. Burn everything and let the ashes be the last of him.
Ten. He'll get bored of her too. Don't let him crawl back to your bed.
Eleven. You'll let his empty coffee cup fall to the floor and you'll let it smash and then you'll cry as you pick up the pieces and you'll write a dumb poem about how your heart was his mug and he let it smash and then you will delete it and then you will heal. It will be okay. You will make it.
Twelve. Your first heartbreak will never prepare you for your second love.
 Jul 2016 Eleanor B
i am scared of not being loved.
i am scared that when im 45 years old,
i will climb to bed alone,
wishing, regretting.
i am scared of not being worthy of love.
i believe in true love and soulmates,
i just don't believe that it's for me.

i am terrified.
what if they find my body days after i died, all alone in my bedroom?
 Jul 2016 Eleanor B
I saw the way you see her
You love what you see
She is all you want
You need her more
I love you I don't know
You don't care anyway
I hate that I want you
She is everything for you
All that I want to be
You like her more and more
While I cry silent tears alone
I need you to need me
You know that I need you
You chose her and walked away
For all those who will never be enough.
 Jul 2016 Eleanor B
beautiful lie ...
I love you.

and this

broken promise ...
I'll never leave.

 Jul 2016 Eleanor B
 Jul 2016 Eleanor B

Bound​ by these chains

I am forsaken.  
Abandoned by His blessing

I am ******
to a suffering eternal.

The shackles which grasp my feet grow tighter with every step I take.
The unbending ​fastening held by the constraints around my neck becomes narrow as it breaches my flesh
Granting me only enough air to stay conscious

But I am not apperceptive, I am not cognizant,
I do not understand.

I would sacrifice my heart for the savor​ of authentic human affection

For the sensation of a kiss can only linger in my mind for so long
the saccharine taste shall cease eventually
Oh, my sweet, sweet propensity

Like Ulysses
I wish for wax, to block out the melodious call of that siren song
To impede the outside noise of those whom I will never truly feel

I yearn to rewind time like the wheels of a broken watch
And return to yesterday,
For I met affection then
if only for a moment.
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