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ej Apr 2018
It's 11:59
And i think about you.
The last person i think of,
And the first person i'll be thinking of.

12:00, i wonder if you think of me too.

12:00; today
ej Apr 2018
I thought long and hard
Of what it means to love.
Is it giving a flower or a card?
Or giving all you have?

And then i met you.

You told me you loved me and I said, "why would you, are you crazy?"

You only replied,

"Because love gives you a crazy kind of brave."

ej Apr 2018
"Why do you love me?"

"Because I do."

"Whu are you risking everything for me?"

"I don't know. I'm crazy for you. And love, I guess, gives a crazy kind of brave."

ej Apr 2018
What a shame
That the girl who once believed in
Magic and fairytales
Had to grow up in reality
Of the bruised society.

ej Apr 2018
I'm still here
waiting for you
in the same spot
unable to move

i'm still here
waiting for you
in the same spot
where you left

i'm still here
although you have been
long gone

How can i leave?
if all of my steps lead me to you?
how can i forget you?
when it's you that my heart wants

i want to break free
i want to end this

but my love, i am still here.
ej Apr 2018
before you hold me,
may i know how you'll let me go

before you love me,
may i know how you'll unlove me

how you'll leave and
how you'll wander away from me

in that way, i won't get lost and wander by myself

tell me how, so that i'll know the path to where to start from again
ej Apr 2018
I regret the summer i ran away
The summer in the dark
Where i should have stayed with you

The time ran out, where were we

I regret the summer i was afraid
The summer night
Where i should have said my love

The time ran out for us

My love, i never confessed.
ej Apr 2018
Sadness looks good on nobody.
But one wears sadness
Like it is a second skin.
ej Apr 2018
ej Apr 2018
I was warned
about the dangers of the night
About the strangers in the dark

But i was never warned
About the boy who break hearts
About the boy who has a heartbeat

And in a heartbeat, I was broken.


— The End —